Search results

  1. Wintermute

    Joker: Folie à Deux (2024)

    Title: Joker: Folie à Deux (2024) Genre: Drama, Crime, Thriller Director: Todd Phillips Cast: Joaquin Phoenix, Lady Gaga, Brendan Gleeson, Catherine Keener, Zazie Beetz, Jacob Lofland, Harry Lawtey Release: 2024-10-03 Plot: Production has officially begun on Joker: Folie à Deux...
  2. Wintermute

    House of the Dragon

    Title: House of the Dragon Genre: Drama, Action & Adventure, Sci-Fi & Fantasy Creator: George R. R. Martin, Ryan Condal Cast: Paddy Considine, Olivia Cooke, Matt Smith, Emma D'Arcy, Rhys Ifans, Steve Toussaint, Eve Best, Sonoya Mizuno Overview: The prequel series finds the Targaryen...
  3. Wintermute

    Urtuk: The Desolation (Band of Darkest Dungeon Brothers)

    Hit early access yesterday. It's getting some pretty positive feedback and seems to be a pretty strong mix of Darkest Dungeon and Band of Brothers
  4. Wintermute

    Outriders (Squeenix looter shooter)

    Made by the Bulletstorm/Painkiller guys
  5. Wintermute

    Stoneshard (Roguelike RPG)

    This hit early access today and it looks rather good. Loaded it up for a bit and it feels a lot like old school RPG's. Permadeath is optional via ironman mode.
  6. Wintermute

    Crusader Kings 3

    Are you ready to buy some DLC?
  7. Wintermute

    Homeworld 3

    Will likely end up as an Epic exclusive due to being a gearbox thing
  8. Wintermute

    General Gaming News and Discussion

    Figured we could use a place to post news or other sort of things that don't quite fit into a specific thread
  9. Wintermute

    RFC EQ Emu Server

    RFC is frequently short hand for Request For Comment. This is an exploratory thread because I am thinking on spinning up an emu server and hosting it official FoH ran and all. I am curious what people would want it to be if we did that. I am assuming pretty basic ruleset and P99 style up...
  10. Wintermute

    Everquest AMA Answered!

    The long awaited first batch of answers. The following people you are going to see throughout the answers. Holly Longdale, Exec Producer Alan VanCouvering, Lead Content Designer Ed Hardin III, Lead Systems Designer Jennifer Chan, Technical Director Kevin Lydy, Lead Artist Jonathan Caraker...
  11. Wintermute

    Everquest AMA with Holly Windstalker

    Holly Windstalker has graciously offered to do an AMA with us about Everquest. This will happen a lot like we did the Pantheon one where you guys write all your questions in this thread and then I will compile them and she will get us answers on the things she can. Your questions won't be...
  12. Wintermute

    Outward (PC/Xbox/PS4 Survival RPG Mar-26)

    Fantasy RPG Outward is the survival game I've been looking for | PC Gamer Fantasy RPG Outward is the survival game I've been looking for By Christopher Livingston 10 hours ago You can cast spells, but you're no Gandalf. You're just a common citizen. You can even catch a cold. I'm 12...
  13. Wintermute

    Epic Games Storefront - A Good Incentive for Piracy

    Announcing the Epic Games Store Taking Fortnite's success and turning it into a way to get into the game sales market with attractive revenue share is the way to do it. More competition is always good IMO.
  14. Wintermute

    Pantheon AMA Responses

    Ben over at VR sent me the answers that they have finished from our AMA and here they are. Interviewees: Ben Dean, Producer & Director of Communication Chris Perkins, Creative Director & Lead Designer @Joppa_VR Tim Wathen, Game Designer @Convo Q. When are you giving us (this community)...
  15. Wintermute

    Pruning the Politics thread for massive improvements, An experiment. (long read)

    Hello everyone a_skeleton_02 here, I recently was given a one week shaw for not being as anti-semitic as I should of been, I recognize this now and will work to improve this in the future. Before my temporary suspension I was working on a project and following @Araysar 's suggestion I am now...
  16. Wintermute

    Pantheon and FoH

    As everyone is aware there is an MMO being created called Pantheon. We here at FoH have been involved with some aspects of it through our members becoming paid supporters and even @Convo joining their actual live team. We are going to start reaching out to them and other companies as well to...
  17. Wintermute

    AMA Pantheon Developers (OFFICIAL)

    So @Convo has put me in touch with the team over at Pantheon and they have agreed to a Q&A email from us. I will be taking a list of questions, compiling them, and then sending them out. They will ask the right person the right questions so if you have a questions for a specific team member...
  18. Wintermute

    Hodj Proved Salty: A Tranny's Victory Thread

    NOTE: OP is actually by @hodj It has recently come to my attention, and therefore I must inform the entire audience of this splendid community full of shitlords and incels, that if you salt me, that means you are salty, and if I salt you, that also means you are salty as well. In no case...
  19. Wintermute

    Utnayan Ban Resolution

    The options are simple. The yes unbans him and leaves him free to roam around the forum. This does not prevent him from being punished again if the topic continues. The second yes unbans him but leaves him in RRP until the end of the ban he is serving right now. The same rule about bringing...
  20. Wintermute

    Porn for Votes

    This community has gone a long time without someone providing tits for votes. Way too long. I wanted to bring that back in a big way so I did a quick search for someone that could do a few tit shots for me at a low amount of money. I have a decent amount of bitcoin profit right now so I...
  21. Wintermute

    Blizzard Group

    This is a new thing that Blizzard did for social groups. We created one, feel free to join it.
  22. Wintermute

    November 4th Civil War prep thread.

    LMGTFY The fact that Snopes and all the other "trusted media" says nothing is going to happen basically means, Something is going to happen. I trust Alex Jones. In this thread lets armchair survivalist what exactly would happen if this was a large scale well funded country wide riot. All it...
  23. Wintermute

    Word Filter Clarification - RULE

    This is just to clarify that evading the word filter will result in a moderator letting you know to stop doing that in either a quoted post or a PM. The next offense will result in a 1 point infraction. The third offense will result in a 3 point infraction which is automatic RRP. Attached is...
  24. Wintermute

    Monster Hunter: World

    newest trailer: older videos:
  25. Wintermute

    Credit Score Question

    This is going to sound stupid but here goes, disclaimer yes I know I made mistakes. I am working on fixing my credit score. I have had 11.5k in student loan debt since 2005 that as of two weeks ago I paid off in a 2 year period after starting the payment plan, I also had 2 separate accounts...
  26. Wintermute

    How to join the private area

    This is pretty simple. Click that, or go to your avatar in the top right corner, hover over it, and then click Join User Groups. Select the EQ one. Right now it is open for the first couple days so I don't have to manually approve two...
  27. Wintermute


    Do you guys want this entire sub forum private or a private area inside of it? Other people are obviously reading threads here.
  28. Wintermute

    What class and race are you playing?

    Halfling Warrior and Barbarian Shaman or possibly a Cleric.
  29. Wintermute

    General Discussion

    Post here for just general information and discussion.
  30. Wintermute

    Club Penguin closing down

    Disney Shutting Down Club Penguin, To Launch New Game Sad day indeed.
  31. Wintermute

    Politics Thread 2

    Moving a thread to this one.
  32. Wintermute

    It is TMDB not IMDB you use

    The Movie Database (TMDb) This is the site you use not IMDB to make threads.
  33. Wintermute

    It is TMDB not IMDB you use

    The Movie Database (TMDb) This is the site you use not IMDB to make threads.
  34. Wintermute

    May users have a personal thread in the rickshaw?

    It is a yes or no question. Should users be allowed to have personal threads in order to maintain a place to post when they are restricted to that forum only? You have 24 hours to vote.
  35. Wintermute

    Should there be personal "safe space" threads in the rickshaw?

    Should users be able to request a thread to be made for them personally in the rickshaw that the moderators are not allowed to move or infract any content in? Should this be an option for every single user or just 3? This is not a poll because there obviously needs to be a huge discussion...
  36. Wintermute

    How to use imgur

    I swear some of you are incapable of using the internet. In order for a lot of things to work here you should learn how to use imgur. This will be better for you and for your family. Your posts will be cleaner and you will be able to send things to friends via email or facebook or whatever...
  37. Wintermute

    Your Own Photography

    Just gonna re post some of the shit I posted on the other site to get things started.
  38. Wintermute

    Are Tomatoes a Weapon?

    This seems to be an important topic recently in the politics thread.
  39. Wintermute

    Starting your own business

    Anyone here run their own business? How did you get started? What field are you in and how did it turn out? I want to start a pet store that sells reptiles, fish, birds and your average dog/cat/animal supplies also giving some floor space for adoption groups. I've been in the exotic animal...