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  1. Vaclav

    Captain Marvel (2019)

    More Toby from The Office. (Although not lonely like him, but otherwise, he's a pretty good analog) But please, continue to insult me for pointing out where the circle jerk mentality around here is flawed. Clearly packs of randoms are more versed than someone who actually deals with stuff...
  2. Vaclav

    Captain Marvel (2019)

    (And I did have to reference dates a couple, I don't have those memorized - I did remember the name of the Sundowner case though, easy name to keep locked in - plus it's the more relevant one from having to reference it so many times in the early Y2K years)
  3. Vaclav

    Captain Marvel (2019)

    Except they are. I've had to deal with situations that went past workplace and into actual civil law. Are you that inept to think they never overlap? Workplace ones were still in their infancy when I was going through my school in the 90s - while the Federal was already there in full, and...
  4. Vaclav

    Captain Marvel (2019)

    You're both assuming I'm saying he would get charged and would lose. I'm not saying that. Just that there's enough for it to be investigated if she complained. (Which as you said, BP, if it unearthed more or there was other complaints, could trigger something serious) Thus why I stated it was...
  5. Vaclav

    MTG: Arena

    It sucks? Eh... been super easy for me, everyone playing the same easy to counter bullshit. Think I've had one loss so far.
  6. Vaclav

    Captain Marvel (2019)

    Correct, but he led in with something that she could have taken as it being an escalation towards sexual harassment - in a vacuum you'd be correct, but the "Hey baby" look beforehand makes it further into gray rather than normal black and white.
  7. Vaclav

    Captain Marvel (2019)

    As someone who needs to deal with harassment (aka "being offended") laws more than I care to in my line of work, you are correct. The first example in a HR environment would be an instant firing in most cases if she was offended (which she almost certainly was with the "Hey baby" eyes...
  8. Vaclav

    Captain Marvel (2019)

    Watch Judge Judy, it come up at least once a season with a "phone smacked out of the hand" situation where JJ elaborates on that being considered as such.
  9. Vaclav

    MTG: Arena

    But will it get stained glass?!? (kidding, obv not, but enjoying the SG)
  10. Vaclav

    MTG thread

    Hmmm - for the -X is needs to do at least 1 to trigger the exile, right?
  11. Vaclav

    MTG thread

    I don't tend to like playing red, but that Mythic Chandra may just force my hand... that +2 is insane.
  12. Vaclav

    The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !

    As long as the PS4 is your primary, shouldn't be an issue.
  13. Vaclav

    MTG thread

    Well yea, should've said Fateseal X from hand - didn't clarify the loss of hand size. The drawing 7 then putting away bit will be odd to get used to, and yea, definitely looks like fishing for what you want will be easier that way.
  14. Vaclav

    MTG thread

    So instead of -X Handsize and Scry 1 it's now full draw then Fateseal X?
  15. Vaclav

    Soloable board/Card games

    Tried it yet? That looks like it could be a blast from the impression the cards are giving.
  16. Vaclav

    MTG: Arena

    Yea, I don't see how people enjoy this format - I'm slow rolling it because I'm really not enjoying it. Did laugh my ass off when I completely owned someone playing 50 rats.dec though.
  17. Vaclav

    MTG thread

    Yep as a Time Spiral fan that was bummed they never did something like it again, this is awesome. And thankfully already seems confirmed for a series and not just a one time thing. $$$
  18. Vaclav

    MTG thread

    Gift is a redux of a green card, isn't it? It's so familiar but not... And Trademage statline w/ a Bazaar of Baghdad activation seems amazing.
  19. Vaclav

    5/10 FoH Open War of the Spark Tournament, Now with CASH PRIZES + Future Events

    Yea, works with other things that break the normal "sorcery speed" rules - i.e. Chaos Wand can be hilarious timed like that for people that run Duress/Erasure
  20. Vaclav

    The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !

    Well since it's backwards compatible it doesn't even do that - since it could have a phsyical drive for PS4 titles only and all the new shit could be digital exclusive. (Unless they've made a clear statement at least, I've only been following loosely)
  21. Vaclav

    MTG thread

    I forget Serra's part of lore, I only remember her plane collapsing not that she died... I did already see her though.
  22. Vaclav

    MTG thread

    Wait.... we're bringing dead characters back now for MODERN?
  23. Vaclav

    Game Giveaway III

    Thanks, yea, been a huge Xcom fan just heard it was short and was never on sale at the right times.
  24. Vaclav

    Game Giveaway III

    I'd been debating Mutant Year Zero but hadn't gotten around to getting it yet, would love it, if you feel so inclined.
  25. Vaclav

    MTG: Arena

    What are the 4-color names on there from? Nephilim?
  26. Vaclav

    MTG thread

    We sure that's legit and not trolling? The sticker being placed at precisely the same spot on every box it's visible seems really suspicious to me. 'Tis the era of trolling and photo manipulation after all.
  27. Vaclav

    5/10 FoH Open War of the Spark Tournament, Now with CASH PRIZES + Future Events

    Done and PMed - its nothing exciting, been too lazy to be very creative recently. (Although you notice one creative element, no doubt)
  28. Vaclav

    MTG thread

    Quantity helps in MTGO/A - playing a deck flawlessly over 1000+ games in a season is one thing compared to only a handful of actual qualifying games for a PT season, etc. Additionally, matching is far less strict in MTGO/A than RL. (Mind you, I'm not the type that thinks that MOST pros cheat -...
  29. Vaclav

    MTG: Arena

    (And of course my woman plays next to me too - and by and far whatever I'm getting paired with at a given time matches her pairings too - and I tend to play more control/combo and she's more of a stompy player -- sadly she's actually ranking better than me though, she's Gold and I'm Silver ATM -...
  30. Vaclav

    MTG: Arena

    Its the same thing I've noticed in basically ALL CCG's - its time of day. I stick consistent to the same deck (with minor tweaks at best) in any CCG I play for at least a week at a time, and I'll notice I'll get an absurd amount of the same match over and over again at (hypothetically) 10am...
  31. Vaclav

    MTG: Arena

    Vault is just SOMETHING so that excess commons/uncommons mean something. It used to be that Rare/Mythic were the same way too, but the gems thing is faaaaar better obviously.
  32. Vaclav

    MTG: Arena

    Nope, wasn't just a display error, I set a pause for a good 3 minutes trying to get a block to function during that combat before giving up rather than using all my timeouts trying to force it. And wasn't my Sarkhan time, was three standard flying critters (one of which was nerfed into non-flying)
  33. Vaclav

    MTG: Arena

    Really weird bug tonight, playing against someone with a name in an odd script (wasn't any of the languages I recognize) when I was about to lethal in Draft I got disconned - come back and all my flyers cannot fly with no effect in play, and he comes over and lethals me with a big flyer (I had...
  34. Vaclav

    (PS4) Days gone. Q1-2019

    Got here now, bit busy this week but definitely enjoying the first sections - not anything new persay, but so well refined for what it's doing.
  35. Vaclav

    (PS4) Days gone. Q1-2019

    Wish my copy got here from Gamefly already, they're being slow as shit.
  36. Vaclav

    MTG thread

    He is, and he's going to lose, odds are it won't even get a judge willing to hear it, it's that open and shut. This is basically a voluntary employment status for him and he's got no leg to stand on with how many outs there are in pro contracts, unless WotC had super incompetent lawyers. I've...
  37. Vaclav

    MTG: Arena

    With so many GY shenanigans and the God-Eternals, I've been happy to have Ashiok in sideboard consistently.
  38. Vaclav

    MTG: Arena

    Sarkhan + Samut ruined my day once already... ><
  39. Vaclav

    Time Bandits

    Fuck yea.