Trophies awarded to escrima

Posting Trophies

  1. Can't Stop! (10 points)

    You've posted 100 messages. I hope this took you more than a day!

Reaction Score Trophies

  1. 20

    Score 3000! (20 points)

    You've reached 3000 reaction score! Excellent
  2. I LOVE IT! (20 points)

    Content you have posted has attracted 500 likes.

P/RS Ratio Trophies

  1. Good P/RS Level 1 (10 points)

    This is for achieving a post to reaction score of 2 with 500 posts. Good.
  2. Decent P/RS Level 1 (9 points)

    This is for achieving a post to reaction score of 1 with 250 posts. Decent.

Anniversary Trophies

  1. 5 year Anniversary! (10 points)

    Who would believe you've made it this far?

Lurking Trophies

  1. Lurker Class 6 (25 points)

    Which of the Old Gods' powers have you tapped into and for what evil purpose?!?