Search results

  1. Deathwing

    Fallout 4

    Why don't you ask @Edaw to do it for you?
  2. Deathwing

    IT/Software career thread: Invert binary trees for dollars.

    If it weren't for my horse, I wouldn't have spent that year in college.
  3. Deathwing

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    Do subpictures of pictures not count?
  4. Deathwing

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    Not mutually exclusive! I see, in addition to what you see, spent casings being ejected.
  5. Deathwing

    Path of Exile

    CoC DD got me through T17s comfortably. You'll still die occasionally, but I chalk that up to learning the maps and mods. Meta seems to transition to Incandesent Heart and Divine Flesh first. I skipped that and went to Lightning Coil, Taste of Hate, Saffell's Frame, Lethal Pride, and a...
  6. Deathwing

    The Expanse

    I like Thomas Jane, but they missed a golden opportunity to cast Adam Silver as Detective Miller.
  7. Deathwing

    What tickles your pickle

    Let her sign up, we haven't had a replacement for Laundry Tits since she left.
  8. Deathwing

    Diablo 4 / IV / IIII / Fore / Cope / Seethe

    The true ARPG endgame is to stand in the fire and assert dominance. It seriously might be easier for the developers to give you the ability to tank 1-shots than program particle sliders. We've been begging for that shit for *years* in PoE. The technology doesn't exist!
  9. Deathwing

    Path of Exile

    The irony of wrapping up 40/40 and you drop, I think, the most valuable item I've ever had. Been wanting to try out fully converting cold, lightning, and physical to fire since this jewel was introduced. Shame I'm already checked out and have 0 motivation. Finally tried out T17s. Yes, I...
  10. Deathwing

    The Witcher

    How the fuck do you make a kids show out of Witcher material?
  11. Deathwing

    The Red Letter Media Appreciation Thread

    What were they referencing wrt Phantom Menace? Who complained about the Mr. Plinkett review ruining perception of that movie?
  12. Deathwing

    Windows 10

    What kind of performance cost does Proton incur?
  13. Deathwing

    Windows 10

    Someone make a good Linux distro for games, for fuck's sake.
  14. Deathwing


    I did it over the weekend, thanks for the response. Pretty seamless rebuild, took about 5 hours.
  15. Deathwing

    Path of Exile

    Is there a way to get magistrate-haunted(T7) affixes? Arimor's Apex is going fucking slow. I'm running strongboxes and shrines. Once I'm done with Delve Architects, I can add Ritual for more natural map spawns. I check for T6 affixes and move them to pack which increase the affix tier. Not...
  16. Deathwing

    Home buying thread

    I want to say our home insurance is ~20% of yours. Are you electing for significant optional coverage? Or is there something I should be covering and might bite me in the ass?
  17. Deathwing

    Malazan Book Of The Fallen

    A main character across multiple books was named Kyle. He was a borderline Gary Stu. And I wouldn't be surprised he was an author(or one of his kids) self insert.
  18. Deathwing

    IT/Software career thread: Invert binary trees for dollars.

    Been batting around the idea of parallelizing our web crawler. The main thing that stops us(read: me, I'm the only engineer in QA) is that multiprocess or threads, it's not a simple task. I wonder if this bend thing would help.
  19. Deathwing

    Home buying thread

    If I could rent a place similar to wear I live...idk, maybe? I have very few neighbors, there are no street lights, in the winter, I can walk around in my house in the dark because of how much moonlight reflects off the snow. 10-15 minutes into town. It is much easier to buy a place like this...
  20. Deathwing

    IT/Software career thread: Invert binary trees for dollars.

    Perhaps I'm in the minority, but this kinda stuff is a huge pain in the ass. I manage QA for a static analysis product, so we have a lot of real world code in our automated regression testing. A fair amount of them now fail to...
  21. Deathwing

    MTG thread

    What is that symbol next to the artist(s) supposed to represent?
  22. Deathwing

    Cheated out of my youth

    How many faggots does this argument create?
  23. Deathwing

    Home Improvement

    More than once, I've encountered people charging for quotes. Some of them will deduct it from the final charge if you pick them. Perhaps specific to where I live as some contractors have to drive quite a ways.
  24. Deathwing

    Path of Exile

    Ive rotated 4 quad tabs of coffins down to 5c, that shit dont sell. And when a few do, the UI doesn't highlight it for some reason.
  25. Deathwing

    The Joe Rogan Experience (JRE)

    You made me think of this image, so now you must share in my misery.
  26. Deathwing

    Path of Exile

    Reddit, and players in general, have repeatedly shown to be very happy when developers fix mistakes and progress. The Necropolis graveyard was yet another return to sadistic/incompetent UI design. It's not at all surprising that this taints a player's opinion of the league. Necropolis is...
  27. Deathwing

    Hades (Supergiant Games)

    IDK, I'd fuck her. She's the goddess of the hearth, I bet she's feels like warm apple pie.
  28. Deathwing

    Path of Exile

    There's gotta be some favoritism going on at GGG. I was watching CaptainLance yesterday and he mentioned that there's a haunted modifier that prevents cold, fire, or lightning penetration. But no "can't be overwhelmed". Someone invested into a sublime vision build and then ate an atziri...
  29. Deathwing

    Hades (Supergiant Games)

    Ok, but why splotches instead of smears? We all know the answer to that question and is perhaps why you're getting some hostility for trying to say it is "just" ash.
  30. Deathwing

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    That works too. Probably is what they used in the picture, thus wouldn't fool anyone. If I'm being honest, I was just trying to avoid triggering Haus. Sweet potato frosting:
  31. Deathwing

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    A savory, cheese-flavored buttercream? Would happily eat.
  32. Deathwing

    Path of Exile

    This is the first league I've seriously invested into damage shifting. I've dabbled with it before, but every build was a Pathfinder, so it was poison bullshit that I noped out of before seriously testing it. Just a Lightning Coil lets me eat Shaper slams. Instead of toning down phys...
  33. Deathwing

    Hades (Supergiant Games)

    Hestia's husband.
  34. Deathwing

    Path of Exile

    Poison holy relic can supposedly run a ton of map mods, but no idea about T17 map mods. Don't count on your support minions living however. Lower-left trees get double fucked by shitty leech wheels and phys overwhelm mods on rares.
  35. Deathwing

    Path of Exile

    Perhaps it's not worth the fuckery to the overall economy, but ~100c/div does feel nice. 100div for a Mageblood feels even more nice. Farmed up my first one this league. I was gifted one last league, didn't feel as impactful. I don't know how hard it is for GGG to tune the price, but I'm...
  36. Deathwing


    I have a QNAP TS251, pretty old at this point but still works ok. One of the drives in my RAID1 configuration is sprouting bad sectors and SMART warnings. Can I just physically replace the bad drive and the RAID1 configuration will automatically copy over without data loss? I mean, I guess...
  37. Deathwing

    Headphones & Audio Devices

    For shits and giggles, I decided to plug my Sennheiser 650's directly into the back of my computer. I was under the impression that you needed an amp for high impedance headphones, but the motherboard is having no issues driving them. Sucks that I don't have(nor plan to buy) the audio...
  38. Deathwing

    Roguelite Enemy Hell/Bullet Heaven/Survivor catch-all

    Brotato. Might as well start with the best.
  39. Deathwing

    X-Men '97

    Magneto probably got a better booty. So tired of seeing manbutt in modern television. Especially for how little of a shit female viewers seem to care.