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  1. Uber Uberest

    World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery

    you can create an opposite faction character on lavalash and then transfer to your server and both factions will be on same account
  2. Uber Uberest

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    I agree, am enjoying phase 3.
  3. Uber Uberest

    World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery

    I did 48-50 in the Feralas incursion Friday morning. Great xp once you figure out all the quests and get a route down, gold was fine. 40-50 took about 10 hours. Got a couple rogue runes, bought my WSG ring, dagger, and bracers. Looking forward to ST tonight. I’ve really enjoyed all the SoD...
  4. Uber Uberest

    World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery

    Well yes, and the experience buff does not count if you're 40. I thought we were all adults who understood this.
  5. Uber Uberest

    World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery

    Also 300% boost to gold rewards from quests.
  6. Uber Uberest

    World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery

    I wonder if Sylas steps back for a minute takes a little self inventory and is like “man I’m retarded”. Or if he’ll just go on like this.
  7. Uber Uberest

    True Detective

    Fuck that was good.
  8. Uber Uberest

    World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery

    People that think the solution to banning gold buying and botting is to ban GDKP’s are the same people who think taking away guns is the solution to gun violence.
  9. Uber Uberest

    World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery

    The idea of having to rely on my dice roll or some retard raid leader to give me my loot is so cringe. Let me buy it and be done with it.
  10. Uber Uberest

    World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery

    That’s what I love about these World of Warcraft players, man. I get older and their bitching stays the same.
  11. Uber Uberest

    World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery

    Incorrect, spawn times and spawns are different across all layers. You can keep timers for black lotus on different layers.
  12. Uber Uberest

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    Being able to tank UBRS runs as a rogue and hard ressing the swords is a fucking dream. Eat shit warriors.
  13. Uber Uberest

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    Asmon streams daily under Zackrawr.
  14. Uber Uberest

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    Notice how he didn't intercept. Straight retard.
  15. Uber Uberest

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    Jaedenar mobs in Felwood, got a little too deep.
  16. Uber Uberest

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    Died at 49, wasn’t gonna re-roll. Now thinking about re-rolling.
  17. Uber Uberest

    Home Improvement

    There’s a leak. Have you set up any tents or bouncy houses? Recently installed a lamp post or garden stakes?
  18. Uber Uberest

    Home Improvement

    Hot water expands as it is heated. Completely normal to shut off your main cold water valve and then have hot water drip out at whatever fixture you are replacing. As for your issue, sounds like the diverter is going, could be sand stuck in between or a bad washer. I'm assuming thats a moen...
  19. Uber Uberest

    RIP Jimmy Buffett

    You didn’t understand the assignment.
  20. Uber Uberest

    RIP Jimmy Buffett

    I did like pina coladas
  21. Uber Uberest

    Parent Thread

    My wife stopped working after our first son, we now have two boys 5 and 7. Best thing we ever did was having her stay at home. She gets all the bullshit done throughout the week and on weekends we hang out as a family. It’s terrific. It’s probably not for everyone, you have to be a strong man to...
  22. Uber Uberest

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    That’s the dumbest shit I’ve ever read on this board.
  23. Uber Uberest

    Home Improvement

    Nope, plumber. Know a bit about HVAC though.
  24. Uber Uberest

    Home Improvement

    Galvanized drains and vents. Ouch.
  25. Uber Uberest

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    Died at 57 today. We go again tomorrow.
  26. Uber Uberest

    RIP Queen Elizabeth

    please be respectful when talking about the Queen. She was a head of state, a monarch, a mother to multiple pedophiles and most importantly a devoted cousin to her husband
  27. Uber Uberest

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    Prot paladins are literally solo farming Kara trash right now on TBC classic and making 800 gold an hour.
  28. Uber Uberest

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    DK’s will be 70 in 10 hours. 50%xp buff.
  29. Uber Uberest

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    Why do you need dungeon finder when you have the LFG bulletin board addon? Do you guys just look for things to complain about?>
  30. Uber Uberest

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    Wrath was the pinnacle. I plan on riding this out and then retiring after its complete.
  31. Uber Uberest

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    Yes for sure. Theres an xp boost coming for pre-patch. Should be easy to go from 0-70. They also nerf mage dungeon boosting.
  32. Uber Uberest

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    Ya, not sure. I will say pre-patch should be fun with SoM transfers, DK’s rolling new, and other characters using their boosts. Should be a shit ton of raiding to be done for a couple months.
  33. Uber Uberest

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    Yes. SoM characters will be able to transfer to WoW Classic Wrath servers during Classic TBC pre patch. Since the very beginning of Season of Mastery the topic of where seasonal characters would end up when the season ends has been a hot topic of discussion for not only the community, but for...
  34. Uber Uberest

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    Are you confusing SOM with the original TBC/Classic split?
  35. Uber Uberest

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    This goes live with pre-patch.
  36. Uber Uberest

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    Wrath beta is out for any Wrath enjoyers. Probably a month away from pre-patch and mid-late September release if anyone is looking to roll. Jayysee on Benediction if ya need a friend
  37. Uber Uberest

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    Mid-Late September
  38. Uber Uberest

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    Alliance on Benediction. Jayysee in game, let me know if you roll there can help ya out.
  39. Uber Uberest

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    Deinfitely makes Stranglethorn Vale awesome.