Search results

  1. T

    True Detective

    You'd think someone in Hollywood would teach these people to hold a gun properly.
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    True Detective

    The more I watch it the worse it gets.
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    True Detective

    Jodie Foster's character sounds a lot like a Mary Sue to me, unfortunately. I know everything about everything.
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    Project 99 - Green Server announcement

    So I've seen a few FoH people on here. Do you need to be a tryhard to get an invite?
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    Project 99 - Green Server announcement

    Finally got the will to try EQ again. Just not sure if I really want to play a warrior again, I don't miss not being able to gate/solo. Thinking maybe Bard, enchanter, necro. Any OG Quellious people still around?
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    Dark and Darker

    Pm me if you want to team up, I'd like to see the gameplay from the other side of the 1v3 ganks
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    Dark and Darker

    This game really needs a fucking matchmaking system. Not sure why I'm bothering to play this on my own.
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    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

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    Hottest Actress Bracket Fight

    Some tough choices but Lagertha wins it.
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    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    Oh man the memories.. when Legos only had Medieval, police, fire, ambulance..
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    Everquest Confessions

    Pre-Kunark. RL friend was a notable trader in the EC tunnel, dude wasn't even 50 but was one of the richest guys on the server already, buying low selling high. One day he decided fuck this I'm quitting so I got all his stuff. My twink war was running around dual wielding SSoY's with a FBSS and...
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    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    This guy is up for a motherfucking disappointment.
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    Is no one going to talk about the elephant in the room.. predators have totally shit vision without the mask, as seen in pred1. Knowing that, a lot of scenes would make no sense when the mask was off.
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    Synopsis for this movie should be like, Indian girl gets told to get back in the kitchen, but fuck no, she's gonna kill a predator. They really went up to 11 with the stereotypes and the sexism.
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    Diablo 4 / IV / IIII / Fore / Cope / Seethe

    Necro looks like a tranny in the cinematic trailer.. or should I say.. Necrotheycer
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    Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

    That Trans captain actress was pretty cringe and can they just stop over representing LGBT people? Fuck's sake. Captain Angel.. fuck even the name makes me cringe, lucky they didn't call her Captain Totallynotanadamsapple.
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    Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

    Cara Gee isn't asian, shes just a non-fat native american.
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    Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

    So far they haven't been going FULL retard with the LGBTQQ posturing. Probably find out before the end of the season that half the crew isn't "cis", to use the retards own words. I'd smash Christina Chong, she kinda reminds me of Cara Gee from the Expanse, which I would also smash. If you...
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    The Contractor (2022)

    Just watched this.. going through all the trouble with the gear and shit.. and then have dudes with M4's with no sights on em.. People in Hollywood are retarded, I swear.
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    The Video Thread

    I googled real quick to make sure I was thinking about the same girl and the first google pic is like.. that's Natalie Portman.
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    Elden Ring - From Software + George RR Martin

    60 fps hard cap on PC.. with the abundance of 120/144+ Hz monitors is just a joke. Sure the game "might" run great, in theory, but in reality, it looks like fucking shit on modern screens.
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    Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)

    I unfortunately bit the bullet and bought the expansion.. Main side quest is as boring as ever. Feels like someone gets paid to find ways to drag out what little story they have. Go here, go there, go here, go there, talk to x, talk to x again, talk to x another time. How do make 45 mins of...
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    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    Sounds like the plotline to Back 4 Blood.
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    The Animated GIF Thread

    No you don't. Do you know how many women don't maintain their feet? You have butterfaces and we get butterfeets.. I could never date a girl with ugly feet.
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    NHL 2021 Irregular Season and Plagueoffs

    30 straight PK without allowing a goal.
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    NHL 2021 Irregular Season and Plagueoffs

    Out of curiosity I did a bit of digging around.. Habs have had 7+ winning streaks in playoffs a grand total of 8 times. 9 if count this season. They won the cup 7 of those 8 years. Pretty good odds.
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    Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)

    You must have completely missed the point where I was talking about the latest relic step.
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    Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)

    The more I play this the more I think MMO's as we know them aren't coming back. I think this game's trash. I don't know why I play it, maybe from a lack of options. This new relic step that pretty much has you do 180 raids from prior expansions without being able to cheese them by being higher...
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    NHL 2021 Irregular Season and Plagueoffs

    Doesn't matter, Habs are about to pass Vegas and Washington and tie Toronto with 1 less game played.
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    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    While you're at it I want the peer reviewed research paper that states democrat voters aren't all fucking retards.
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    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    You spelled socialist wrong. The sheer fact that so many people consider themselves liberals while pushing marxist or socialist agendas just proves how badly the new generations got brainwashed that liberalism and socialism are now considered the same thing.
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    2019-2020 NHL Season Thread: Uber Missed the Blues Victory Parade Edition

    Still not bad considering its a game between the first seed vs a team people say didn't belong in the playoffs.
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    Escape from Tarkov

    We got one now :D
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    Escape from Tarkov

    Anyone wanna team up? Tired of playing solo.
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    DDO (D&D Online)

    Honestly I reinstalled this game and I strongly believe it's not worth coming back to. It's just devolved into a game where the core of people who have been playing nothing else have 3 times my hp, 5-6 stat points and god knows how many more skills points than I do, speed-running through...
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    EVE Online

    Honestly the problem I have with this game is that I can't seem to find a playstyle that I enjoy and that doesn't get me bored out of my mind. Most of the time it ends up with me not doing much because our space isn't safe enough for efficient ratting and the little action we get is roaming...
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    Little Richard - RIP

    RIP. He was one of the artists that my dad made me discover music sitting on the center console of his chevrolet because fuck seatbelts back then.
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    Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2019

    I'm genuinely feeling "meh" about all the guns right now, feels like an existential crisis. You either run a stock-less M4 or you handicap yourself.
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    Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2019

    I just don't get why the no stock attachment is a thing and is also so competitive yet I can't bring myself to using it because that just breaks what little immersion there is. I think the penalty for not having a stock should be made bigger? Maybe I'm just nitpicking but when I see dudes...