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  1. 1

    Path of Exile

    Playing an ice nova of frostbolts heiro as my second char this season. The burst DPS this does with kitavas helmet and arcanist brand generating frostbilts volleys is nuts. I'm not sure I've had a build before that felt like late game mapping speed in act 6. Hopefully it scales well enough.
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    Path of Exile

    Noobish question. I lucked into a very solid 6l, can I hit it with ichors without fucking up the stats or links?
  3. 1

    Path of Exile

    Also can you automate a blessing?
  4. 1

    Path of Exile

    First league in like a year where I didn't drop a random div by the beacon in act six.
  5. 1

    Path of Exile

    Started new season on console last night. First lab gave me an ice nova of frost bolts... Know someone mentioned earlier they were playing that.
  6. 1


    Crazy ice storm in portland Maine sat night. Still no power...
  7. 1

    Whats rustling your jimmies?

    I keep my audio books at around 5 wpm. Maximum retention.
  8. 1

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    You can typically tell whether or not someone pretends to read books by how inaccessible their bookshelf is... Oblig:
  9. 1

    Cyberpunk 2077

    No idea. I'm just playing for the first time now, so I have no idea how it compares. But I can absolutely clear areas without being detected, and quickly. Edit - I also don't have the dlc, so maybe the nerds come in that?
  10. 1

    Cyberpunk 2077

    Observations from much deeper into the game Quickhacking is ridiculous. I didn't get into it until later on, but I'm almost maxed and I can clear entire areas rapidly without ever being detected. I assume this is a mandatory start point for the highest difficulty. The motorcycle is by far the...
  11. 1

    Who died? (Celebrity Deaths)

    Okay, who's got the dragon radar?
  12. 1

    Diablo II - Resurrected

    Cuz d4 sucks donkey taint... And your first post is shilling d4?
  13. 1


    That's 2 in the front, 5 in the back
  14. 1

    Cyberpunk 2077

    I'm not talking about 1st vs 3rd person. In third person when you use the right stick to adjust the camera angle it resets to directly behind you the second you let go.
  15. 1

    General Gaming News and Discussion

    Right I get that. The protagonist is marle, and she's black now, and has an illegitimate child with magus that murders lavos for menthols. Fortunately Japan would be remaking it and not Netflix, so I reserve the right to hope.
  16. 1

    General Gaming News and Discussion "One of the original directors of Chrono Trigger, Yoshinori Kitase, asked fans about the best approach to bringing back or remaking the classic JRPG for a modern audience." I have no idea how to feel about...
  17. 1

    Cyberpunk 2077

    So as I continue playing I think I might have just been dumb and been unaware that certain responses have a As of now my only complaint is that I don't like the angle of the camera while driving. You can adjust it manually, but it auto resets the second you let go. If I adjust the...
  18. 1

    Post Your Pet

    Not me, but I love watching people/pets protect eachother
  19. 1


    Yeah but it's hard to watch one girl give another girl the "shortbus" without those specifically mentioned requirements. Shortbus is basically the shocker, except it's 1 in the front, 7 in the back. That mistoed abomination is someone else's Helen of Troy .
  20. 1

    Cheated out of my youth

  21. 1

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

  22. 1

    Who died? (Celebrity Deaths)

    Fair enough.
  23. 1

    Who died? (Celebrity Deaths)

    You mentioned Peter Cullen. I mentioned another one of his works. Which you then turned into a paragraph attacking me... Wtf is wrong with you dude?
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    Who died? (Celebrity Deaths)

  25. 1

    Who died? (Celebrity Deaths)

  26. 1

    Who died? (Celebrity Deaths)

    Mark Hamill as the joker stunned me when I found out as a kid.
  27. 1

    Who died? (Celebrity Deaths)

    He also did the "voice" of the predator.
  28. 1

    R. I. P. Richard Lewis

  29. 1

    The Astronomy Thread

    This is the plot of WALL-E
  30. 1

    Diablo 4 / IV / IIII / Fore / Cope / Seethe

    I actually have no issue with their itemization. There are fewer mods here than the items in D2. It's the lack of trading that kills it. In D2 the best PVP items (and most valuable) in the game are rare. Circlets, rings, ammys(maybe crafted there). But the opportunity for true chase items...
  31. 1

    Final Fantasy VII Remake

    Sephiroth goes by shefiroth now. And the entirety of part 2 is like buying cloud dresses and the ddr scene in the honey bee. This isn't true. But how many of you still need to Google it to make sure.
  32. 1

    NBA 2023-24 Season Thread - The Lakers Lose, America Wins

    Was unaware of the 5 3s in 4 mins. That's wild and reminds me of this. Likely the best end of game comeback ever. Theres clutcher moments. But most of them are single plays, it's not 45 seconds of dominance.
  33. 1

    Final Fantasy VII Remake

    Yeah I remember flying over midgar in the High wind too and watching the air change. Steel sky wasn't just a reference to the slums, it was also about the people on the plate looking at mako exhaust (Not being a bleeding heart here, but all of us can agree that living in the grey Beijing skies...
  34. 1

    Diablo 4 / IV / IIII / Fore / Cope / Seethe

    I have yet to hear the word fun mentioned in any campfire chat or patch update. I feel like all of the updates and changes are basically telling how theyre going to make doing the laundry or dishes more "engaging and dynamic". I've played every class now to at least 60. And many of them are...
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    Cyberpunk 2077

    Just started playing through this for the first time and there is a ton to take in. Lots of new unique things that I haven't encountered in other RPGs (brain dance etc...) The only complaint I have so far are the rock paper scissors game over dialogue options. How there isn't an auto save in...
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    Who died? (Celebrity Deaths)

    This is the sad result of not enough people dumping ice on themselves on tiktok. Shame
  37. 1

    The Video Thread

  38. 1

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics