Search results

  1. D

    Furiosa (2024)

    In Fury Road, I saw Immortan Joe as a pushover bitch who lets his emotions get the best of him. In Furiosa, at least you can see he is unlike his two sons in that he is more a strategist. I still think he is a pansy, but less of such after seeing this movie. Heck, Octoboss was more badass then him
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    Board Games

    Thank you guys for the suggestions. Ended up nabbing "Tales from Red Dragon Inn" which I am going to go through the ruleset before I present it to them (this way I have a better grasp). It seemed up their alley and does not appear to be too complex.
  3. D

    Board Games

    Anyone play Middara? I am looking for a dungeon crawler that isn’t too complex as far as combat but has a good story etc. My two brother in laws are high functioning autistic and want to play a dungeon crawler type game and this popped up on the radar. Or does anyone have any other good suggestions?
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    Ashes of Creation

    Screw voice over's for NPC's, cost's too much money and takes too much damn time to do. Give me better gameplay
  5. D

    Rebel Moon (2023)

    Movie sucked my glorg
  6. D

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    While subs are still probably good in comparison to other games... Blizzfucks needs a fresh new game with new (non shit) ideas
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    I was hoping space jesus got killed by Baylan the Knight. Damn
  8. D


    Baylan is the whole show. Everything else sucks
  9. D

    Warhammer 40k

    Never played Warhammer 40k or Warhammer Age of Sigmar. Was looking to get into a tabletop game and theres a Warhammer store not too far from me. Which is easier to get into and where would I even start? Seems like theres so many units etc, I have no idea where to begin.
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    All these shows suck except for Andor
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    Kinda hope this Marrok character is a nobody. Not everyone in star wars needs to be some ultra important cuck.
  12. D

    Ashes of Creation

    i think Steven boned Mr Sox’s dad and hes all butthurt over his dad converting from a heterosexual male to a homo hence why he constantly trashes Steven’s game. Nothing else makes sense
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    The Flash (2023)

    Marvel is trash, everything they have put out the last few years is ass. Not like DC is any better (other then the last batman movie).
  14. D

    Diablo 4 / IV / IIII / Fore / Cope / Seethe

    Whats a decently fun trans class i can play solo? The druid? I usually play barb but looking for something a bit different
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    Ashes of Creation

    I heard he made Sox give his 75k a year RMT Officers a lap dance while his Wife banged Steven with a strap on. This is where all the hate comes from
  16. D

    Ashes of Creation

    New World did not cost 500 million to make, no where near that amount. I know someone who works for Amazon’s board and he laughed at that number.
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    New Lord of the Rings MMO

    Looks like this is back?
  18. D

    Ashes of Creation

    Mr. Sox reminds me of Simple Jack
  19. D

    The Mandalorian

    The side quest story was dickass.
  20. D

    Winter 2023 Anime Thread

    Vinland Saga sucks my nuts
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    Ashes of Creation

    At least it doesnt have 4839219 abilities on the ability bar
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    Ashes of Creation

    Been following the development and they do have a decent sized team, they keep hiring more people so I could see a 2024 launch
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    House of the Dragon

    he will be dead before he finishes
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    House of the Dragon

    I think the Dragons and their Riders have some type of connection (as seen with Syrax and the miscarriage scene where they were flashing to the dragons face as she was in pain). Arrax was reacting to Lucerys fear, like when a small dog barks and nips at the legs of a much larger dog when...
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    Embers Adrift

    If only their website worked so I could buy and download the fucking game
  26. D

    House of the Dragon

    Episode sucked my jaggon
  27. D

    Monsters and Memories (Project_N) - Old School Indie MMO

    Just give me a damn good game. I could care less about the graphics, just give us a decent story with fun gameplay. Enough of the attack and spell graphics taking up the whole screen with explosions causing seizures to 20% of the player base and enough the lv3 character slashing for 999 damage...
  28. D

    Monsters and Memories (Project_N) - Old School Indie MMO

    Guy was a druid jerkin leaves and sucking off bears
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    Ashes of Creation

    Boxing is cancer
  30. D

    Monsters and Memories (Project_N) - Old School Indie MMO

    I would toss this project some $$ and plan to when the time comes. I am excited to hear it will primarily be group content. I don’t mind a raid here and there but to lock yourself into raiding every other damn night gets old after a while. Hopefully they don’t plan to have equipment...
  31. D

    Monsters and Memories (Project_N) - Old School Indie MMO

    Question, do they plan on doing pvp or having a pvp server?
  32. D

    Ashes of Creation

    I think a combination of instancing and non instancing could work best.
  33. D

    Ashes of Creation

    50-60% is still pretty damn good. How long is alpha 2 expected to last and what is after alpha 2? Alpha 3 or Beta?
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    Ashes of Creation

    Just hope no pay to win credit card open shit like AA
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    Ashes of Creation

    I am just hoping this game becomes something decent. Hopefully its just not all flashy and showy and has some actual depth. Good story with decent PvE and decent PvP would be a winner in this MMO scene
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    The Boys

    Stairlight pumped her lips up with injections, looks gross IMO. Maeve is much hotter.
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    Obi-Wan Kenobi

    This show is complete ass. My dog’s red rocket could have painted a better script then this shit. Who the fuck approved this and who the fuck decided to waste Ewan and Jame Earl Jones on this abomination. What in the fucking fuck. Star Wars is dead boys
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    Ashes of Creation

    Asmon can suck my jagon. Guy is trash
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    I backed that before Rudy got his grubby hands on it. The artwork looks amazing, old school magic look
  40. D

    The Batman

    Good theater, my favorite in the area. Prices are reasonable too