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  1. Abefroman

    The Astronomy Thread

    Looks like a warning that pride month is coming. I thought that shit was supposed to be green? Even solar storms are fucking gay.
  2. Abefroman

    You know you're getting old when.....

    All my high school teachers are dead.
  3. Abefroman

    True Detective

    I was at least hoping for some bacteria or virus released because climate change. They took a bunch of good actors and made me hate all the characters and made me hate vigilantes.
  4. Abefroman

    Will Smith n Oscar Town

    In high school we would say go get your stomach pumped as the way to call someone a faggot in front of teachers.
  5. Abefroman

    Will Smith n Oscar Town

    Early 90's in high school everyone thought he was gay.
  6. Abefroman

    I'd rather deal with discipline and strictness and uncomfortable conditions then a huge cock in my ass.
  7. Abefroman

    General Gaming News and Discussion

    Would not be surprised if A.I is already eliminating jobs from music, art, writing. Tech companies are also cutting all the activist fat right now.
  8. Abefroman

    Who died? (Celebrity Deaths)

    The smooth brains actually took the shot.
  9. Abefroman

    2023-2024 NFL Season : Arizona's QB Search Continues

    Today's NFL games brought to you by Phizer.
  10. Abefroman


    Maybe I'm getting too old for this shit but Grand Admiral Thrawn own goaling every fucking episode does not scream tactical genius.
  11. Abefroman


    I think it is one of the more realistic alien invasion shows. All the white leaders were killed right away and the fate of humanity rests with a black woman. Legit strat.
  12. Abefroman


    Why the fuck is a force user fucking around with a lightsaber battle when she can just force choke a bitch?
  13. Abefroman

    Cheated out of my youth

    She must have been taking her teeth out.
  14. Abefroman


    Perfect episode.
  15. Abefroman

    The Fast Food Thread

    Went to Carl Jr's and the entire ordering process in the drive thru was AI taking the order and it was FUCKING PERFECT. Got everything right. Even repeated it back to me and I got my meal real quick.
  16. Abefroman

    FedEx Cup

  17. Abefroman


    I just can't understand why the fuck they wouldn't take the suites off outside. Everyone says your going to die anyway and your entire thing is they are lying. Walk the fuck outside with the suit off.
  18. Abefroman

    Rabbit Hole

    It feels weird when I watch a show about a global conspiracy and I'm nodding my head the whole fucking time in agreement.
  19. Abefroman

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

  20. Abefroman

    You know you're getting old when.....

    All the fucking cops are younger then me.
  21. Abefroman

    The Mandalorian

    Forcing people to keep helmets on aint that far fetched.
  22. Abefroman

    The Last of Us

    I don't think any actor like Pedro Pascal believes any of this woke bullshit. I bet every single one of us would be repeating that bullshit if it meant millions and unlimited pussy.
  23. Abefroman

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    This photo is hurting my brain. It's like someone combined the 70's, 80's and 90's in AI.
  24. Abefroman

    A streamer paid to have deep fake porn made of other female twitch streamers that he works with.
  25. Abefroman

    We got people jerking off to co workers at CNN on fucking zoom calls. This is lame in comparison. I'll do some research to see if my opinion changes.
  26. Abefroman

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    Those mags could stop depleted uranium.
  27. Abefroman

    The Grand Tour (from the guys in Top Gear)

    What good is being old and fucking rich if you have to bite your tongue about some fake ass bitch.
  28. Abefroman

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

  29. Abefroman

    2022-23 NFL Season : Herbert's march to Glendale

    Lovie Smith doing work for the Bears.
  30. Abefroman

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

  31. Abefroman

    The Netflix Thread

    I really enjoyed this but it has a weird vibe. It does some serious stuff and great action then you have just some goofy comic relief. It somehow works cause I dunno if someone is about to get a blowjob or tortured.
  32. Abefroman

    2022-23 NFL Season : Herbert's march to Glendale

    I'm blaming climate change for this one.
  33. Abefroman

    2022-23 NFL Season : Herbert's march to Glendale

    The most likely scenario that I have become to embrace more and more is that nobody there had any idea what the fuck to do and probably made as many stupid decisions possible.
  34. Abefroman

    You know you're getting old when.....

    You realize you have less time left then you've lived.
  35. Abefroman


    It's only going to get down to 46 tonight. I think that's too hot for the duvet.
  36. Abefroman

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

  37. Abefroman

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

  38. Abefroman

    Marvel Universe stuff

    Makes perfect sense that Denzel is Magneto since Magneto is basically Malcom X. This race swap actually makes sense for the X-men universe.