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  1. Jysin

    Investing General Discussion

    Another thing to note: Longer duration rates are steeply falling, but IWM (Russel) is going down with it. Lower yields should be putting wind in the sails for small caps. Recessionary indicators are building from what I can see, but it is far too early to tell. Still quite a bit of defensive...
  2. Jysin

    Investing General Discussion

    This is some really odd price action today! (SPY & QQQ)
  3. Jysin

    Investing General Discussion

    Nancy wins again?
  4. Jysin

    Investing General Discussion

  5. Jysin

    Investing General Discussion

    @Araysar If it's that easy, I have a close friend that is a Managing Director for CS (ex-Goldman). If those returns are "that easy", I guarantee you can find a spot on their trade desk. Spoiler:
  6. Jysin

    Investing General Discussion

    We had someone here trying that yolo on cruise lines and warned the guy repeatedly, with technicals and fundamentals. He ate shit with >50% losses. Hell, NCLH still hasn't come close to his ~$28 CB to this day. (Currently $16.35). The CEO can talk about bookings all day long, but they took on...
  7. Jysin

    Investing General Discussion

    @Blazin @Sanrith Descartes ABORT ABORT!!
  8. Jysin

    Investing General Discussion

    I was also just trading Apple from a technical and sentiment perspective (as I PM'd you about @Sanrith Descartes). The stock was getting beaten up, but eventually found a pretty strong demand level of support around 169-170. Beyond that, I still had a level at of support165 I added to. You had a...
  9. Jysin

    Home buying thread

    I love my brother to death. Heart of gold, really. But he got disability for sleep apnea. The genetic thing he got from his dad. It annoys me to no end he collects money for that, while I have neck problems (car accident) and back problems (lifting injury I never reported) while on the job in...
  10. Jysin

    Home buying thread

    This option bothers me. My company's 401k also caps $50k towards primary residence. This $50k figure hasn't changed in well over a decade+. That doesn't even come close to cover a 20% deposit of today's median US house price. It needs updating.
  11. Jysin

    Investing General Discussion

  12. Jysin

    Investing General Discussion

    You are aware of what volatility halts are, right? No one is fucking anyone. It's built into the market for every ticker. Circuit Breaker Trading Halts U.S. securities exchanges have standing rules for market-wide trading halts in instances were dramatic price declines threaten market...
  13. Jysin

    Investing General Discussion

    Not even tariffs can save this turd.
  14. Jysin

    Investing General Discussion

    You have to dig into the reports vs just skimming the surface data.
  15. Jysin

    Investing General Discussion

    @Rangoth you mentioned an options position and earnings. Just an FYI if you’re unaware, stops only work during market hours. Not only that, but options only trade during market hours as well (with a couple ETF exceptions). Holding options through an earnings event is gambling big time. If...
  16. Jysin

    Investing General Discussion

    @Borzak Interest rate yields are all up!
  17. Jysin

    Investing General Discussion

    No one pays full price for TV. They regularly run sales as cheap as 60-70% off annual sub prices. That brings the Premium sub down to about $18/mo. I have linked these deals in this thread a few times.
  18. Jysin

    Investing General Discussion

    @Sanrith Descartes you of all people should know markets are always forward looking. An abysmal Q report is always looked past in favor of forward guides or new news. They basically said they are fast tracking new vehicle development and cheap model option as well as the FSD licensing. When you...
  19. Jysin

    Investing General Discussion

    Finally, someone pointing out the cooked numbers bullshit:
  20. Jysin

    Investing General Discussion

    This. Apparently they have had no problems prereporting blowout earnings in the past, but their silence this Q is being assumed the worst.
  21. Jysin

    Investing General Discussion

    @Blazin you had talked about implementing the show profit or take a ban rule a while back. Fantastic time to roll this feature out. At least for this thread.
  22. Jysin

    Investing General Discussion

    MSFT was down today on the back of this news: 11:37 Reportedly Microsoft's OpenAI partnership could be subject to an EU antitrust investigation; No decision has been made yet as regulators are still gathering evidence - press - Regulators have reportedly decided against antitrust probe with...
  23. Jysin

    Investing General Discussion

    Just another day on the street.
  24. Jysin

    Investing General Discussion

    I’ve preached many times here, profit taking is equally important as entries. Neither has to be an all or nothing event. I would scale some profit off when you hit a target, but leave some skin in the game if it wants to run. If it pulls back, at least you took some profits and can simply add...
  25. Jysin

    Investing General Discussion

    Live feed of the next CPI data being worked on:
  26. Jysin

    Investing General Discussion

    Fed coming in to shit on the markets: FED'S KASHKARI: IT'S A QUESTION OF WHY CUT RATES IF THE ECONOMY REMAINS STRONG. 14:05(US) Fed's Goolsbee (non-voter for 2024): Inflation has been moving sideways and if it continues to do so it makes me wonder if we should cut rates at all this year Big...
  27. Jysin

    Investing General Discussion

    The shares are in the shutter not only because of what Tuco said, but they diluted the fuck out of the shares with offering after offering and taking on mountains of debt.
  28. Jysin

    Investing General Discussion

    That's exactly what this thread is for and it's far better to run those by some of us experienced like Blazin, Sanrith, and myself to take a look at and at the very least point out any glaring flaws eg: value traps, etc.
  29. Jysin

    Bitcoins/Litecoins/Virtual Currencies

    Fun times in crypto land.
  30. Jysin

    Investing General Discussion

    Only 30%? Actual photo from my phone:
  31. Jysin

    Investing General Discussion

    NVDA weekly RSI of 91. What could possibly go wrong?
  32. Jysin

    Investing General Discussion

    @Blazin Been saying this for some time in my trade circles. The only way out of the debt problem is to inflate it away. Makes sense on a government level, corporate level, as well as personal level. It just absolutely fucks anyone sitting in cash. I wish I had thrown more into hard assets like...
  33. Jysin

    Investing General Discussion

    Glad to hear it man. You had some precarious timing for retirement. Stay the course amigo!
  34. Jysin

    Investing General Discussion

  35. Jysin

    Investing General Discussion

    Not sure what kind of shape you are in, but my dad and I reshingled our own roof in a few days. Just get a good weather window and bang it out. It's not rocket science. That crew probably has a collective IQ of 90.
  36. Jysin

    Investing General Discussion

    Meanwhile under the hood in reality land: "Hardship withdrawals from 401k retirement accounts hit a fresh record. Up 30% on the year and tripling the pre-pandemic rate. 1 in 7 Americans now has a loan against their 401k. Nearly half borrowed to avoid foreclosure. With medical bills coming in #2"
  37. Jysin

    Investing General Discussion

    DXY dropping causes all commodities to price higher and is a huge driver of inflation. Dovish Powell with the outlook of rate cuts on the horizon is all downward DXY pressure. Not to mention the recent spike in crude prices/ XLE, which will drive costs up across the board for most equities.
  38. Jysin

    Investing General Discussion

    My take is, buckle up for inflation round 2.