Search results

  1. W

    Cheated out of my youth

    While this “may” be true in today’s society, historically the church has always been the go to for its perceived role in leadership and history of covering up it‘s own shortcomings. Religions as a whole have centuries worth of compounding interest in regards to pedaphelia.
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    All Stephen King Books

    The Eyes of the Dragon was my first, I was but a wee lad and my mother wanted to make sure I didn’t get nightmares from reading horror stories. My second was It. I’m not sure I could have selected a book more drastically opposite from the first considering how graphic and intense It was. I’ve...
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    Starfield - Fallout fallout that isn't ES6

    Now I’m having flashbacks of sending probes to scan planets in a game called Nomad on an old Commodore.
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    Monsters and Memories (Project_N) - Old School Indie MMO

    Isn’t this just a proof of concept? Build the base of a game to show off you have the coding skills and knowledge on how to world build. Then they plan on shopping around for investors?
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    Baldur's Gate 3 by Larian Games

    Question: Will this game be a true successor to the Baldur’s Gate series, or is this DOS:3 set in the Forgotten Realms? I enjoyed the Baldur’s Gate and Icewind Dale series while growing up, and I think Owlcat nailed the feel of those games with their Pathfinder series. While DOS and DOS:2 are...
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    General Gaming News and Discussion

    Micro Machines on NES, best racing game.
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    Diablo 4 / IV / IIII / Fore / Cope / Seethe

    For those looking at going Druid for season 1, here is a good rundown of builds and the like in their current state. Obviously some things will change with this week’s patch, but the core builds shouldn’t be affected too much.
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    Diablo 4 / IV / IIII / Fore / Cope / Seethe

    Trampleslide is fun, but cooldown dependent. Pulverize is nigh un-killable and solid damage, but not the best versus bosses or climbing nightmares. Don’t get to hyped about any one build, I’m 86 on my Druid and have yet to see a Tempest Roar (Tornado helm). And I know more than a few Druids in...
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    Diablo 4 / IV / IIII / Fore / Cope / Seethe

    What is your current build? I have a poison rend build going but it seems disjointed. I’m not making effective use of all the abilities and it throws me off trying to make it all fit into proper combos. I like that the game isn’t as linear as previous Diablos. It feels like you are exploring a...
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    Darkest Dungeon 2 (Epic store for early access - 1.0 on other platforms as well)

    If nothing else, the style and graphics is smooth as hell. The developers have the Cthulhu feel down to a science.
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    AKA (2023)

    French Man on Fire?
  12. W

    EQ: Classless.

    Will you have your own downloadable client with its own patcher, or will we need to download our own client while you provide the various updated files?
  13. W

    Diablo 4 / IV / IIII / Fore / Cope / Seethe

    That cinematic lacked the polish I’m used to from Blizzard. Has the cinematic department finally succumbed to the blight that has infected the rest of the company?
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    Where's the Christmas hats bitches?

    I never could decide on an Avatar and have remained a basic bitch. Could I at least be a festive basic bitch?
  15. W

    Dwarf Fortress

    Anyone know of a good streamer who isn’t playing just for release? Trying to find someone knowledgeable and not as spastic so I can get a good idea of all the mechanics. Most of the big names or my normal streamers are still trying to figure out the UI commands for the most part.
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    Roguelike... City Builder (Against the Storm)

    That’s the lore? The towns aren’t permanent settlements, you are out gathering resources to maintain/rebuild the capital between “Blightstorms.” That’s why all the races are working together to begin with, for survival on a grand scale.
  17. W

    Roguelike... City Builder (Against the Storm)

    The art style is pretty clean, the ambient music is well done, and I haven’t come across any major bugs or glitches as of yet. The gameplay itself is either complex or convoluted depending on your own tolerance. There is no easy “build this in this order” to win. You have to match your city to...
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    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    It’s almost as if there is no original thought. And authors are constantly refining and reimagining ideas and stories that spark their interest.
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    Diablo 4 / IV / IIII / Fore / Cope / Seethe

    You do not take your eyes off a train wreck in progress.
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    Super Mario Bros. (2022)

    Doesn’t sound anything like Mario …
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    RIP Queen Elizabeth

    Knowing your proclivities, I would suggest you make an appointment with a doctor.
  22. W

    RIP Queen Elizabeth

    That’s an umbrella …
  23. W

    Everquest Mysteries

    Timorous Deep from Kunark is still the second largest zone in Everquest to date i believe.
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    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    This sounds like something Ice-T would say on SVU.
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    The Paranormal, UFO's, and Mysteries of the Unknown

    From Websters: void noun Definition of void (Entry 2 of 3) 1a: OPENING, GAP b: empty space : EMPTINESS, VACUUM 2: the quality or state of being without something : LACK, ABSENCE 3: a feeling of want or hollowness
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    Who is this streamer and what game is this?

    It would be a long shot, but he seems to be running a donation. In the video watch for donation/follower/subscriber pop-ups. Send that person a message on twitch and see if they reply with who the streamer is.
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    Ghostbusters : Afterlife

    I don’t understand why you are in the running for asshat of the year. Your persona is faker than a pair of Vegas stripper tits. Edit: Auto correct fail.
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    Black Friday (2021)

    I’m betting most stores do a virtual Black Friday promotion. Global supply chains are still a mess and I doubt they will be able to stock their shelves nationwide in time.
  29. W

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    I'm sorry sir, the original image clearly showed a Marauder.
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    Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous

    There are no perfect set of rules. You release one version for the role players and then the next version for the min maxers. Everyone in between house rules to their own taste.
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    Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous

    Correct, Act 2 is the crusade tutorial. After playing around with the crusade portion of the game I downloaded this mod and turned on the auto win function within the mod. My understanding is using the auto crusade function that comes with the game means you miss out on some side quests. Where...
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    Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous

    Here is a list of all items found in the files.
  33. W

    Escape from Tarkov

    Just hyperlink it …
  34. W

    Everquest Confessions

    If memory serves, neither Nagafen nor Vox had a level limit during Kunark’s launch. It wasn’t until a level 53 Necro solo’d Nagafen that the level 52 attack limit was implemented. I would of loved to have seen how the Necro pulled that off.
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    Saying certain words is bannable, she showed them proof of it being a medical condition and they reinstated her account.
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    Tiny Combat Arena

    Honestly, the graphics remind me of the first flight sim I ever played. Corncob 3D
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    EQ TLP - Mischief (Free Trade / Random Loot)

    Out of curiosity, how hard would it be to get Sky quest items here?
  38. W

    EQ TLP - Mischief (Free Trade / Random Loot)

    The only classic ogre warrior I remember on Tunare was Thogg. And if you ARE Thogg, then let me send my belated condolences. You were robbed in warrior BotB.
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    Alligator Loki and Baron Zemo are Christmas shopping for the last Grogu plushie ...
  40. W

    EQ: Elder Dragons, Heart of Heroes. Made to stay, made for heroes!

    @Secrets you seem to be in the know, do you know of any other servers beyond Splose’s that are currently in the works?