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  1. Pyros

    Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)

    They haven't said exactly yet, there's a bunch of leaks already and apparently media tour info embargo should be soon(some say later today) so we'll see. BLM being YoshiP's main class though there's little chance it turns out complete shit. The leaks say they removed increased mp regen from...
  2. Pyros

    Monster Hunter Wilds

    They haven't said anything, probably cause they haven't said anything about a release date in the first place, game's still likely a year away so will know more in 6months or whatever. Capcom does release some games globally(Dragon's Dogma2 as a very recent example) BUT historically MH has...
  3. Pyros

    Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)

    That's where I was too, it's not too long. Can play for 4days for free atm I think, so you could delay resubbing for a bit if you just want to clear the MSQ. Still recommend resubbind the week before to do a bit of prep(getting a khloe book and completing it but not turning it in until release...
  4. Pyros

    Monster Hunter Wilds

    No we didn't, at least not for Worlds. We had an accelerated release of patches, kinda, it still took until Iceborne to catch up(and Iceborne itself was several months later). I don't remember the exact timeline for Rise but looking at release dates, base game was also almost a year later...
  5. Pyros

    Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)

    Well teamcraft is just a simulator of the ingame crafting(also a lot of other tools for a bunch of stuff but the core part is that). The idea is you just tweak stuff around to find a macro that works with your stats for the item you're trying to craft, then you copy paste the macro ingame and...
  6. Pyros

    Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)

    I do use my controller on PC but mostly for gathering and other stupid shit like alt tabbed fishing and island sanctuary grinding. There are a good amount of ressources about gamepad layouts though, some class specific and some generic so usually you can get your setup done pretty easily but the...
  7. Pyros

    I'd say it's probably 50/50, you can't underestimate how unhinged the turbo simps for these streamers are.
  8. Pyros

    Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)

    For the media tour I'm only interested in class changes pretty much, but yeah they're super limited on content they don't actually play the story or anything, just a random dungeon without context and then can run around a zone with some dummies so they can test rotations. While I don't care...
  9. Pyros

    Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)

    Na not the patch notes, the media tour info. They do a media tour where they go around the world and basically provide a demo to various news outlets every expansion. Then the outlets write previews and stuff about the game. They also invite youtubers and other content creators, who in turn...
  10. Pyros

    Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)

    Been playing this again in preparation of Dawntrail, mostly doing the event stuff(that Fall Guys event was so much grinding ugh) and cleaning up things I hadn't done before, lots of random ass content I don't think I'm gonna end up using(Eureka Orthos seems kinda fucking useless the way it's...
  11. Pyros

    General Gaming News and Discussion

    They really don't give a fuck about that, they'll only care if you report the account was stolen. Maybe in the future they will but currently steam account ownership is irrelevant, they don't care where the payments are coming from or who owns the account or if the info is even legit instead of...
  12. Pyros

    V Rising

    Well you don't necessarily need to melee, I meant attack builds like with the speed/crit armor sets, pistols and whips are great for that for example, I played rogue blood bow early on and it worked fine for example I just switched to a caster setup cause I wanted to see how it worked. But yeah...
  13. Pyros

    V Rising

    Alright finished the game on Brutal, the last 4 bosses were pretty interesting, Adam took me a long time(maybe like 5hours or so) but felt like a really nice fight overall, Solarus was kinda annoying until I got the strat right, Talzur was a big joke I think it took me like 3 or 4 pulls to kill...
  14. Pyros

    Tales of Maj'Eyal

    Yeah I remember that one being pretty rippy. The worst iirc is the Crypt or whatever, where you have the same type of Corruption caster stuff but also undead and with way less room to run around, culminating into a floor with an escort. That escort is borderline impossible to do if you don't...
  15. Pyros

    V Rising

    Yeah bow is what I'm using atm as it's just good all around with no real weaknesses, E does good single target damage, Q does good aoe and is a quick click for single target also and the primary can be cancelled early so it doesn't force you to commit too much, while also allowing to draw longer...
  16. Pyros

    V Rising

    So far I can't tell what Brutal does on a lot of these fights. I'm in act 3 now and I'd say a good 70% of the bosses don't feel like they have any new patterns, just more damage/health from the basic mods? Maybe they do and I just didn't notice because I only killed them once on normal and...
  17. Pyros

    Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)

    Oh it is you're right, I thought it was finally doing the combo rotation thing that they do already in pvp. Not much of a point then, other than people who want to split the replacement to have more control if they're used to mashing, oh well maybe next expansion they can figure that.
  18. Pyros

    Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)

    Reddit post that summarizes the info. Some interesting non class related changes are the addition of the hotbar replacement setting, similar to how you can mod it, you select it for each action where it's relevant too so you can customize how you feel about it. Basically lets you put the 123...
  19. Pyros

    V Rising

    I haven't done Frostmaw on brutal yet. I think on normal I one or two shot him, don't remember him particularly. I did use pets on normal though, I basically used the same 2 spells for most of the game, the bolt that summons skeletons on hit(with a jewel that summons 2 skeletons at the same...
  20. Pyros

    V Rising

    In typical fashion I started my brutal alt before I finished the game, surprised that it's not that bad (yet). Part of it is being used to the game but a bigger part is using ranged weapons(crossbow first then bow). Ranged weapons are hilariously easier to play on these early bosses. I'm like...
  21. Pyros

    V Rising

    Yeah I just use solo since I have no real interest in the multiplayer thing, works fine, server "shuts down" whenever I close the game(servant missions keep ticking though so you get your loot when you wake up as you would normally), there's really nothing complicated about it either and in fact...
  22. Pyros

    V Rising

    Been playing this the past few days, it's really good, scratch that Terraria itch, it's very heavy on combat with lots of bosses which I like, there's some grinding but not too much(and it's mostly combat grinding too, don't really gather that much, mostly ores every new tiers). Lots of stuff to...
  23. Pyros

    Tales of Maj'Eyal

    It's tied to one of the DLCs iirc, the chtuluh one that adds a bunch of horror/tentacle themed classes. It's a very lategame option that kinda breaks the game, because as long as you have money, you can craft near perfect items and doing that in a few spots(weapon and gloves were the most...
  24. Pyros

    Tales of Maj'Eyal

    You can only learn specific things outside of your class mechs, none of which is shields. There's the escort rewards and the static quest rewards but most are of them are kinda bad, a few are good situationally(Anti Magic for example can be nice if the class allows it without fucking you over)...
  25. Pyros

    Tales of Maj'Eyal

    I think after a few runs I just used one of the DLC appearance that doesn't change with gear(mostly the naked lady with tentacles) cause most of the runs you end up looking like a fucking clown and the items are way too useful in this game to use shit for appearance. I think there's an...
  26. Pyros

    Where are all the MMORPG games? lol

    Big money figured it's cheaper making GaaS/live service shit games than shit mmos, so when they crash it's less of a problem. Market saturation to an extent also with lots of ppl already playing other mmos and while willing to play new ones, would always compare it to a 10-15year old game with...
  27. Pyros

    Total War: Warhammer

    For the Dwarfs there's some issues with the new Grudge mechanic that makes it scales too quickly, they already made a post about planned changes though(I'm guessing the week after next). Basically it scales based on known factions, but if you run around with a hero and especially if you start...
  28. Pyros

    Tales of Maj'Eyal

    Na last "real" patch is June 2021. In may 2023 they did release a patch that was a few bug fixes and modding changes in preparation for the DLC beta, and in july they released a 2 lines patch that fixed some website stuff, but for the most part there hasn't been one of the bigger patches they...
  29. Pyros

    Tales of Maj'Eyal

    Yeah I'm not saying it's incomplete or whatever, just that patches have stopped for a while, while many other roguelikes still constantly patch random shit in every now and then(DCSS for example gets patches every few months with new shit). The game could also use bugfix patches, there's always...
  30. Pyros

    Tales of Maj'Eyal

    I picked up Barony last week and playing that atm, I don't find it that unfair, the only real thing like that is boulder traps and I guess some puzzle rooms(especially the one which involve boulder trap). Rest is somewhat straightforward. Still getting my face punched in by skeletons and rats on...
  31. Pyros

    Tales of Maj'Eyal

    Depends on how familiar with the game, but usually 25 to 30hours isn't uncommon if you're not playing really fast. I think people who play fast get it down to like 6-10hours or so but personally my fastest runs were still around like 18hours I think, I like to take my time to consider the...
  32. Pyros

    Steam Deals and Digital Sales

    Early access was already like that. What they're changing is "headstarts" type things like preorder to play 3days early which is popular in mmos or buy deluxe edition to play 3days early which is popular with Ubisoft/EA shit. These wouldn't count until official launch, so it was quite possible...
  33. Pyros

    Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)

    To be fair some people basically only play this game, so spending 30$ a month instead of 12 doesn't really matter that much, it's like how some people buy a dozen of fantasia a month cause they're obsessed with glamouring stuff and they also need the retainers to hold all that gear and stuff. I...
  34. Pyros

    No Rest For The Wicked - A Souls Like ARPG

    If you buy physical games you can still do that(well pending whatever rules your shop has). If you just want to play the games for free though there's still a pirate scene and while Denuvo has fucked up the availability of some games, you can still get a good amount of them that way.
  35. Pyros

    No Rest For The Wicked - A Souls Like ARPG

    It's 2h baseline but depending on your history and the game they will refund sometimes. 2 hours should be plenty to refund games that don't work or demo things you don't know you will like, point isn't to clear a game and then being like "meh I didn't like it I want my money back", there's...
  36. Pyros

    Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)

    You can use the actual benchmark with your saved character though(replaces the default MC) so you can get an idea already of how it works in real conditions, but it's interesting they're going out of their way to do this now instead of just "fixing it later". They've said several times in...
  37. Pyros

    Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)

    I liquidate all my old shit whenever a new expansion launches. I really don't need a full retainer of old mats that I will probably never use. If I need old stuff I'll just buy some, or go gather it if it's not for sale(but nowadays with server hopping it's pretty much impossible to not find...
  38. Pyros

    No Rest For The Wicked - A Souls Like ARPG

    I mean it just started and V Rising is about done with EA after like what, 2 years, so yeah obviously they're not gonna be at the same level. I usually don't play/buy games in EA though so for me it wasn't even a question, I'll see the state of the game once they announce a release, until then I...
  39. Pyros

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    Yeah spider mods have been a thing for many years, very few people affected but also kinda costs nothing to swap models usually so as an option it's whatever, usually it's just modded for people who want it though. You see it especially often in ARPGs due to the point of view so the spiders end...
  40. Pyros

    Smite 2

    I thought MTXs ported over in this cause it was just a graphical upgrade, is it confirmed they're just resetting everything? Cause that sounds pretty fucking dumb.