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  1. SeanDoe1z1


    too late it’s on like a overly sexualized donkey bbcong This bish.
  2. SeanDoe1z1


    This is dumb Someone post me some triangle Lara Croft titties
  3. SeanDoe1z1

    Whats rustling your jimmies?

    have had the “you don’t look like you could afford this” convo before and I just laughed and said right back at you and moved on. And I bought a better model from caravana. How do these places exist still?
  4. SeanDoe1z1

    The Acolyte

    always hard to opine on subjectives. I think most people just want to be entertained. Andor entertained me, some of the mando stuff a bit. Even the new movies we’re good enough for a kick the first year…maybe even the second year. But playing emu servers over and over gets pretty old, yea...
  5. SeanDoe1z1

    RL Picture Thread

    That’s just Oregon. (Guess) Such a beautiful state ruined by its inhabitants.
  6. SeanDoe1z1

    Marriage and the Power of Divorce

    Does the job take you away from your 13 year old? If it is 50/50 this sounds like a no go for me if I had my son. As I type this from the gym as he’s home alone. I am consistently put into job vs kid at probably a 100% raise. It’s basically my oh shit safety net if all breaks loose. If you...
  7. SeanDoe1z1

    Final Fantasy VII Remake

    I was young enough to think the entire game was midgar, when it was insert disc 2 I was completely blown away. Also took me forever like 20 hours to get out…but I also loved grinding. not a smart kid.
  8. SeanDoe1z1

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

  9. SeanDoe1z1

    Project Quarm - 1 Box Planes of Power

    Just a nostalgia kick. The people that take it serious? Yeah.
  10. SeanDoe1z1

    You know you're getting old when.....

    I do a variety of enterprise projects. I probably use 5e in (edit: meh, it’s more like 50%) of my applications. I’m not a good rep but 5e has a place in a lot. I prefer it where it’s due, much more use to it and less prone to mistakes when making. A dumb reason. Okay honestly usually only...
  11. SeanDoe1z1

    Squid Game: The Challenge

    Idk, somehow the way it played made it feel a bit more contrived and setup than your normal reality show. like some interactions seemed genuine and then others way over the top and honestly very not-human like. the black chick refusing to move was probably the most authentic thing about the...
  12. SeanDoe1z1

    RL Picture Thread

    Midgar ff7 truck 🛻 change my mind
  13. SeanDoe1z1

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    funky town fucked me up. Well, that is one that stuck with me. Maybe not fucked up. I literally will probably never go to any Latin American country because those snuff cartel shit makes isis look like pussies. Coming from someone who has been in shithole places in Africa too.
  14. SeanDoe1z1

    Whats rustling your jimmies?

    i remember in my mid 20s I came back to Oregon after 5 years or so and just did the normal thing and started pumping my gas. Just standing there this guy runs out screaming how I can’t do that. My immediate reaction is thinking cellphone use + gas pump and I immediately hand waive him away and...
  15. SeanDoe1z1

    Twisted Metal

    Reminded me of future man to a degree.
  16. SeanDoe1z1

    Project 99 - Green Server announcement

    not gonna lie, was looking at a real shit year in my immediate family life You know what I did to deal with it instead of stewing? Yelinak for 6months. I quit before I got too hooked. Combine people like that and no income issues and yeah… I can see how the severs are like this. Still love...
  17. SeanDoe1z1

    Whats rustling your jimmies?

    I literally work with radios and even I don’t carry one around. probably the only time I find them useful are giant warehouses with no internet yet or cell coverage.
  18. SeanDoe1z1

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    Only one momo
  19. SeanDoe1z1

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    I build complex racks from scratch and incorporate KVMs into each one (or at least I throw a major fit in pre sales if they try to cheap out of one since I’m also the one to service any future problem and RDPing into everything gets old). Fucking amazing they still incorporate ps2 cables into...
  20. SeanDoe1z1

    Final Fantasy 16

    what’s up with the accessories anyway? I was wondering if it ported over from the demo. I
  21. SeanDoe1z1

    Diablo 4 / IV / IIII / Fore / Cope / Seethe

    First play through am doing a marksman rogue, Pretty bland. Appreciate the polish. Not disappointed i bought but so far can tell unless some major rework no way in hell I’ll devour 1/50th the time I did as d2/d3
  22. SeanDoe1z1

    Diablo 4 / IV / IIII / Fore / Cope / Seethe

    bruh this is an eq forum. Would I do it now? Nah. But the poopsocking days are still vivid. I remember my no life period as a wow pvper and people were amazed I would have no problem killing the same person 20 times+, often refusing to take the hint. I couldn’t even imagine doing that...
  23. SeanDoe1z1

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    Was in some small place that this was like, the only option. Felt like a trap. it was so damn good. I am ashamed.
  24. SeanDoe1z1

    Investing General Discussion

    Re Roku: Cheap power processor and good OS for lightweight travel. I would be sad if I forgot it on any work trip. New models will remember hotel authentication if you stay at same brand hotel. Niche, but it’s good tech.
  25. SeanDoe1z1

    Did you go to camp?

    Don’t get mad I had so much fun @TBT-TheBigToe
  26. SeanDoe1z1

    Did you go to camp?

    I did every summer. Was pretty fun. We would line up and do a lot of shouting and marching, got to wear our own uniforms. Funny salutes too Good times. Anyway, I stand with Ukraine. ✌️
  27. SeanDoe1z1

    Everquest Confessions

    I remember being young and showing off how fun eq could be griefing, would pull oasis specters and invis myself and massacre the zone. simplistic times
  28. SeanDoe1z1

    The Last of Us

    lot of things broke my disbelief (yeah I know…), obviously not far from a population center yet untouched for years on end. Even presumably throwing short wave radio broadcast out to to the world to the point randoms can find them. little things go far on that type of shit to not feel like the...
  29. SeanDoe1z1

    Hogwarts Legacy

    Just look at GDQ. It’s almost amazing if it weren’t so sad.
  30. SeanDoe1z1

    Investing General Discussion

    Other day I was at a customer premise for some nonsense and as I got deeper into their system I’m starting to identify all these sites across their deployment are failing on their backup link. I gather logs and pinpoint everything to a single date… a date they did a tech refresh on their CEN...
  31. SeanDoe1z1

    Investing General Discussion

    In my world of radio network infrastructure we will call this a zombie controller. It’s usually with expensive customers that have backups built into their backups usually in a geo separated location. The third or fourth level redundancy is tricked into becoming the main controller while the...
  32. SeanDoe1z1


    you can’t adopt someone else’s kid (the father’s) without some extreme circumstances in the majority of states. you sound extremely emotionally vulnerable. And a married woman on tinder that travels. the writing is pretty clear, best to take control before it ruins your life and you’re...
  33. SeanDoe1z1

    Playstation 5

    When in doubt blame layer 1 first (cable). Accounts for 90% of the worlds problems. I use to run into HDCP issues with hdmi. No idea on the newer standards. might be even worth it dialing down into console settings to test if replacement doesn’t work. Looks like it was mentioned above with...
  34. SeanDoe1z1

    The Witcher: Blood Origin

    I thought this was a mock movie of some dnd nostalgia after the first episode ended and I saw the Witcher. Was dozing off to it on boring xmas afternoon lol wut
  35. SeanDoe1z1

    Whats rustling your jimmies?

    Right. stb (cable boxes) should be tied to a FIPS code. Any alert that gets sent decoded at the headend will typically be tied to a FIPS code so the correct location is displayed. The encoder itself even with admin privileges or root access shouldn’t have the ability to turn off the codes I...
  36. SeanDoe1z1

    You know you're getting old when.....

    Quick, marry her it’s the only way !
  37. SeanDoe1z1

    Whats rustling your jimmies?

    CAE (amber alerts) and EAN/NPT (presidential alerts) cannot by turned off by design for the encoder at the headend. You not being able to turn it acknowledge* at the STB is by design flaw and the cable companies fault. Most likely a client issue they do not care to correct because it is...
  38. SeanDoe1z1

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    That Pocahontas in the background?
  39. SeanDoe1z1

    You know you're getting old when.....

    yeah coworker was a good chef, real passion. Developed shellfish allergy at like age 53 after life of it being his favorite. When I still worked with him he said fuck it and tried after a couple of years without and almost ended up in the ER.
  40. SeanDoe1z1

    You know you're getting old when.....

    I still remember miss Wilcox my 4th grade homely math teacher with baggy jean pants and probably 110 lbs. Dat crush. now teachers are wearing yoga pants and getting trained by mini chad thundercocks reliving whatever fucked up fantasy they held onto from their HS days.