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  1. T

    Draegan sold the site to

    Is that a fact Tuco? Is that a fact??? Cakepops
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    Draegan sold the site to

    I agree with this assessment.
  3. T

    Draegan sold the site to

    I don't see anything inaccurate about this statement.
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    Draegan sold the site to

    It's been suggested here that Tyen is given posting rights on the new site because he and a_skeleton_03 are friends. Does that strike anyone else as odd? a_skeleton_03 was the primary instigator of the anti-Trex movement that whipped the old boards into a fervor and partially facilitated our...
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    Marvel Universe stuff

    Minority groups complain about the loss of characters precisely because there are so many fewer of them. Even so, I've never seen any complaint match the fervor that happened when Idris Elba was cast as Heimdall so what exactly is the double standard?
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    Stranger Things

    At least two of my middle/high school science teachers had attractive Asian wives/girlfriends.
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    Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab

    That's an odd sentiment considering the major orbs are much more valuable. Haven't done Bahamut yet, but I was able to CM the propagators with Laguna SSB RW.
  8. T

    Home buying thread

    Piggyback loans are fine. Banks learned from their mistakes and would never mis-categorize risk knowing they can repackage it for a 3rd party like they did last decade. Furthermore, because of significant reforms passed since the last crisis they are unable to. Wait, none of that is true.
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    Marvel Universe stuff

    Princess Valhalla Hawkwind is my waifu.
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    Thor: Ragnarok (2017)

    Why would a CGI hulk need real world props?
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    Ghostbusters (2016)

    I dunno, I seem to remember a lot of dry humor so tonally it might have struck the same chords. The obvious comparison to draw would be Big Lebowski, but that was 13 years ago and I don't know if it did well enough in theaters to not be considered a flop. It's tough to create a comparison to...
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    Ghostbusters (2016)

    I don't know if I agree with this. It's not a perfect example, but I think 21 Jumpstreet had a lot of that same feel.
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    This is without question the worst Brawl they've ever designed and that's saying a lot. Do they even play test this shit?
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    The Authoritative Final Fantasy & Bravely Default thread

    I'm not sure what bad reviews you've heard about the mobile version, but it's definitely better than the PSP version which suffered from terrible slowdowns all over the place.
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    Marriage and the Power of Divorce

    Okay smart guy, what do you think waiting means?
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    Marriage and the Power of Divorce

    He answered that in his first post on the subject.
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    Captain America: Civil War (2016)

    Technically the abomination was created by that dude who became Leader. Ross just opened the door.
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    Ghostbusters (2016)

    Can you point to the part where Feig called everyone a bigot for not liking the trailer?
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    Ghostbusters (2016)

    If this is the part where we debate whether reducing the film to Sex and the City with ghosts is considered misogyny, I'm not interested. We'll just agree to disagree.
  20. T

    Gravy's Cooking Thread

    I don't trust this video, my thermostat stabilizes way faster than that. Also pretty much every other review site out that confirms it's a couple of seconds difference max.
  21. T

    Marvel Universe stuff

    I can't believe he's still doing it now. It's gotta be 95% dealers who just are getting the signature on midgrade books to just immediately slab and resell. It's cool Lyrical is getting the sig on a family picture. Shows you are putting value on the man and not just the signature for resale.
  22. T

    Gravy's Cooking Thread

    Yeah I bought a Javelin instant read a few years back. I can't imagine I'll ever need that faster one second the Thermapen offers.
  23. T

    Ghostbusters (2016)

    I agree with most of what you said except for the fact that there was a clear misogynistic tone tosomeearly critique of the film. You can see it here at the start of this very thread.
  24. T


    It's not that interesting. Half the people in the brawl are running it.
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    Marriage and the Power of Divorce

    Do you know for sure that she's actually broken up with this long distance guy. How many weeks are we talking about here? Past a couple I really don't feel like she should be feeling "guilty" for breaking up with a guy unless she's still in contact with him. If she is, that's a problem and you...
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    Ok I just faced a Turn 2 Innervate+Ysharj. That was amusing.
  27. T


    No, there is variation in constructed and some randomness to the outcomes due to draw.
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    This Brawl blows, I'm not sure what you guys were excited about. You know what you are playing against and who is going to win in the first three turns, then it's just a matter of is your opponent smart enough to concede.
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    Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

    It does "spoil" that But that's not exactly twist or surprise, just something that progresses Cap's arc in the movie.
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    Captain America: Civil War (2016)

    Yeah I can't state for certain that I was the only one in the IMAX theater to laugh at that, but I certainly think it was the best joke he made in the film.
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    Captain America: Civil War (2016)

    Not to mention all these actors are establishing that they can have their cake and eat it too. It's good not to have to worry that doing Captain America is going to result in you being type cast and you can still do your goofy indie train station love story.
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    Captain America: Civil War (2016)

    Red Hulk is stupid. Ross is best as a villain of circumstance where he's mainly just a hardline asshole opposing the true heroes.
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    Gravy's Cooking Thread

    FYI RE: AllClad Stainless All Clad makes a cheaper "pro" pan called MC2 where they skip the trip ply and just leave alum on the bottom because it's supposed to be used back of the house and appearance doesn't matter. If you aren't leaving your pots hanging out for all to see appearance likely...
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    The Fast Food Thread

  35. T

    Captain America: Civil War (2016)

    I think she went dark by the end of the film. Tony tells her flat out that because of what she did at the airport "they'll be coming for you. watch your back". He hasn't been ordered to bring her in at that point, but that doesn't mean that this dumb oversight organization isn't looking to...
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    Captain America: Civil War (2016)

    I still find the motivation so flimsy. "My son wanted to see the famous Iron Man, but got caught in the collateral damage that happens from saving the world from Supervillains. Now I want to destroy all heroes because I'm incapable of recognizing the consequences of what would happen if they...
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    Captain America: Civil War (2016)

    I'm assuming it was
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    GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings

    I'm going to assume that
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    Captain America: Civil War (2016)

    I don't think them being able to legally reference Star Wars has anything to do with them owning the IP.
  40. T


    Tuskarr is a 3/2 where are you guys getting 6/7 from?