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  1. Sebudai

    NFL 2020 Season: Gravy Edition!

    The league's only undefeated team will be on display at 3:40pm on a Wednesday and 5:00pm on a Monday. Well done everyone. Maybe we could play the next Chiefs game at like 3:00am on a Tuesday.
  2. Sebudai

    NFL 2020 Season: Gravy Edition!

    They've also rescheduled multiple week 13 games with completely unrelated teams as a result of all this. We're getting two MNF games and another Tuesday night game. All of this is apparently preferable compared to having the Ravens concede a football game they were statistically favored to lose.
  3. Sebudai

    NFL 2020 Season: Gravy Edition!

    I guess the NFL will collapse if it doesn't get the viewership revenue from a game that's now being played in the middle of the afternoon on a Wednesday.
  4. Sebudai

    NFL 2020 Season: Gravy Edition!

    Don't we have a Ravens fan on this board? Or did that faggot bounce when he was asked to defend a political opinion or something? ANYONE care to fucking justify the repeated rescheduling of this game to benefit the Ravens? Anyone?
  5. Sebudai

    NFL 2020 Season: Gravy Edition!

    When has the league ever bent over backwards to accommodate a team like this? And I'm not counting changing the entire rulebook for Tom Brady and Aaron Rodgers. This is not fair to the Steelers. This is a fucking joke from a faggot league of anti-American kneelers and sub 90 IQ mongoloids that...
  6. Sebudai

    NFL 2020 Season: Gravy Edition!

    So I guess we're playing this Ravens vs. Steelers game in the offseason, once the Ravens are all healed up and their tummies feel better? What a fucking joke league this is. You can't field a team, you forfeit. It's as simple as that. That's how big boy world works.
  7. Sebudai


    Took this as I was sweeping up the mess they made with the litter. Hopefully we can work our way up to using the robovac again. :D
  8. Sebudai


    Dear diary, Over the past week I embarked on a quest to catch a stray kitten I had been seeing around my building's parking lot. It's a semi-busy parking lot and it's starting to get a little colder off and on in Utah. Night One: After camping its spawn for about an hour he/she/xir finally...
  9. Sebudai

    NFL 2020 Season: Gravy Edition!

    Football Team is taking that division.
  10. Sebudai

    NFL 2020 Season: Gravy Edition!

    Hey did you vote for Biden like a good obedient black man?
  11. Sebudai

    MLB Hot Stove 2020: Congratulations to the nations capital

    Grats to you Dodger dudes. Alright, how are the big boy teams going to divvy up the players from this Rays team? 🤔
  12. Sebudai

    MLB Hot Stove 2020: Congratulations to the nations capital

    Hard not to laugh at how obnoxious it'll be if the Astros pull off this comeback and win the WS. If you're an Astros fan, I say just lean in to playing the heel at that point. The world needs villains too.
  13. Sebudai

    NFL 2020 Season: Gravy Edition!

    49ers with Matt Ryan aren’t even the best team in their division, let alone the league.
  14. Sebudai

    NFL 2020 Season: Gravy Edition!

    Mah boy! 😬😍
  15. Sebudai

    The Netflix Thread

    So you think sexualizing children is a good way to criticize the sexualization of children?
  16. Sebudai

    NFL 2020 Season: Gravy Edition!

    On a scale from 1 to 10 where would you guys peg the overall level of BLM faggotry? With lower being more watchable. I saw two teams kneeled for a fucking kickoff, and individually that’s at least a 9, but what about the league overall?
  17. Sebudai

    NFL 2020 Season: Gravy Edition!

    BLM has ruined sports and now it has to ruin video games. An entire fucking planet bending over backwards to placate an underclass of perma-victim, crybaby, violent criminal losers.
  18. Sebudai

    NFL 2020 Season: Gravy Edition!

    Did you stand and put your hand over your heart when they sang "your" anthem bro? And did you kneel when they sang the racist American one?
  19. Sebudai

    NFL 2020 Season: Gravy Edition!

    So you skipped the "Black" national anthem? Racist. You're supposed to kneel and think about how horrible your ancestors were. Did they plaster anything on the field or goalposts? Any mention of poor Jacob Blake?
  20. Sebudai

    NFL 2020 Season: Gravy Edition!

    Oh am I ruining your thread like the athletes are ruining my sports and my country?
  21. Sebudai

    NFL 2020 Season: Gravy Edition!

    Which anthem? The real one or the "Black" one? They're singing both before each game because apparently black people aren't Americans.
  22. Sebudai

    NFL 2020 Season: Gravy Edition!

    I can’t wait to see if I need to boycott this league too. Will the NFL lionize a criminal while ignoring his victim like the NBA is? Tune in to find out! Yo Brahma, how do you feel about Farrakhan?
  23. Sebudai

    NFL 2020 Season: Gravy Edition!

    Just ordered my Washington Football Team Alex Smith jersey.
  24. Sebudai

    MLB Hot Stove 2020: Congratulations to the nations capital

    I think it'll feel pretty legitimate when all is said and done, whoever wins. They made the season long enough so that I don't feel like the variance of baseball hasn't had enough time to separate the wheat from the chaff. In a lot of ways this season is actually harder than typical because of...
  25. Sebudai

    NBA 2019-2020 Season: Kawhi Saved Us

    It's not just the pandering. The players are fomenting race riots and lionizing a criminal who is accused of serially sexually assaulting a woman in front of her children. It's truly despicable behavior from LeBron and those following his lead. Half the league is racist and idolizes people like...
  26. Sebudai

    NBA 2019-2020 Season: Kawhi Saved Us

    Hadn’t heard. I did hear it was racist to hire Steve Nash to coach though. Cool league.
  27. Sebudai

    NBA 2019-2020 Season: Kawhi Saved Us

    Oh cool. What a fun league, guys. Even just hiring a white former player to coach is racism. Everything is racism. Let's watch an entire league of race baiting perma victim crybabies.
  28. Sebudai

    NBA 2019-2020 Season: Kawhi Saved Us

    Not our fault the NBA chose to become a political organization, from top to bottom. From owners to players, to the jerseys they wear and the courts they play on, all the way up through and including the announcers. Don't blame us. They did this to themselves. The viewers have been loud and...
  29. Sebudai


    This is the dumbest thing I've ever laughed at, and I've laughed at myself.
  30. Sebudai

    NBA 2019-2020 Season: Kawhi Saved Us

    @ham do you agree with Lebron that black people are being literally hunted in the streets every time they have the audacity to step outside their homes, or are you a racist? Have fun watching your league of communist sympathizing insurrectionists. When BLM burns your businesses down just...
  31. Sebudai

    NBA 2019-2020 Season: Kawhi Saved Us

    My dad tells me the Jazz lost in 7. I didn't watch a second of it, and wouldn't even if they were up 3-0 in the finals. The other team I root for no longer exists. I love America more than I love sports, and I love sports a lot. I will not watch a league of vocally anti-American racist bigots...
  32. Sebudai

    NBA 2019-2020 Season: Kawhi Saved Us

    I also forgot the whole "infiltrating all of American academia" part. But yeah, it's fun to watch a bunch of illiterate retards who hate the country that made them all millionaires bounce a ball on the court while stoking a literal civil war off the court, so whatevs.
  33. Sebudai

    NBA 2019-2020 Season: Kawhi Saved Us

    They’re in bed with the government we’re at war with. The government that just destroyed our economy and killed hundreds of thousands of our citizens with a global pandemic. Every time you have to wear a mask and Purrel all your shit it’s because of the CCP. If you were stuck inside for months...
  34. Sebudai

    Black Panther (2018)

    Stark included him in that last snap because he's a racist white man.
  35. Sebudai

    NBA 2019-2020 Season: Kawhi Saved Us

    The NBA is an un-American, race baiting trash league in bed with America's enemies. Lebron James is encouraging a race war, and half of the players in the league are bigots.
  36. Sebudai


    Yep, I recommend S1+Kiksuya and skip the rest.
  37. Sebudai

    Black Panther (2018)

    BP was fine. There’s nothing wrong with making a fun B- superhero movie. It was just completely oversold by woke dipshits. Boseman was very good in the role and this is very sad. Gotta respect how he decided to go out too. RIP.
  38. Sebudai

    Bill & Ted Face the Music

    I watched it again and liked even more the 2nd time.
  39. Sebudai

    Bill & Ted Face the Music

    Not gonna pretend it was a masterpiece but I loved it. Bunch of good laughs, and it’s upbeat and positive as always with Bill & Ted. I just went ahead and bought it since there was only a $5 difference between renting it. Keanu rules and I’ll support anything he does.
  40. Sebudai

    MLB Hot Stove 2020: Congratulations to the nations capital

    I'm just gonna stop showing up to work and when they call me to ask where I've been I'm going to say "I'm ending police brutality."