Recent content by Siddar

  1. Siddar

    Ancient Civilizations

    Then produce the metal tooling, don't just claim it but prove it. You're confusing the desire of the professionals involved in archeology to prove what ever there claiming is true before claiming it, with a conspiracy to hide things.
  2. Siddar

    Ancient Civilizations

    Who doesn't want to admit that ancients didn't have skilled artists?
  3. Siddar

    Ancient Civilizations

    Well by the standards of say years 300 BC to 200 AD that those are in fact crudely carved.
  4. Siddar

    Ancient Civilizations

    I was specifically talking about the sitting statues that he said were made of single pieces of stone when they clearly weren't. As for the toppled colossus if it is the one I think you mean, then I have problems with his claims as well. That being his claim that it was toppled by a heat...
  5. Siddar

    Ancient Civilizations

    That dude is just making shit up, I like the part where he says the statues were made of one piece of stone when they were clearly assembled out of dozens of blocks.
  6. Siddar

    Ancient Civilizations

    Its all bullshit hype by the person who wrote this article. Stating that it was scientific consensus that Neanderthals' were somehow more primitive then homo sapiens was not the consensus. This is case where author of article is stating the popular consensus and trying to pass it off as the...
  7. Siddar

    The Paranormal, UFO's, and Mysteries of the Unknown

    They have had this psy-op running sense the 1950s. Then they stopped running it sometime about ten years ago. Now they have turned the psy-op back on for some reason. Most likely it because the internet has taken over these conspiracy's and they want to reassert government control of them.
  8. Siddar

    Geology, Earthquakes and Volcanos

  9. Siddar

    Chat GPT AI

    This AI stuff is spreading fast. I figured it would several years before they spotted potential to cheat on homework but they found it within days.
  10. Siddar

    Black Panther: Wakanda Forever (2022)

    What they did to Namor is unforgivable. Presence of Ironheart in this movie earns it a hard pass from me.
  11. Siddar

    vampire survivors

    Its a fun game, it takes me back to the old days of early 80s of Atari 2600 and arcades.
  12. Siddar

    Blizzard dies and Bobby rides

    This failed at very start, by not knowing that accept for plane of time there was no instances in game when Tigole played.
  13. Siddar

    Fall 2021 Anime Thread

    He doesn't have the mentality of a 46 year are even a 34 year old he acts just like I would expect a twelve year old to act. I suspect he maybe mentally retarded.
  14. Siddar

    Fall 2021 Anime Thread

    So is pedo tensai 30ish, 12, are 40ish?
  15. Siddar

    Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)

    Ok I'm excited for a marvel movie for the fist time sense end game. You guys better not be trolling me.