Recent content by Rod-138

  1. Rod-138

    EQ TLP 2024 Teek (Random loot) & Tormax (Traditional) #neckbeardnostalgia

    Had my first real mischief/teek experience with ass sup exe camps. We basically were pulling everything and the excitement over the loot was so fun. 2 mino shackles, 3 ring of ancients, tons of stupid other shit. Makes it a real hoot
  2. Rod-138

    EQ TLP 2024 Teek (Random loot) & Tormax (Traditional) #neckbeardnostalgia

    I got cocky after having done well out the blocks with lots of different race class starts in the past - holy fuck barbarians are rough, wtf was I thinking Got sow on shaman so gonna probably run to oasis or ls, say hi to your favorite true detectives in game, Martey Hart and Russ Cohle...
  3. Rod-138

    EQ TLP 2024 Teek (Random loot) & Tormax (Traditional) #neckbeardnostalgia

    I got in and got my chrome virtual browser thing working and got to lvl 2 and had to go back to work.
  4. Rod-138

    EQ TLP 2024 Teek (Random loot) & Tormax (Traditional) #neckbeardnostalgia

    any easy way to run laptop EQ from PC? I read about it a few weeks ago but couldn't find it with the search? Only problem may be PC is on ethernet and lapptop is wifi, that could make a difference?
  5. Rod-138

    EQ TLP 2024 Teek (Random loot) & Tormax (Traditional) #neckbeardnostalgia

    I have interacted with the troglodytes you speak of over the years. The common theme seems to be disability income. If you have decided on that life path, then it would make sense to play something like WoW or EQ. Unless you’re really into hunting or fishing, what else are you going to do...
  6. Rod-138

    EQ TLP 2024 Teek (Random loot) & Tormax (Traditional) #neckbeardnostalgia

    Umm, for us lazies, what’s the top 3 things we miss out on for none of this achievement bullshit?
  7. Rod-138


    Adam Driver 'aint afraid to bury a franchise or a director if he's getting paid, but I am rooting for it.
  8. Rod-138

    EQ TLP 2024 Teek (Random loot) & Tormax (Traditional) #neckbeardnostalgia

    I know, it feels like I’ll be watching a dot slowly kill something while a gnome with wheelchair lasers and rocket boosters will zoom by and wipe out everything.
  9. Rod-138

    EQ TLP 2024 Teek (Random loot) & Tormax (Traditional) #neckbeardnostalgia

    Would VP have their drop table + 1 ? like hoshkar has 2-3 items + a cobalt BP? That would make it werf?
  10. Rod-138

    EQ TLP 2024 Teek (Random loot) & Tormax (Traditional) #neckbeardnostalgia

    I like using the first level mez to recham. It’s like no cast time, no mana, and buys you around 12 seconds. Are you guys even good at eq ? Color flux is for wheelchairs
  11. Rod-138

    EQ TLP 2024 Teek (Random loot) & Tormax (Traditional) #neckbeardnostalgia

    I’ve never used it and have played many servers. I have seen many things you people would not believe. I’ve seen warpers tag mobs on the shoulder of Orion. the key is to identify dumb bottle necks and be at peace with the time you put into them or don’t.
  12. Rod-138

    Investing General Discussion

    Just went to a tax seminar and they had some interesting points. If you’re going to index in the nq account, then why not buy around 30-50 of the top positions so you can tax harvest every month and get about the same returns. I know the answer is bc then you have to actually do it, but yeah...
  13. Rod-138

    Investing General Discussion

    Tesla infrastructure projects could be a way into ‘more than cars’. Elon influence landing rail upgrades to electric hyper trains type of shit. I mean, he’s smart enough to keep his hands clean, but it’s not hard to imagine a way for him to make political donations without making them and...
  14. Rod-138

    Investing General Discussion

    I know you need to buy at its scariest point, but these mother fuckers have witnesses killing themselves in the parking lot and shit (allegedly) When a company is looking this bad, it’s a tough buy. This is 80s movie plot stuff
  15. Rod-138

    EQ TLP 2024 Teek (Random loot) & Tormax (Traditional) #neckbeardnostalgia

    Whatever I’m playing paladin on quarm and im super chill and I DEMAND YOU RELENT WITH THESE CAPRICIOUS ALLEGATIONS!! Also, while I’m not fat, I do feel like my body could fall apart any minute. I went for a walk yesterday and almost bit it on a tiny change in elevation. Maybe it checks out?