Recent content by Downhammer

  1. Downhammer

    Game Pass for Xbox and PC

    Not as good as the conversion methods but normal Ultimate cards are on sale at Target.
  2. Downhammer

    Fallout 76

    Well, it's free right now as part of the show's promotion so no risk. I'm not that deep into it but it does feel like it's a bit light on lore perhaps due to the MMO side of it, but could just as well be because my appetite for reading everything at a computer terminal isn't what it used to be...
  3. Downhammer

    Madame Web (2024)

    Much more likely to have degeneracy like The Boys than the MCU if superpowers were real. But it's a no brainer. Any even remotely useful superpower would allow you to get/take Sweeny tier at will.
  4. Downhammer

    Helldivers II

    While I agree, I think they have a vision of the story they want to tell and are using major orders to tell it I think players might feel better if major orders were separated from the ongoing war map. Instead of saying "liberate these 5 planets in 3 days" have it be something like "kill 100...
  5. Downhammer

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

  6. Downhammer

    Helldivers II

    This is the only significant pug issue I run into at medium difficulties. Use too many reinforcements, but that's not that big an issue in and of itself. But then people insist on closing every bug hole, die far away with no reinforcements left and lose out on some samples. Nothing game breaking...
  7. Downhammer

    Helldivers II

    I haven't messed with the Democracy Protects armor yet to comment on that passive but as it is, armor would have to provide a pretty noticeable benefit for me to change off scout. That waypoint radar is too useful for my playstyle.
  8. Downhammer

    Helldivers II

    If the rumored addition of mechs and tanks and whatnot are true I'm curious if that will only be for specific missions or if they add difficulty tiers or something. Assuming that mech guns are stronger than shotguns and assault rifles it might trivialize things.
  9. Downhammer

    Helldivers II

    What I heard was after the failure of the automaton liberation they put in an "easy" one but we got that to 95% in the first couple hours so they turned the dial to have a 20% decay rate per hour (up from 5%ish). As BrotherWu mentioned, that's probably fine during prime time but makes overnight...
  10. Downhammer

    Helldivers II

    You should be able to see the mission from the world map before you join. And if it's follow on missions you can see the map/briefing on the loadout screen.
  11. Downhammer

    Helldivers II

    Makes sense they have some kind of DM. They obviously have to manage progress somewhat dynamically. Last night steam was down 20% from the previous week and if we couldn't pass that mission there's no hope going forward unless the keep their hands on the knobs. Failing one or two general orders...
  12. Downhammer


    Both of which were in the book, iirc, Mariko for sure. If anything I kind of got the opposite vibe of the Portuguese using women as their vector into the noble houses; girl power on the surface but really just pawns in the schemes of men.
  13. Downhammer

    Helldivers II

    I haven't seen it but there seems to be growing chatter about shitheads kicking people right before evac. Why you would do that in a 100% PvE co-op game I don't know. Probably the same dumb asses who last week were killing teammates before evac for their samples.
  14. Downhammer

    Helldivers II

    As it stands, 12500 requisition is not enough motivation for most people to worry about the overall war progress. The actual useful list of stratagems is small enough that requisition is probably the first resource you'll effectively cap and even if you want everything it's still easier than...
  15. Downhammer

    Helldivers II

    From hearing people talk about Helldivers 1 (I never played it so idk) it sounds like the galaxy map is controlled entirely by the devs. They can fall back or counter attack at their whim. I suppose the higher tier sectors/planets might have more extreme modifiers but I don't think there's any...