Search results

  1. Excidium

    Project Quarm - 1 Box Planes of Power

    So few monks but I guess that changes in Kunark.
  2. Excidium

    Project Quarm - 1 Box Planes of Power

    How’s the shaman population on Quarm? I want to get back into EQ and my bard on green is too sweaty for my old ass to try hard and level. Stuck between leveling on green or this. On green I have like 300pp so I could buy a weapon.
  3. Excidium

    Planetside 2

    Had 3 level 100 characters in PS2 and everything I got to enjoy got nerfed into the ground. In the end I just let it go. I miss when I was peak PS2 and all the wild fun we had. Having the whole server try to kill our liberator is still the most fun and trollish gaming in my life.
  4. Excidium

    NVidia GeForce RTX 50x0 cards - 70% performance increase, but AI > you

    My problem is I have a good 4K 120hz gaming PC and once you turn on 4K with HDR and VRR it’s really hard to go back down in resolution and frame rate. Wow SoD on my TV looks so much better than I remember wow looking like. Elden ring has a completely different look at 4K too. The 4070 super just...
  5. Excidium

    World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery

    But only sub 39 I think.
  6. Excidium

    World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery

    All the retard moaning about how bad GDKP need to back off. I started them in Wrath for my alts and they ended up being much more enjoyable than raiding with my guild. No loot drama, items were market priced properly and the raids themselves were fast. I never had so much gold either. I highly...
  7. Excidium

    World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery

    I just don’t have much time to game anymore with the new baby. SoD has been a great experience. I’m almost done my runes on my Druid and I have done DM and stocks so finish the quest lines. About to do SFK and WC and maybe a BFD to say I have done it. I hated the first classic launch because...
  8. Excidium

    World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery

    Roofia is my Druid, muscleshark is my wife’s character
  9. Excidium

    World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery

    I’m a 23 Druid on wild growth playing along with my wife who has never played WoW before. Looking for an invite if possible.
  10. Excidium

    Project Quarm - 1 Box Planes of Power

    For the filthy casuals out there, is there any classes that are under represented and desired right now or is it just heavily populated? I want to play a shaman but I assume there are a billion of them.
  11. Excidium

    Project Quarm - 1 Box Planes of Power

    What classes are overplayed or needed on Quram right now. I might try it out but only if I can play a few classes and not sit lfg.
  12. Excidium

    Hades (Supergiant Games)

    Spear is awesome wtf you clowns smoking. Doing the large sweeping attack with certain booms could clear the whole screen dash striking around.
  13. Excidium

    Project 99 - Green Server announcement

    He’s a pedo with cp.
  14. Excidium

    Project 99 - Green Server announcement

    I’ll be around all day changing my brakes on my car if you are available to spot some plat.
  15. Excidium

    Project 99 - Green Server announcement

    Well with the new TLP looking like crap and no new green and the surge of players on green, looks like my best bet to play EQ is p1999. Anybody able to spot me some starting plat or a bard starting weapon?
  16. Excidium

    Nevergrind Online - 5-player Multiplayer Co-op Dungeon Crawl RPG on Steam

    Vex Thal and GoD expansion would like to have a word with you.
  17. Excidium

    Monsters and Memories (Project_N) - Old School Indie MMO

    Your eyes rolled back because you died waiting for it to release?
  18. Excidium

    Heroes of the Storm

    My issue with this game was what I thought was it’s greatest aspect. It rewarded team focused gameplay better than LOL. I was excited because I thought the better team wins. What I learned was it’s the team with the worst player loses as hard carrying was not as snowballed like in LOL. Lowest...
  19. Excidium

    Project 99 - Green Server announcement

    Imagine swinging your dock around on the internet over content conquered over two decades ago in a simple game.
  20. Excidium

    NVidia GeForce RTX 40x0 cards - x2 the power consumption, x2 the performance

    There is no way you are a woman you troon. No woman I have met has ever talks like this.
  21. Excidium

    Monsters and Memories (Project_N) - Old School Indie MMO

    Identified as a female woodelf.
  22. Excidium

    Monsters and Memories (Project_N) - Old School Indie MMO

    TStaff? So you bought your gear from the market. AFK player indeed. I played a Shround Monk on Xev and I never took the game seriously or thought it was good design and did all the raid pulling during the last two years of my time in EQ.
  23. Excidium

    Steam Deals and Digital Sales

    I always just walk away when I get our electricians to close the 14kV Bus breakers. The reactive sound it makes on the equipment like a loud gong sound is scary as fuck. They wear the space suits to crank it closed.
  24. Excidium

    NVidia GeForce RTX 40x0 cards - x2 the power consumption, x2 the performance

    I was hoping for the 4080 to be affordable because I moved to a 4K 120hz TV and the 3060 just can’t do 4K for shit. Guess I’ll just get a 3080 when they do clearance sales.
  25. Excidium

    Planetside 2

    I’d have that all farmed out in 15minutes back in the day.
  26. Excidium

    Everquest TLP - Aradune and Rizlona Servers (Now with real customer service)

    I bought OoW because I couldn’t get a copy of WoW at launch. Jan 2005 I got WoW and never came back.
  27. Excidium

    Project 99 - Green Server announcement

    I just started up on Green as an ogre Shaman. I see there is a FoH guild. Anybody on the forums in it?
  28. Excidium

    The Al`kabor Project (EQMac) - PoP 1/5

    Just started here. Anybody playing on this server right now? Looking for some pity platinum.
  29. Excidium

    Blizzard dies and Bobby rides

    Jewish isn’t just a religion. It’s a race. That’s why atheist like Sam Harris still says he’s Jewish. The Bolsheviks were Jewish. The communist movements in the 1920s in the west we’re all run by communists even in Canada. Marxism is just Talmud Judaism and you are below them. If any of you...
  30. Excidium

    Blizzard dies and Bobby rides

    And there is the reason for all this Marxism and SJW bullshit. Every fucking time.
  31. Excidium

    Steam deck portable handheld gaming PC from Valve

    I think the draw for me is going through my 400 game backlog of old titles that I can play at work. It’s free games for me.
  32. Excidium

    NVidia GeForce RTX 30x0 cards

    Went down to Victoria BC this morning because they had some EVGA 3060s in stock. 15minutes after opening they are all gone. New PC boys 1 year late.
  33. Excidium

    NVidia GeForce RTX 30x0 cards

    Because that 70watts really matters on a gaming pic right?
  34. Excidium

    Steam deck portable handheld gaming PC from Valve

    We super heat to 750F the boiler is 500k. I use 650k on the 3 sets of evaps and the concentrator. The plant is 1.5million pounds and 160MW of electricity. Most of the steam is for heating with a 40MW back pressure turbine. I hope the USA needs my skills down the road if Canada goes tits up.
  35. Excidium

    Steam deck portable handheld gaming PC from Valve

    I’m running a lignin fired boiler at 800psi and 500klbs/hour steam and it’s pretty damn automated and it’s DCS is older than MSDOS
  36. Excidium

    Steam deck portable handheld gaming PC from Valve

    I’m doing the exact same thing running a recovery boiler or the evaporators. Once their dialed in I’m bored. At least when I’m evaps I can go out and wash everything up.
  37. Excidium

    Planetside 2

    Was Excidium 100Br on TR and VS. My memory of names is low but my main gunner was Sasha Grey/Ling. I only ever flew in PS2 because the game is actually awful as infantry. I do remember when they were trying to make PS2 an esport and we dropped on base with galaxies then hopped in harassers and...
  38. Excidium

    Planetside 2

    I’m the reason the game is dead dude. My ESF and Liberator game destroyed that game. I wasn’t like the Zerg idiots like rguitar and co just dive bombing from the ceiling. Plus I was a ppa/pods when farming ground. Got so good I could far air with the PPA on the Asian dominated seever
  39. Excidium

    Planetside 2

    The crown was only good the first few months of launch before they nerfed the Zephyr. Fuck all those infantry roaches