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  1. Intrinsic

    Home Improvement

    @Lanx is this what you were talking about for the Kobalt garage storage? Reading that conversation make me thing that I may as well do something with that space in the garage not being used by my truck. They have an 84" version and I've got about 96" on one wall between two windows I could use...
  2. Intrinsic

    Malazan Book Of The Fallen

    I enjoyed the first couple but maybe it was Orb, Sceptre, Throne where they really started to suck?
  3. Intrinsic

    Malazan Book Of The Fallen

    I can see that, for sure. TGINW just felt like a good return to Bridgeburner story and the shenanigans of sappers and banter between all of them that the early stories had with Fiddler and company. Guess I’m saying the enjoyment came from that and less about the Teblor and Toblakai stuff.
  4. Intrinsic

    Malazan Book Of The Fallen

    The God is Not Willing?? Man that was great. It felt like a higher tier Book of the Fallen story and not one of the last books that went on for 10,000 pages about nothing. Fall of Light special edition came in yesterday so put it on the shelf. There’s still a couple of random Bauchelian books I...
  5. Intrinsic

    Home Improvement

    We withdrew an offer on a home because during the inspection our realtor was like “Hey, go pull your truck in to the garage just to be sure.” That thing didn’t have a chance in hell of fitting. Some noped out of that. Guy tried to sue us for backing out but whatever. He got over it and still...
  6. Intrinsic

    3 Body Problem

    All of 1 and some of 2? Can't remember exactly how much in to book 2, but there are parts.
  7. Intrinsic

    General Gaming News and Discussion

    Quantic Dream hasn't been announced as a developer? Wait nevermind... haha quick Wiki check, that place sounds awesome.
  8. Intrinsic

    Assassin's Creed Shadows

    This post from 2023 was the first time I had ever heard of Yasuke. You may be remembering this conversation. Since you also responded to it...
  9. Intrinsic

    Homeworld 3

    There wasn't much ship variety in Homeworld 1 since I just built salvage corvettes over and over, hah.
  10. Intrinsic


    My uneducated comments are below and mostly just ramblings. So not meaning to preach to you stuff you already know… I don’t know what you mean by jig to drill in to the leg. Your skill is way beyond needing something to drill a hole in the bottom of a square. I’m sure they make them but I can’t...
  11. Intrinsic

    Megalomaniac (2023)

    It’s a special day haha.
  12. Intrinsic

    Rate Movies You've Recently Watched.

    I’ll do that. Really feels like I saw either or both looking at the screen caps. But no specific memories or feelings about them. I knew Taylor Sheridan did Yellowstone but glanced over the fact he wrote Sicario. Honestly, probably better I didn’t know given my thoughts on Yellowstone. Hah
  13. Intrinsic

    Homeworld 3

    Yeah I have the original mothership on my shelf from that collectors edition. May even have the box somewhere but we've moved since. Not sure if I'm $175 in on this though if the game ends up sucking.
  14. Intrinsic

    Rate Movies You've Recently Watched. First time I've actually watched this, sounds ridiculous to admit. Was great though. Watching Prisoners, Arrival, and this more or less back-to-back really drives in Villeneuve's style. We'll do Dune Part 1 tonight to keep it going. Regarding Sicario...
  15. Intrinsic

    Hades (Supergiant Games)

    To pitch my opinion in to the hat, a lot of the "woke" stuff push back I see is because including this stuff seems to always come at the expense of overall quality. As if more emphasis is making sure a game is inclusive and checks all the right boxes is a priority over the gameplay and other...
  16. Intrinsic

    Non fiction

    Thanks, I sure do. Traveling next week so have about 14 hours of drive time and needed something to listen to anyways.
  17. Intrinsic

    Malazan Book Of The Fallen

    Fall of Light special edition from SubPress should be here today or Monday. After a little non-fiction side track I may go back to restart this trilogy since I never read past Forge.
  18. Intrinsic


  19. Intrinsic

    Non fiction

    Thanks! Funny enough when I went to Amazon this was the first result. Now to remember if I read it 🤣
  20. Intrinsic

    Abigail (2024)

    Yeah I watched it yesterday and was so bored I didn’t even bother to find the thread. No idea how you take this concept and make it such a drag, but here you go. The whole crew were just so bad. Each character / archetype was hyper Flanderized or something. The humor never worked. The last...
  21. Intrinsic

    Non fiction

    Does anyone have recommendations on a good book dealing with Mao, China, and the rise of the Cultural Revolution? I've read Gulag Archipelago so was thinking of something along the lines of Solzhenitsyn's work. Did another read through of Three Body Problem after the show came out and so was...
  22. Intrinsic

    Rate Movies You've Recently Watched. This was terrible. No idea how it has a 6.5/10 on IMDB. The amount of crap no name no production movies that I stumble across is unreal, but for the most part they're fairly accurately represented rating wise. This was a 5/10 at best. It wants to be some...
  23. Intrinsic


    I caught up on this today and really really enjoyed it. The writing / dialogue didn't really distract, although I can see where the complaint comes from. It comes off as very detective noir or detective pulp, maybe it is from reading so much Raymond Chandler, played a lot of Under the Killing...
  24. Intrinsic

    Rate Movies You've Recently Watched.

    I read a comment on the IMDB trivia page where he said “I couldn’t do that roll today.” But didn’t go looking for any other discussions about it. Totally forgot he was Plague in Hackers too. Haha! Also the director, John Badham, did Saturday Night Fever, War Games, Meatballs, etc, didn’t...
  25. Intrinsic

    Rate Movies You've Recently Watched.

    Introducing the kid to more of my classics, tonight was: Screw a 6.6/10, this is an easy 8.5/10. Guttenberg doing Guttenberg, and can we talk about Fisher Stevens amazing performance? Is that black face or punjab face? it really is great though...
  26. Intrinsic


    Tittitani Furniture
  27. Intrinsic

    The Acolyte

    The last medical procedural I saw posted about had something to do with trans affirming care and the last police procedural was about gamergate and white hate crime. Pretty sure those genes are out too.
  28. Intrinsic

    What are you listening to at the moment?

    I guess Kendrick and Drake are beefing. Picture is Drake's mansion covered with registered sex offender icons. Tryin' strike a chord and it's probably a minor!
  29. Intrinsic


    Good ole Steve. First Woodworking videos I ever watched.
  30. Intrinsic

    General Gaming News and Discussion

    Heh... I'm sure this doesn't even count three trips to Seattle to watch The International. Haven't launched Dota 2 in probably 5 years (oh found that). Still some of the most fun I had gaming for 6 or 7 years.
  31. Intrinsic


    Make your own sanding block at the angle of the chamfer and adhere some sandpaper to it? 🤪 That’d probably to work as well unless you really nailed it.
  32. Intrinsic


    I started using these when Stumpy recommended them a while back. Don’t take my word though, I barely have time to even walk in my shop these days.
  33. Intrinsic


    Maybe an odd thought, not even sure the possibility and it wouldn't spontaneous occur, but is the knife wider than your blade? I’ve often wondered that when I’ve picked up a thin kerf or ultra think kerf blade, if there will be a problem. That knife seemed real close to the normal blade width...
  34. Intrinsic

    What are you listening to at the moment?

    Was Beck noticing this whole time?
  35. Intrinsic

    Lumina (2024)

    Some scenes of this movie look crazy similar to something I recently watched... some B movie I need to go find. Real crazy deja vu.
  36. Intrinsic

    LaRoy (2024)

    It was okay. 6/10 is probably fair. No new ground covered. I was expecting a little more Cohen Brothers-esque, so it didn't quite match my expectations. I wouldn't say it is necessarily comedic outside of Steve Zahn playing Steve Zahn, he stands out quite a bit placed against the tone of the...
  37. Intrinsic

    Rate Movies You've Recently Watched.

    Watched Prisoners last night. Trying to kick off a Villeneuve review so started there. Not sure I've seen it since it came out, certainly didn't have kids at that point. Phew, that is an intense 2.5 hours. Gyllenhaal's character is really interesting in that there's absolutely zero information...
  38. Intrinsic

    Late Night with the Devil (2024)

    Hah, I was exactly the opposite. Watched Talk to Me last night and didn't find it nearly as interesting or engaging. Not 100% why though. I checked 45 minutes in to see how long it had been on and how much was left. Fun seeing totally different opinions on the two.
  39. Intrinsic

    Stellar Blade (April 26th, PS5)

    This Engineer I worked with at a power company was a real nice guy. Very quiet, unassuming, great at his job. Not serial killer quiet or dead cats beneath the porch, so to speak. Just a nice guy that came off like an engineer, middle aged, never married and didn’t really seem the type to date or...
  40. Intrinsic

    Late Night with the Devil (2024)

    This was great. Really enjoyed the whole thing. Dastmalchian is great, he has this constant stunned / confused permanent face going on that helps sell the unnerving stuff.