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  1. L

    Paladins by High-Rez Games

    This game is clunky. The FPS genre has come a long way since Quake. The days of shoving 60 people in a small map with the incentive of "just kill each other" is pretty much over. We've seen, over 20 years, the evolution of the FPS Multiplayer experience and all of it's flaws. Deathmatch to...
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    Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

    This was my experience with Wildstar when it went F2P. I wanted to like it so badly, I truly did. But ultimately it felt like WoW with sci-fi skins. MMOs need to be organic, dynamic and evolve. You can see the improvement of systems from EQ to DAoC.... all the way to WoW. But after WoW, it...
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    Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

    At 9/10 IGN it is contender for Game of the Year IGN. This year is gonna rock.
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    Shower Thoughts

    When your last $5 is a choice between deodorant or laundry detergent. Then you realize you just gonna smell funky either way.
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    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

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    Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion

    I'm still playing. Doing dailies for costumes n' shit is a real fucking drag. Their event was crappy, imo. I haven't tried the hoverboard thing, though. Could change my mind on the whole thing. The instance is pretty neat. Would have really liked it if I just fought the boss at the end of...
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    Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion

    There are obvious issues with the game and being only 24 I'm sure I haven't experienced much. But the game is... fine. The subscription doesn't give you anything truly amazing and the cash shop is... fine.
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    Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion

    As of now there are 4hr+ queue times for f2p people. Those that pay may be able to get in, however, it's so fucking laggy that the game is unplayable. Maybe Carbine needed another year to prepare their servers?
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    Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

    I'm a Sarah Jessica Parker enthusiast.
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    Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion

    About to play this when it goes f2p with some friends. Thinking about playing tank stalker. Any tips?
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    Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

    I just read through 10 pages of horse diarrhea drama and the only thing I have to show for it is a shitty website.
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    Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

    Pantheon - The Game of Tomorrow, tomorrow.
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    EQ Never

    I had completely forgotten about that. I think it's because WoW is a paid, subscription based MMO that offers a "trial". I really hope that new MMOs can combine Blizzard polish with an innovative design. If games like Vindictus didn't have such a shitty-everything-besides-combat people may...
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    EQ Never

    I'm really surprised by this, thanks for the enlighten. For the past year or so I've been playing a bunch of f2p MMOs and they're god damn awful pieces of shit frustrating as fuck games with the same, "it'll be less frustrating if you pay us...." shit. It makes me really miss WoW for the polish...
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    EQ Never

    Isn't that true with any new MMO that gets released? Whatever MMO that comes out needs to do something amazingly different than the other big names while including the same level of polish as an MMO that's been released for a few years. I don't envy anyone trying to accomplish this.
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    Skyforge anyone following this?

    I'm not sure how it is in the late game but trying to piece together the right stats on Rings is fucking awful. Since there are so many stats finding the right combination is nigh impossible. I've given up and just equipped stuff that is higher in Prestige.
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    Skyforge anyone following this?

    Totally feel you on the amount of stats. Seriously,lookat this shit. I feel that the game is needlessly complicated for what it's trying to accomplish.
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    Planetside 2

    I played back when it released for about 6 months and left because of performance issues and battle flow seemed to suck. What are some of the big changes they've made? is it worth coming back to? edit: Played TR mostly
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    Gravy's Cooking Thread

    Holy shit I had no idea you could get such fantastic deals off Amazon. Looks like I need a prime account. Looking over your ingredients, I would only need to buy a few of the items. A couple start up items like vinegar and brown sugar. I don't have an ideally stocked kitchen, been working on...
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    Gravy's Cooking Thread

    As Khane pointed out, there is no reason to bleed money. Keeping meals under a certain dollar limit is a fine goal. $5 a day is lofty, but I'll continue to work with it. Right now, on a cut, I eat 1700 calories that mostly consist of: turkey bacon, bread, eggs, tuna, chicken breast, sweet...
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    Gravy's Cooking Thread

    I think bulk buying is the way to go. I live in a small town with some butcher shops. Going to do some shopping around to see what the prices are. I live in a tiny apartment so space is limited. I'm sure I can store a lot of frozen meat though. The $5 per day thing was just some advice given...
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    Weight Loss Thread

    I understand where Zaide is coming from. I grew up with little fruit and almost no veggies in my diet. Mostly meats and pasta/breads. The only veggie I ate growing up was corn. Combine that with my previous diet of McDonalds twice a day, when I tried veggies for the first time to try and eat...
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    Gravy's Cooking Thread

    The type of chicken would be mostly dark meats. Not sure how else to answer that question. I haven't cooked with whole chickens before, but I want to. I'm going to start eating a surplus in calories soon and looking into ways to keep costs down. Also, I want to be able to cook large amounts...
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    Gravy's Cooking Thread

    Thanks for the responses and insight. How big of a crockpot do you need to cook for two people? The meats I was thinking of are chicken whole or bone-in, skin-on legs and split breasts; pork loin roast, butt or shoulder roast; beef @ 80/20 ground or pot roast. I assume a 4-Quart is big enough...
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    Gravy's Cooking Thread

    Question for you fine gentlemen of culinary art. I am thinking of purchasing a slow cooker, my question is do I really need one? Does putting a big pot on low have the same effect? Am I just being dumb?
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    Weight Loss Thread

    Thanks for the words. It's really appreciated. I thought about bringing something I would eat, but was afraid I'd sit there and eat it while other people tell me to go try such-and-such and "do you not like cream cheese?!" type of comments. I did choose the nonalpha way out, that's for sure...
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    Weight Loss Thread

    A bit of a rant. I've been on a weight loss journey for about a year. I'm 5'10, starting weight 225, down to 176, have a bit to go but making progress so yay. Today was our office's annual Christmas pot luck. I chose not to go because the food in Oklahoma, especially ones brought to a pot...
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    The Animated GIF Thread

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    Weight Loss Thread

    MuscleDriverUSA - Olympic Lifting & Fitness Equipmentis having a sale. Pretty much everything related to home gym 15-25% off.
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    Weight Loss Thread

    How many carbs do you eat a day?
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    Weight Loss Thread

    It's all about structure and using the same formulaic approach as you would a barbell. You start with a set and rep range of an exercise, do them until you don't feel it anymore, move onto the next. If you're stalling to complete a full set of a harder exercise, simply cut it in with your...
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    Weight Loss Thread

    I work out exclusively at home, have dumbbells, bench press and another more mobile bench. If you have any questions, I'd be happy to answer.
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    The Food Thread

    Is it okay to use a thermometer to check the inside temperature? Will the juices run out if I poke it before letting it rest? :\ Or is there another way to check? (edit: just watched the video) When you're checking the "doneness" of the steak using your hand, are you just pressing on...
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    The Food Thread

    Thanks for responses! Any recommendations on types of steak? Does this methodology apply to all types of steaks?
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    The Food Thread

    Any tips or recommendations on cooking a steak at home(no grill) for the first time?
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    Dude, where is my hair?

    Get dis:
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    Weight Loss Thread

    Being 5'10, when I weighed 225 I was dropping close to 2-3lbs per week after a diet change. Now that I am at 185, It's about 1lb a week. Just have to be consistent and know that the weight will come off.
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    is it safe to watch porn on my work computer?

    Have Win 7 Enterprise at work. Any recommendations?