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  1. TJT

    Spring 2024 Anime Thread

    Ninja Kamui has really stellar animation.
  2. TJT

    What are you listening to at the moment?

    I like Irish music in general. But I love it when I'm lit. It's like their whole culture designed a genre of music that only shines when you're inebriated.
  3. TJT

    Where are all the MMORPG games? lol

    This is a concept that I absolutely love. It currently only exists in LTRPG books which can be tons of fun. But there's this whole idea of dynamic classes. Like everyone gets some basic bitch class and you have standard progression like joining the mage guild and becoming Mage->Magus->Arcmagus...
  4. TJT

    IT/Software career thread: Invert binary trees for dollars.

    Yeah, considering we have like 8000 data models processing many terabytes of data daily they were sick of my shit lol.
  5. TJT

    Home Improvement

    I've been going to AC, Heating & Plumbing Repair and Installation In Pflugerville, TX | Altruistic AC, Heating & Plumbing I called that company too.
  6. TJT

    Home Improvement

    I tried shopping around. Two other places in the area that seemed relatively high quality. They will charge $700 for a "nitrogen leak test" before they agree to do what the first company said was the problem. I asked them if they were joking. That is straight absurd. I needed the coolant...
  7. TJT

    Home Improvement

    The warranty is active. It covers all parts, but not labor.
  8. TJT

    Home Improvement

    I have used this company before and I liked them because they didn't appear to fuck around with me.
  9. TJT

    Home Improvement

    I am currently in a new house and the AC had been getting weaker. Last year the AC was working poorly and the guys who installed it came as the house itself was still under warranty. They determined that when the company installed it they didn't fully charge the system. So they corrected that...
  10. TJT

    IT/Software career thread: Invert binary trees for dollars.

    Our VP is on a warpath. Dude just let go another 2 senior leaders for not being sufficiently onboard with healthcare data infrastructure modernization.
  11. TJT

    IT/Software career thread: Invert binary trees for dollars.

    I had a massive solution for Data Build Tool that I had built out using DBT-Core, their free offering library. Like any other package. I had a single "lol developer free seat" in DBT cloud for like 3 years. Where I heavily utilized its scheduling, error handling, and notification features. They...
  12. TJT

    IT/Software career thread: Invert binary trees for dollars.

    You can actually get away with this for quite a long time. But once you're on the radar they will fuck you hard.
  13. TJT

    Death and... Taxes.

    Well looks like I am going to get completely raped by property taxes here in Williamson County. I just had the gay ass country send me an appraisal and it was ~$12k higher than in 2023. Which is fine. But my property taxes now are 4x what they were last year. I've been in this house for 3 years...
  14. TJT

    What are you listening to at the moment?

    As much as I truly love this song and Irish Folk in general its a hard genre to keep coming back to because it's just straight sad. Compared to American Country where its more about being weary about life but not just soul sucking sadness. Old boy had a proper send off too.
  15. TJT


    If they do an official translation I'm down. Reading broken English novels is just something I can't really tolerate. Or rather, broken english fan translations.
  16. TJT


    Kerr writes a lot of interesting and nuanced characters. That's why I liked his stuff at all.
  17. TJT


    @Ukerric So I read LM Kerr's rewrite of Re:Apocalypse Vol 3 and Vol 4. It was okay but not much of an improvement. I liked the idea of the Vile King and he just made it worse.
  18. TJT

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

  19. TJT


    Got around to starting the Butcher of Ghadobra. This one is really enjoyable. I like the like cyberpunk corporate aspect of it.
  20. TJT

    Spring 2024 Anime Thread

    Pretty sure that was more like an octagon dude!
  21. TJT

    Spring 2024 Anime Thread

    Which one is this? Dungeon Masha or whatever?
  22. TJT

    Metaphor: ReFantazio (From the Persona team)

    I will definitely be playing this. Count me in for weird ass Persona fantasy land adventure.
  23. TJT


    I really enjoyed Downtown Druid. Not sure if it qualifies exactly though. But its RR.
  24. TJT

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    What? Humans can't be hunters again?
  25. TJT

    IT/Software career thread: Invert binary trees for dollars.

    I've been given a task recently that can be paraphrased as "this other team made this, we want to do it as well, make it happen." But upon further examination of it since February I've come to realize that what this other team made took them over a year and they have a team of 18 people. With 15...
  26. TJT

    Bitcoins/Litecoins/Virtual Currencies

    Some info on this? Why would this be done?
  27. TJT

    IT/Software career thread: Invert binary trees for dollars.

    Your loss dude. It's like a doped up version of Fig which I also loved a lot until Amazon killed it.
  28. TJT

    General Gaming News and Discussion

    Tomb Raider breaking into the British Museum to return artifacts to their rightful owners would be pretty hilarious.
  29. TJT

    Spring 2024 Anime Thread

    Dragon Raja is completely batshit.
  30. TJT

    General Gaming News and Discussion

    I find this stuff funny. I know Games Workshop is mega gay these days. But have some self awareness. 40k is like one of the sweatiest, nerdiest, most mouthbreathing things there is. But ya know, bitches love 40k. Save some pussy for the rest of us Games Workshop! Did they forget the Sisters of...
  31. TJT

    IT/Software career thread: Invert binary trees for dollars.

    Not sure if I mentioned it before. But this is an absolutely wonderful tool. Highly recommend.
  32. TJT

    Fallout - New Vegas

    FO1 and FO2 are just way way darker than Fallout 3 is. I like the New Vegas narrative the most overall though.
  33. TJT


    Lol Maximus has to be guilt tripped to not let an entire Vault die over his compulsive need to steal.
  34. TJT


    Look you autistic retard. The point is to make an enjoyable character right? So far, nothing about Maximus is enjoyable. He isn't funny, he has no obvious goal (other than getting power armor), and h'es a petty shitbag. Yet you can tell they were trying to do some kind of setup to portray him...
  35. TJT


    Yeah but they have to do some weird setup where Titus is just a complete prick for very little reason. As you have to make the Squire be "more gooder" for the setup to work. But it doesn't come off that way. Titus was petty and didn't really give a shit then he just whined and irritated the...
  36. TJT


    Dude deliberately cripples his best friend so he can take his promotion. Lies about it. Serves his appointed Knight as a Squire for not even a single mission. Doesn't like that the guy shits on him (lol welcome to being the FNG in the Army) so he lets sits there and just watches him die while...
  37. TJT


    Maximus is quite the shitbird, not sure how they thought his actions make him compelling.
  38. TJT

    Spring 2024 Anime Thread

    I like how Re:Monster mentions they have a cave full of human women as breeding slaves then elaborates no further and it doesn't come up again. lol.
  39. TJT

    Cheap Meals: Eating on a budget.

    While true you got done wrong as its supposed to be something like this: But I always had it in a thick cream sauce with lots of peas and carrots. This one looks okay.