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  1. Mist

    General Gaming News and Discussion

    So, speaking of the games industry being turned upside down, apparently the first game that Dunkey's publishing company Bigmode released is actually incredible? This is the shit that needs to happen. I'll wait a few days to see how the reviews shake out, but I'm already impressed.
  2. Mist

    General Gaming News and Discussion

    So apparently some Microsoft Exec was quoted today as saying they need more games like HiFi Rush on Game Pass, lol. The video game industry fucking sucks lol.
  3. Mist

    World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery

    I think they can turn it around at 60. I was really wary about this phase going into it, expecting all of the problems that showed up. There's no point in hardcore gear grinding because all of the content is pretty trivial, and I don't expect it to be very hard at 60 but I could easily be wrong.
  4. Mist

    Where are all the MMORPG games? lol

    Yeah, that's what I was thinking. Deadlands and Weird West meets Firefly.
  5. Mist

    Where are all the MMORPG games? lol

    I was referring to Starfield about the bad. Read the quote my quote was quoting.
  6. Mist

    V Rising

    This looks fun, is there a FoH server?
  7. Mist

    Where are all the MMORPG games? lol

    I said WEIRD not BAD.
  8. Mist

    Where are all the MMORPG games? lol

    Someone needs to come up with a good genre that's particularly suited to what MMOs make possible. 3 words: Weird Space Western
  9. Mist

    Helldivers II

  10. Mist

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

  11. Mist

    General Gaming News and Discussion

    yes but AI doesn't poop
  12. Mist

    Baldur's Gate 3 by Larian Games

    I want to see this, but in a different setting like Eberron.
  13. Mist

    General Gaming News and Discussion

    Good career. #1 choice I'd say for anyone who doesn't want to go to college. The AI overlords will keep the HVAC techs around for servants long after they liquidate everyone else.
  14. Mist

    General Gaming News and Discussion

    I only wanted Legos and stuffed animals for indoor toys growing up, aside from the occasional SNES game (which were fucking expensive, when you think about it now.) Art and drawing stuff too. I had my own architectural/drafting tools and was obsessed with stationery, which we now know as a...
  15. Mist

    General Gaming News and Discussion

    I find this crazy because Hi Fi Rush was a big Game Pass title, wasn't it? Doesn't Microsoft need studios like this to create value for Game Pass? Unless they plan on getting rid of Game Pass.
  16. Mist

    Hades (Supergiant Games)

    Hestia was always the least sexy and most controversial goddess even for the day. These people are memeing you. You're the punchline.
  17. Mist

    Hades (Supergiant Games)

    lol i was gonna post this
  18. Mist

    Investing General Discussion

    In this ONE case I am okay with PE firms destroying a US company:
  19. Mist

    Where are all the MMORPG games? lol

    I feel like this is almost possible but no one, not companies or players, want to invest in it.
  20. Mist

    Where are all the MMORPG games? lol

    Oh yeah, I constantly forget that a whole bunch of mobile games are just clones of WoW with most of the pathing automated.
  21. Mist

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

  22. Mist

    Where are all the MMORPG games? lol

    The Dune game looks alright, aside from way too much sand. Sand? In *my* maud'dib? It's more likely than you think.
  23. Mist

    General Gaming News and Discussion

    Good fucking post.
  24. Mist

    Helldivers II

    No, I'm pretty sure this is what Sony always was. Remember that Sony and SoE were never the same company.
  25. Mist

    Where are all the MMORPG games? lol

    fuck retail WoW
  26. Mist

    Helldivers II

    The biggest unforced error I've ever seen in gaming. The Unity devs thing was close, but there were actual economic incentives to do it. Real names on Battletags is the closest thing I can think of. Oh yeah and maybe WotC and their attempt to un-open-source the D20 system.
  27. Mist

    Where are all the MMORPG games? lol

    The only IRL people I know that still admit to playing a lot of Retail WoW are three biological women all in their 30s who work in IT middle management and are also very active TikTok users. 2 are very high rated M+ healers, and all of them have like a bajillion pets and mounts. Like an...
  28. Mist

    Where are all the MMORPG games? lol

    What's funny is that retail WoW is like all chicks now that it's a collecting clothes and pets game.
  29. Mist

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

  30. Mist

    Where are all the MMORPG games? lol

    Star Citizen bro.
  31. Mist

    Helldivers II

    jfc lol
  32. Mist

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    S1 Cata was actually really good. SoD P3 just feels pointless. The gear is not worth grinding for because you're so close to replacing it at 60. Also, there's way too much easily accessible gear so none of it feels important. I got my 3pc ST set and the STV dagger and feel like I'm done for...
  33. Mist

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

  34. Mist

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

  35. Mist

    EVE Online

    Vanguard out yet?
  36. Mist

    Investing General Discussion

    INTC sucking enough for me to buy more.
  37. Mist

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

  38. Mist

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics