Recent content by Kharzette

  1. Kharzette

    Monsters and Memories (Project_N) - Old School Indie MMO

    I'm half tempted to try bard for the big test at the end of the month. I want to see where that quest leads we found :D
  2. Kharzette

    Monsters and Memories (Project_N) - Old School Indie MMO

    Good fun, sorry I had to bail! Archer felt pretty good but I never made it over to the vendors to see if I got any good new spells or abilities.
  3. Kharzette

    Monsters and Memories (Project_N) - Old School Indie MMO

    Character list hammering, nostalgia!
  4. Kharzette

    MLB 2024: Rangers Conquer Texas, Then America

    I donut like baseball, but cute cards!
  5. Kharzette

    Monsters and Memories (Project_N) - Old School Indie MMO

    It is nice that you can make characters early. I shall try out the new elf maidens!
  6. Kharzette

    Monsters and Memories (Project_N) - Old School Indie MMO

    Oops I thought it was end of the month! Today at noon for me I guess? Furiously patching!
  7. Kharzette


    The midyear lan event is on, from Dallas: 2 hours gone and the match hasn't even started :emoji_laughing: Some kind of network problem. The stream has been glitching out now and then too.
  8. Kharzette

    Formula 1 and MotoGP - Racing

    Good full lap from practice:
  9. Kharzette

    Game development career thread:

    So last Ludum I got into alot of assgoblinry rebooting between windows and linux to set up characters. The trouble was my collada conversion stuff is written in dotnet with winforms and won't run properly on linux. This is the stuff that gets a model out of blender and into the game. I had on...
  10. Kharzette

    Formula 1 and MotoGP - Racing

    Looks like practice day 2 got rained out at the isle of man. The drive to survive people are there making a docu
  11. Kharzette

    Cord-Cutting, Or How to Stream your Way to Success

    I'm going to try a LTE filter and a signal booster before I mess with a bigger antenna. Me lazy
  12. Kharzette

    Furiosa (2024)

    I'm not sure. I saw her in a movie a year or two ago, the viking one? I don't watch very many movies.
  13. Kharzette

    Formula 1 and MotoGP - Racing

    I fell asleep too haha. What a contrast to the motoGP which was really good.
  14. Kharzette

    Furiosa (2024)

    She was in monte carlo today for the grand prix. Brundle interviewed her. I didn't realize how tiny she is! She Looks rather elfin in the face but is short so I dunno.