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  1. Aldarion

    The Umbrella Academy

    Such a great show. Went to shit at the end but so good for a season for two.
  2. Aldarion

    Ancient Civilizations

    No, you have a problem with getting confused about who's saying what. These conversations are made up of a bunch of different people saying different things, but you wade in here like "its Chris against The World!" and just start swinging, not bothering to tailor your responses to the posts you...
  3. Aldarion

    Whats rustling your jimmies?

    You arent wrong, not even a little bit. But it illustrates the problem perfectly. Social deviants like that line jumper get away with it because normal people arent willing to do what it takes to call them out and make them stop. Because the minute you react appropriately to their actions...
  4. Aldarion

    Gravy's Cooking Thread

    Lately I've been doing the smoke bomb things. Gopher gasser. Its helping. But those little fuckers, its like I'm living Caddyshack sometimes. They actually picked up one of the smoke bomb things, it looks like an M80, and carried it out of their hole and dropped it like 3 feet from the hole...
  5. Aldarion

    Gravy's Cooking Thread

    What you really need to do is get some gophers. Once those little motherfuckers eat half your garden, well, thats half as much stuff you have to store. Fuck I hate gophers.
  6. Aldarion

    Ancient Civilizations

    Who said anything about linking the flood story to the Med? I made a very general statement that considering alternative histories almost requires that we have to doubt some of the official dating. Some of you people just want to fight, and its boring.
  7. Aldarion

    Ancient Civilizations

    I don't know the details about this particular event so I'm not saying you're wrong. I assume you've got this detail right in terms of mainstream archaeology and dating, etc. All I'm saying is that aside from certain kinds of carbon dating (in relics from living things) the science of dating is...
  8. Aldarion

    Gravy's Cooking Thread

    Im sure you know this, but the classic old school solution is you don't need to preserve them, you need to store them dry and cleanish in a root cellar.
  9. Aldarion

    Weed Culture

    Imagine theres a plant that you could just smoke the dried flower buds and get high. Further imagine that those flowerbuds are fragrant little nuggets, that taste and smell really nice. Imagine that this product is legal and readily available in great variety at low cost. But instead of doing...
  10. Aldarion

    Terrible & appealing invention ideas

    Its so fucking weird. I always read about these Japanese pooping innovations, that are seemingly all about disguising whats happening. Have they ever considered just making single occupant bathrooms? Seems like a whole lot simpler and more effective way of accomplishing the same goal.
  11. Aldarion

    Whats rustling your jimmies?

    yeah my fucking truck has one of those. what a shitty design. When the fuel pump goes I'll be replacing the truck cause 1200 is what I paid for the whole thing.
  12. Aldarion

    Whats rustling your jimmies?

  13. Aldarion

    The Fast Food Thread

    Thats low quality bait. Queso is universally beloved by all who try it.
  14. Aldarion

    Home buying thread

    As far as I can see it, none of us is given any choice in whether we pay for the government spending, so I don't see why we should agonize over whether to claim benefits. If you qualify, you should claim it: you already paid for it.
  15. Aldarion

    Whats rustling your jimmies?

    Id be rustled as fuck if my grocery store self checkout had item limits or didnt allow booze. Thats bullshit. Now Im pissed just thinking about it.
  16. Aldarion

    The Fast Food Thread

    I dont get it. The same dumb gag twice in a row, after no one bit the first time. We don't even get high quality trolls anymore. Sad
  17. Aldarion

    Ancient Civilizations

    whether they could float 10 ton bricks only depends on the displacement of the vessel. not what the vessel was made out of.
  18. Aldarion

    The Lord of the Rings

    lmao black elves. clown world is so fuckin dumb
  19. Aldarion

    The Astronomy Thread

    Crystal clear but nothing visible to the naked eye in OR last night, bummer. Not an interesting phenomenon if it only shows up as an artifact of long exposure photography.
  20. Aldarion


    The mystery part is interesting enough to keep me watching so far. But holy fuck, the dialogue. Whoever wrote this is an alien who has never heard actual humans talk to each other.
  21. Aldarion

    The Fast Food Thread

    No, because there is no fast food thats edible more than 5 minutes after its made. It hits the wall so hard. The whole model is fucked, delivery and fast food and simply not compatible.
  22. Aldarion

    The Fast Food Thread

    I think its just that people grew up in an era when fast food was a semi affordable option. It became habit. The expectation became that you can go out and real quick grab a burger on your lunch break. Those same restaurants are still there, the lunch break still goes by just as fast, so people...
  23. Aldarion

    Furiosa (2024)

    Its the single most FOH-overrated movie I can remember. It wasnt terrible, but never for one second did I ever consider rewatching it.
  24. Aldarion

    Deadpool & Wolverine

    I thought twin sister?
  25. Aldarion

    Dune: Part Two (2023)

    whoa careful posting such hot pics without a spoiler, arent you supposed to say "NSFW" or something? I mean YOWZA. Hubba Hubba even!
  26. Aldarion

    Dune: Part Two (2023)

    Is this another person posting a monkey picture in an effort to say "look how hot she is!" I legitimately can't tell, after that last one
  27. Aldarion

    Deadpool & Wolverine

    I dont follow writer/ director/ whatever shit. But holy fuck, whoevers behind this thing needs to be put in charge of all MCU projects from now on.
  28. Aldarion

    Cheap Meals: Eating on a budget.

    Yeah I'll never understand the attitude that preparing food I'm about to eat is somehow a waste of time. Is chewing it a waste of time too? Shall we just get some flavorless nutrient tablets instead so we can maximize our bullshit leisure nonsense? Cooking is time well spent
  29. Aldarion

    Cheap Meals: Eating on a budget.

    and to add insult to injury, what did they do with that extra time? that valuable, precious time they couldnt afford to spend cooking? they scrolled on retarded videos on tiktok on one hand while clicking between streaming channels with the other Thats what kills me. People lie constantly...
  30. Aldarion


    I dont even think youre wrong here, not even a little bit. But if you're complaining because a character used a pipe wrench to tighten nuts on a pipe, I just think you may be expecting an unrealistic level of detail. Be happy we got some kind of wrench.
  31. Aldarion

    Dune: Part Two (2023)

    Is that supposed to be her "hot" picture? That was your "gotcha?" lmfao
  32. Aldarion

    Dune: Part Two (2023)

    Putting aside for a moment the established fact that Fremen werent Middle Easterners. Nobody criticized her casting because she was cast as a sand inventor. Everyone criticized her casting because she was cast in a role traditionally reserved for someone at least moderately attractive.
  33. Aldarion

    The Fast Food Thread

    I think you guys are underestimating the food dye appeal when you blame it on just advertising stuff, or just dumb kids, or whatever. Humanity has been adding dyes to cheese and butters for what, like a couple hundred years? Not nasty artificial dyes, generally, but still. The point is that...
  34. Aldarion


    Only about 1.5 episodes in so far. Never played the games. Lucy is super likable and also weirdly hot. Ghoul guy seems like he'll be fun. Everybody else seems like a giant piece of shit but maybe thats the point?
  35. Aldarion

    The Mandela Effect

    So we're faced with two possibilities 1. everybody remembers wrong, and Mist is right 2. does it even matter what I write here to make option 2 seem like the obviously correct choice?
  36. Aldarion

    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Last Ronin (2026)

    What do you mean, which turtle?
  37. Aldarion

    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Last Ronin (2026)

    Have they announced Leslie Jones as April yet? Cause theyre definitely casting Leslie Jones as April.
  38. Aldarion

    Whats rustling your jimmies?

    careful, youre gonna have the foh varmint police quoting all the theoretical laws and penalties for shooting a problem bird in private on your own property on this forum we discuss the downfall of western society and the day of warm hugs but shooting varmints is a bridge too far sir!
  39. Aldarion

    Joker: Folie à Deux (2024)

    You seem confused. Yes, those are clearly different "songs". I can tell the difference, of course. They're both bullshit pseudomusic. You're failing to grasp my point. Read my analogy again.
  40. Aldarion

    Joker: Folie à Deux (2024)

    This. Its a lot like how degenerates always try to say no no, I'm different than that other kind of degenerate. Or rap fans will say no no this isnt rap its "house" or "hippity hop" or some silly shit. Or people who live in Long Beach will be like no no this isnt LA its totally different...