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  1. Kriptini

    Monsters and Memories (Project_N) - Old School Indie MMO

    I remember the devs saying that this game was not going to even have PvP focus so I imagine it's not going to be balanced at all.
  2. Kriptini

    Flesh and Blood

    I ended up getting 2nd place at an RTN and qualified based on Elo (I really farmed at the Calling) so I'll be going to Minneapolis. Debating between taking Uzuri or Nuu. I think Uzuri got a pretty meaningful upgrade with Just a Nick, but Nuu might have more overall power. Here's all the new...
  3. Kriptini

    Hades (Supergiant Games)

    Pure coal, bro
  4. Kriptini

    Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous

    RTWP is a farce for Pathfinder. You can have it on for trash battles but turn that trash off when you actually need to be tactical.
  5. Kriptini

    Everquest II

    What are the odds that they're just waiting until official release to turn some of those on? IIRC it's uncommon for microtransactions to be a part of the beta. I think I remember that was the case for the Tarinax PvP server.
  6. Kriptini

    Hades (Supergiant Games)

    They very clearly made several of the gods black and y'all pretended not to notice because the game was really good. I'm anti-DEI as well but as far as I can tell, Supergiant is just being the same they've always been. They make good games and they don't get preachy with their social politics...
  7. Kriptini

    Hades (Supergiant Games)

    Except for some gods randomly being basketball Greeks.
  8. Kriptini

    Dragon's Dogma 2

    The spawns in Unmoored are static too. Just learn the spawns and you know where the bosses are, same as the Everfall. Even if you don't, you can just walk around and run into a dullahan or gore monster every 100 feet.
  9. Kriptini

    Dragon's Dogma 2

    Finished the game tonight. I concur that they botched the ending. However, I have to say that those of you who have nostalgia for the Everfall as the only post game have severe brain damage. The Unmoored World is bad and mostly uninteresting, but the Everfall was way worse. Bland, recycled...
  10. Kriptini

    Dragon's Dogma 2

    My theory of why they did the terrain this way is to block your view of distant areas. They knew they wanted to push graphics and cutting off the amount of distance you need to render by putting a wall in the way every 50 feet is a good way to keep performance up.
  11. Kriptini

    Everquest II

    I think it was Mage starter, Scout enhancer to get a chance at the most common group power regen. Each tree has three or four different outcomes of varying probability. There are some absolutely busted ones if you can do the full Scout -> Priest -> Mage -> Fighter combo, but it typically...
  12. Kriptini


    If you want to spend money, find an actual, living, breathing, matchmaker. Otherwise get on Hinge and swipe for two hours a day.
  13. Kriptini


    Dog you got scammed by the oldest con on the internet. It's time for some self-reflection.
  14. Kriptini

    Everquest II

    He was so underappreciated and he got unfairly blamed for Trion going under which was 100% not his fault. The man is a visionary but I'm not even sure he's working anymore. I follow him on Twitter in hopes that one day he'll announce a new project but no such luck. Seems like his genius is...
  15. Kriptini

    Everquest II

    Correct, no crafting subcombines, no class quests, many access quests removed (mostly for overland zones). It's definitely not original EQ2, but I also don't see how that's substantially different from the previous TLEs.
  16. Kriptini

    Flesh and Blood

    Some of the marvels in the upcoming set look absolutely gorgeous.
  17. Kriptini

    Everquest II

    Didn't they say in the past that they could never do this because they lost all of the old code? What changed? I have my doubts about it being actually old-school, anyways. It's probably still going to be post-LU19. They probably globally increased mob damage and XP and called it "oldschool."
  18. Kriptini

    Dragon's Dogma 2

    I love the game but they picked the wrong engine for it. This is an action game. Characters need to be able to turn on a dime and colliding with a rock needs to not initiate the slowest parkour animation of all time to climb on top when you're just trying to turn around. Movement should have...
  19. Kriptini

    Dragon's Dogma 2

    I think it's because enemies in DD2 have so many more ways to control you than they did in DD1 that encouraging solo play would probably make solo play experiences feel really bad.
  20. Kriptini

    Flesh and Blood

    Did very well at day 2. Don't want to say more because I might doxx myself. 😛
  21. Kriptini

    Flesh and Blood

    I'm locked into day 2 of the Calling! I played Uzuri. These were my matchups: R1 win vs. Azalea R2 loss vs. Dromai R3 win vs. Dash I/O R4 win vs. Dorinthea R5 win vs. Azalea R6 win vs. Dash R7 loss vs. Kayo R8 win vs. Maxx
  22. Kriptini

    Riot Games MMO

    Yeah probably because they told him "stop remaking Cataclysm" and he wouldn't. Now that he left, Marc Merill says they're going to stop remaking Cataclysm lol.
  23. Kriptini

    Dragon's Dogma 2

    Yep there's jank, but if you embrace it, it's really fun. I could never get into Monster Hunter but after the third or so main quest in Dragon's Dogma (when the world really opens up), I was hooked.
  24. Kriptini

    Dragon's Dogma 2

    You should have an Eternal Ferrystone that you can use to warp back to Gran Soren, Cassardis, or Bitterblack Isle, or any of your Portcrystals whenever you want. Outside of those locations, yeah, Portcrystals are limited until you reach the postgame, when you can buy them in shops.
  25. Kriptini

    Dragon's Dogma 2

    DD2 has like three different booty sliders. Is that not enough for you?
  26. Kriptini

    Dragon's Dogma 2

    This is pretty good. A bit heavy on the makeup for my tastes, but otherwise quite good. I do think it's quite difficult to make attractive females in the character creator, whereas males always come out looking great without even trying. I'm debating between three designs for my pawn: The...
  27. Kriptini

    Flesh and Blood

    Got 2nd place on Uzuri at a local road to nats today and qualified. After banging my head against Victor for almost two months I finally cracked it. My only losses were to one Kano in swiss (but it was very close) and Kayo in the finals. I played against Brutes 5 times out of 8 games lol.
  28. Kriptini

    Dragon's Dogma 2

    You should absolutely use a controller.
  29. Kriptini

    Dragon's Dogma 2

    This is something I've never thought about but you're right. The indoor areas in Dragon's Dogma are exceptional. Compared to Final Fantasy XV, it's a night and day difference.
  30. Kriptini

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    Roleplaying in a customer support ticket is one of the most insulting things I've ever seen.
  31. Kriptini

    Flesh and Blood

    Victor is nuts. Drawing cards on blocking is so strong. I can't beat him on Uzuri.
  32. Kriptini

    Writers Guild Strike 2023

    Yes, spamming prompts is FAR cheaper than CGI tools. Nobody is using CGI for stock footage. That's extremely cost-prohibitive considering how expensive it is to higher the artists (you need a modeler, texturer, lighting artist, and compositor at minimum, and most of the time those people can't...
  33. Kriptini

    Writers Guild Strike 2023

    AP will still exist and they will still be sending photographers to cover stories and events for news articles. For all of the after-the-fact for-profit documentaries, I guarantee you that if they have the ability to save money by generating something that looks just enough like the real event...
  34. Kriptini

    Writers Guild Strike 2023

    Sora is going to single-handedly kill the stock footage industry. I was on a Shark Week show last year and we had to pull a lot of stock footage of specific species of sharks doing specific things. There is not a lot of that kind of footage out there, and from what there is, it is extremely...
  35. Kriptini

    Monsters and Memories (Project_N) - Old School Indie MMO

    At the very least, you probably won't have to worry about raid bosses. They're not really in the plan for this game (at least, not in the traditional sense).
  36. Kriptini

    Monsters and Memories (Project_N) - Old School Indie MMO

    I really don't think it's necessary to have a Kelethin 3.0 in this game. Unless there's a bespoke new take on how to do a tree city, I think we just let Kelethin be Kelethin and focus on new things.
  37. Kriptini


    The left tilt looks awful. Vertical tilt is fine (games have been doing that for decades) but horizontal tilt? They're smoking crack
  38. Kriptini

    Flesh and Blood

    Went 2-3 and then dropped. I wasn't ready for most of my matchups. Oh well, I'll run it back next time.