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  1. Valorath

    Monster Hunter: World

    Really looking forward to Wilds. Have they said anything about whether it will be cross platform? I bought a PS4 for World, and will buy a PS5 for Wilds if necessary. Would much rather play cross platform from my PC though!
  2. Valorath

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    I’m not a fan of the cartridges. The high is different, and they make my throat itchy/scratchy in a weird way. Might be because I smoke cigs too, dunno. No denying how convenient they are, though. Give me the flower any day!
  3. Valorath

    Kayak and Canoe Thread

    Thanks for the reply! I am definitely not opposed to paying for instruction. Will have to see if there’s anywhere I can get some lessons in Louisville. Lots of people recommend the Nantahala Outdoor Center for beginners in the southeast to learn at, and that may very well be the closest place I...
  4. Valorath

    Malazan Book Of The Fallen

    That’s awesome. Tehol and Bugg are great, some of my favorite characters. That said, I’d rather he finish Kharakanas or TGINW before diving into another project.
  5. Valorath

    Malazan Book Of The Fallen

    I think RoTCG is the best of Esslemont's books. I've enjoyed his work because it fleshes out the Malazan world so much. Is it on par with Erikson's books? No. Will I still read and enjoy them? Yes. Pretty surprised to see anyone say The God is Not Willing put them off from Malazan. I thought it...
  6. Valorath

    RL Picture Thread

    Took my kayak out for the first time today.
  7. Valorath

    Kayak and Canoe Thread

    Got out on a bit of mostly flat, moving water that runs through Louisville. I am thoroughly sore and humbled. There’s a lot more to kayaking than I thought lol. I haven’t had any instruction and didn’t watch or read anything about paddle strokes or technique. Basically just went out there...
  8. Valorath

    Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)

    What’s the word on AST rework? Is it like DRG, player make believe? Watched the video, but was hoping for something more detailed, not just a video showcasing the animations and effects.
  9. Valorath

    The Video Thread

    Sure you did buddy. Thanks for the name and the IG link, anyway.
  10. Valorath

    What happened to..........(FoH Poster)?

    You’re doing the “see I told you so” routine to someone who doesn’t visit the forum anymore - putting your autism on display for everyone to see, again. Edit: Evernothing - zombiewizardhawk has been active somewhat recently.
  11. Valorath

    The Animated GIF Thread

    There’s a pickleball court at the park where I walk my dog. There are always people playing there. Lots of fatties and younger folks. It really is just scaled-up table tennis for people who can’t play actual tennis. There was a pickleball tournament on TV at the bar a couple weeks ago. Looked...
  12. Valorath

    Kayak and Canoe Thread

    I don’t have a picture of it, but they supplied me with a whole bag full of different sized pieces of foam padding and alternate outfitting. Going to take it out this weekend with the couple of adjustments I mentioned. If I need to tinker with it more, they supplied me with plenty of material to...
  13. Valorath

    Kayak and Canoe Thread

    Kayak arrived this afternoon. As I expected, it’s a pretty tight fit. But, I was able to remove the hip pads to make room left and right, and am going to adjust the knee/thigh hooks to make more room for my thighs, and should be in good shape from there. Fortunately the outfitting is extremely...
  14. Valorath

    RL Picture Thread

    How many colors of that jacket have you got?
  15. Valorath

    What happened to..........(FoH Poster)?

    I never saw anything about that in his thread. He liked getting his dick sucked and the wifey wasn't putting out, so he started seeing crack-whores for blowjobs and blasting machine-gun nuts. As control said, quite a bit of evidence was posted in his thread to show it wasn't just fan fiction.
  16. Valorath

    What happened to..........(FoH Poster)?

    I think the consensus is that Lithose ran for office and had to distance himself from the forum. I miss Khorum, Zzyyzyyz and Fedor. @Mario Speedwagon still shows up now and then to remind us that he's been way ahead of the forum with regards to Jews. Need more Mario.
  17. Valorath

    the I'm tired of sjw bullshit in gaming thread

    Ah, so like Booze.
  18. Valorath

    Kayak and Canoe Thread

    Wound up going with a Dagger Rewind instead of the Jackson Gnarvana. Both are rated for up to 260 lbs, and the Rewind is a half-slice whereas the Gnar is a creek boat. Half-slices are a bit more playful. I really wanted a half-slice to begin with, and only looked at the Gnarvana because of the...
  19. Valorath

    Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)

    I just world visit and stay on Gilgamesh. Haven't been back to my home world in quite some time. The party finder is so much better than the Crystal party finder.
  20. Valorath

    Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)

    Shit boys. My inventory is a fucking mess and I deal with it when I need to. So much junk in my bags and on my retainers over the years. I’d probably be well served just selling everything and making a bunch of room. instead I just make spaces in my bag and armory inventory as necessary.
  21. Valorath

    Malazan Book Of The Fallen

    Finished up Forge of the High Mage. I agree with previous assessments, it does read like fan fiction. Despite the quality, I have to imagine Erickson has “signed off” on these books. These guys built their world together role playing it all out. Even if the quality isn’t comparable, the story...
  22. Valorath

    The Video Thread

    These retards seem to believe that the FSR rule applies to the Video thread as well. Buncha fucking 05ers
  23. Valorath

    The Video Thread

    We had a guy in school who's eyes were really far apart. Like the nog lil mermaid. We started calling him Catfish but eventually it just became Fish. Can't speak for Squid lol.
  24. Valorath

    RL Picture Thread

  25. Valorath

    Kayak and Canoe Thread

    Gonna buy a kayak this year for some beginner whitewater stuff. Been white water rafting a bunch. I’m trying to find some adventures on my own without paying commercial whitewater companies for rafting trips. Anyone, other than Foler, have experience with white water kayaks? I’m 260 lb, big for...
  26. Valorath

    Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)

    Do we know if PIctomancer is gonna have a brez?
  27. Valorath

    All things Brandon Sanderson

    He’s not GRRM’s age, and he has a timeline of how plans to write and publish these books. Guy is our age and rich, making his dream come true by sharing his stories and ideas with his readers. He’ll likely outlive me, I’m just along for the ride!
  28. Valorath

    Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

    I don’t follow this thread much. I come here for the falling gifs not the content. @Mr. Sox has the energy of Alinity in his photos. Not a single smile just a grimace in his comicon updates.
  29. Valorath

    All things Brandon Sanderson

    Got Sunlit Man the other day. Liking this one a lot more than Tress of the Emerald Isle. Probably liking this one more cause of where the protagonist is from. I’m curious how this one fits in the timeline of the other cosmere novels. Only 100 pages in or so, I’m sure there’ll be some pay off...
  30. Valorath

    The Video Thread

    That would be @Synj, the butt pellet guy. He’s been talking about it for years.
  31. Valorath

    Dune: Part Two (2023)

    Got tickets today for a Saturday IMAX show. Can’t wait!
  32. Valorath

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    Last time I saw that deadwood photo, this one was with it.
  33. Valorath

    Malazan Book Of The Fallen

    Yea that’s pretty cool. I saw this one posted on Reddit a while back. Edit: that’s not the full image, dunno why I suck at Reddit and can’t pull the image from there. Here’s the link
  34. Valorath

    RL Picture Thread

    Dad sent this one a couple days ago. “18 years ago today.” Snowshoe West Virginia. Was an awesome trip, snowed from the time got there until after we left.
  35. Valorath

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    I dunno. Could it be @RQB ?
  36. Valorath

    The Animated GIF Thread

    I love to snow ski but man that video hurts my knees!
  37. Valorath

    I suck with people and need advice

    That’s just sad broski.
  38. Valorath

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    Nice, I didn't know she was doing cosplay now. I love this bitch.
  39. Valorath

    Pick a hooker

  40. Valorath

    Pick a hooker Fuck this big booty babe broski.