Search results

  1. Lasch


    Random, but if you're in OKC and like to hike, Bluff Creek's mountain bike trail is pretty fantastic for being in the middle of OKC. (just north of Hefner)
  2. Lasch

    Mufasa: The Lion King (2024)

    It warms my heart knowing Scar kills Mufasa.
  3. Lasch

    Project Honor - Notorious Studios
  4. Lasch


    Loved the narrator in the audiobook. For better or worse, it made me picture Jason Statham as Blackthorne when I listened to it a few years ago.
  5. Lasch

    Warhammer 40k

    Can probably find some great deals on eBay this week.
  6. Lasch

    Warhammer 40k

    Maybe Warmachine? I always wished more people played it around here.
  7. Lasch

    Star Wars general purpose movie stuff

    I admit I'm maybe a little too excited for the youtube reviews trashing it for months.
  8. Lasch

    Warhammer 40k

    Could just go Knights!
  9. Lasch

    Warhammer 40k

    Need more highlighting, error cleanups, and thinning of paints for layering to be a proper headcase, Chris.
  10. Lasch

    World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery

    Sixtyupgrades has the westfall tunic 7 points higher than the nightwalker
  11. Lasch

    World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery

    appears to be full on heals already
  12. Lasch

    World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery

    I can do dps with my hunter or lock - will there be room for me to also bring along a disc priest?
  13. Lasch

    World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery

    What does the Wild Growth bfd group need?
  14. Lasch

    World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery

    I didn’t get explosive shot until 25.
  15. Lasch

    World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery

    Was my hunter. And I just did standard night elf zone to stonetalon to wetlands since I only had to hit 25. The early Zerg made me skip some quests so I ground on furbolg longer than I normally do.
  16. Lasch

    World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery

    beast mastery rune and no others I got 25 first night. But leveling my main now.
  17. Lasch

    World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery

    Has a guild been made yet? (pve)
  18. Lasch

    World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery

    At 25 pve - Blessing of wisdom.
  19. Lasch

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    I can't believe Blizzard didn't use Windfurry as the name for the druid glyph.
  20. Lasch

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    At a minimum it lets the people that want to do those roles play other shit, so it should increase the pool.
  21. Lasch

    2023 Blizzcon Reaction Thread

    Anduin being a bitch isn’t going to entice me to log on, let alone purchase and subscribe.
  22. Lasch

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    What was the new news?
  23. Lasch

    2023-2024 NFL Season : Arizona's QB Search Continues

    This game is silly. Love it.
  24. Lasch

    Diablo 4 / IV / IIII / Fore / Cope / Seethe

    I wonder how much that announcement of yearly expansions just completely gutted the chance of this game to have a large percentage of its player base ever come back.
  25. Lasch

    Warhammer 40k

    Might wait, but nothing in the ravenstrike will go obsolete anytime soon. (Note, as much as I like how reivers look, they are no bueno)
  26. Lasch

    Warhammer 40k

    Hopefully just the Terminator/Sternguard treatment.
  27. Lasch

    Diablo 4 / IV / IIII / Fore / Cope / Seethe

    Please don't fall for obvious setups, people.
  28. Lasch

    Warhammer 40k

    Dumb rules question. If a unit has Lethal hits, and a leader attached to it gives Lethal hits - does it go to autowound on a 5, or is the leader ability just wasted?
  29. Lasch

    Diablo 4 / IV / IIII / Fore / Cope / Seethe

    How does that build handle mobs that chain CC?
  30. Lasch

    Diablo 4 / IV / IIII / Fore / Cope / Seethe

    did some quick scrolling of the last few pages. So, if someone already answered my bad. But anything on the emote wheel can be key bound. Makes leaving dungeon/common potions/cc break a touch faster.
  31. Lasch

    Warhammer 40k

    I hate this free wargear push they have been on.
  32. Lasch

    Diablo 4 / IV / IIII / Fore / Cope / Seethe

    I am not endgame, but I have to concur. I am only level 68, and found on my druid that while leveling, trash was easy and bosses were a slog. Now trash can almost 1 shot me and can take forever to clear with the right combination of painful affixes, but bosses now just evaporate.
  33. Lasch

    Diablo 4 / IV / IIII / Fore / Cope / Seethe

    Yeah, you can extract at the occultist. (I assume you are referencing the legendary power.) It then goes into a tab in your inventory. And can be used to make a new legendary instead of using a dungeon aspect - but not every legendary power can go into every item slot.
  34. Lasch

    Diablo 4 / IV / IIII / Fore / Cope / Seethe

    I really like how well they made the sand dunes. They might be the best I have seen in a game. Probably not the oddest complement I have give…. Their end game might he shit. The dialogue in the campaignbcertainly is. But kudos to their art team in general.
  35. Lasch

    Diablo 4 / IV / IIII / Fore / Cope / Seethe

    I prefer the Joe Abercrombie filter: Well, behold, mates, the latest spectacle in the Zelda canon, a bright and gleaming testament to the ever-mounting annals of Nintendo's blunders. Those pixels you see splattered across your screen? Aye, that's not originality, just a lazy dredge through...
  36. Lasch

    Diablo 4 / IV / IIII / Fore / Cope / Seethe

    Eh, it was better than I expected from Blizzard and as live action.
  37. Lasch

    New Lord of the Rings MMO

    They need to just copy/paste the mining and lumbering from new world. but delete the weapon swap and roll canceling.
  38. Lasch

    Weight Loss Thread

    GPT is pretty good at recipes, in particular helpful if you have any restrictions or preferences. It can also give you the nutritional data along with it.
  39. Lasch

    Diablo 4 / IV / IIII / Fore / Cope / Seethe

    Yeah, I avoided necro last build after ~lvl 5 because it was obviously overtuned and I didn’t want to spoil myself. Druid still feels shitty in difficulty 1, but my necro has been breezing in difficulty 2.
  40. Lasch

    Diablo 4 / IV / IIII / Fore / Cope / Seethe

    0-2 vs the Butcher so far on my druid. I think it will be a while before I go HC in this game.