Recent content by Guurn

  1. Guurn

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

  2. Guurn

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

  3. Guurn

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

  4. Guurn

    Clarkson's Farm

    Gerald Cooper is top tier reality show. I'd buy him a few pints anytime.
  5. Guurn

    Humanist Vampire Seeking Consenting Suicidal Person (2023)

    The trailer made it seem like some sort or parallel story to Let the right one in.
  6. Guurn

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

  7. Guurn

    Spring 2024 Anime Thread

    It's so confusing. The main guy just cowers and runs away from most things but clearly he is involved in some way. His brother(?) seems more involved than he is. The adults tend to rely on the students for almost everything. To be fair it's not really a new concept, hello My Hero Academia...
  8. Guurn

    You know you're getting old when.....

    Interesting that the ball returns are on the outside.
  9. Guurn

    The Video Thread

  10. Guurn

    Ancient Civilizations

    They have tested over 120 mummies and the DNA results basically show Mediterranean , Greek, etc
  11. Guurn

    Health Problems

    I've been on high BP meds. Eventually I went off them because I can't handle 120/70, I get really dizzy. I'm sure their is a huge list of potential side effects, that's just the one i had. Small changes in diet and exercise keeps me at my ideal 130/80. It's just one of those things with...
  12. Guurn

    Where are all the MMORPG games? lol

    Young people only play games on touch screens. Significant percentages of them literally have no clue how to use a keyboard or controller for gaming. MMOs will need something really new like augmented reality without a tether, that or the original gamers to retire and take it back up instead...
  13. Guurn

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

  14. Guurn

    Board Games

    I tend towards heavy dungeon crawls so maybe I'm not the best person to give an opinion. That being said Dungeons and Dragons: Castle Ravenloft Board Game is pretty great for a pretty simple intro to D+D. It'll let you gauge their interest.
  15. Guurn

    The Exorcism (2024)

    I think horror movies slowly move into the same category as comedy does. Seen it, not realistic, funny, original or entertaining, hard pass. There are movies that still qualify as horror for me and actually rustle me,. The Hunt (the Mads Mikkelsen one) for one but that because we have seen...