Recent content by amigo

  1. amigo

    NBA 2023-24 Season Thread - The Lakers Lose, America Wins

    And Mavs win with 3.5 to 1. +0.5 comes when someone's elbow lands on Towns' pussy... I mean face, and he gets wheelchaired off the court. And I mean a proper job, not some AD soy crap. Didn't see that one coming. I was happy they crapped on M$ clippy in the first round (and Denver took care of...
  2. amigo

    TV shows that could no longer exist

    Blackadder, Fawlty Towers. MWC and Monty Python have already been mentioned.
  3. amigo

    Furiosa (2024)

    Apparently they CGI'd her face so she would gradually transform from the chapter1/2 girl to ATJ. IIRC, RLM review mentioned that.
  4. amigo

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

  5. amigo

    Furiosa (2024)

    Meh/OK. They lost me after the first 5 minutes, couldn't stop rolling my eyes, the next hour or so (first 2 chapters, kiddo Furiosa) didn't make it much better. Deviation in tone was too much for a MM movie imho, it felt like a parody of itself. Overall, some good new stuff, lots of Fury Road...
  6. amigo

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

  7. amigo

    Married with Children Reboot

    Been rewatching the old show the last few weeks, season 6 atm. Not really interested in this animated stuff, but who knows...
  8. amigo

    The Lord of the Rings

  9. amigo

    Blizzard dies and Bobby rides

    Translation: ActiBlizz fag Mike Ybarra suxXbox's Phil Spencer's dick.
  10. amigo

    Deadpool & Wolverine

    Finally something from Disney shithead woketards that will be worth torrenting. Too bad, this looks ok but I ain't giving them a single cent.
  11. amigo

    Dune: Part Two (2023)

    Except he put her face all over the fucking movie, camera cuts to her all the fucking time. Bitch ruins every movie she's in, including this one. Worse than the part 1. More worms? Fuck them. Navigators? Fuck them. Don't need any of that when you have a concubine turned bitch boss leader bossing...
  12. amigo


    Yep, terribad casting... Lilith+Tannis combined are probably younger than either JLC or KB. And if KH's dick grew on the top of his head he would still be too short to play Roland. Guess he's just gonna stand on his turret, so no jogging for him. Sounds about right, Roland isn't a jogger.
  13. amigo

    Diablo 4 / IV / IIII / Fore / Cope / Seethe

    Grim Dawn.
  14. amigo

    Dune: Part Two (2023)

    Didn't he get the memo? He's a white guy, turning gay won't score him enough DEI points these days. He should start chopping off his appendices and mutilating his kids. Also, looking forward to download the shortened edition, with that annoying Z gen-Z bitch removed. Ruins every movie she's in.
  15. amigo

    Madame Web (2024)

    To everyone's surprise, apparently it's dogshit: /sarcasm_off