Buy Erronius a Wacom Fundraiser


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Bro, I got this. Seems I have the same last name as this cat that croaked in Africa. Some banker dude is sending me 60% of the money JUST for going along with it. I'll be rich bitches.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
True story: I took little Big E out to dinner once and he let me pay for it. I think that means I got halfway to first base (which is farther than I would expect any other donatees to get).
well you can count me in obviously


Silver Knight of the Realm
So Erronius sent me some pictures. I thought it was because we were friends in E-Sim.. and I thought it was special. I had sent him some supplies. Nothing big; a little bit of gear, some gifts and food.. same I'd have done for ANY friend. But the pictures were special. Him wrapped in a SK flag.. only. And I'm not talking one of those full-size, hanging over the school flags. I'm talking one of those little ones you wave on a the pencil-size stick in your hand, flags. A few days later I see this post, and I was speechless. We had a moment, something between just us. And now everybody is getting those same moments? I feel so cheap. So used.

Damn you Erronius! DAMN YOU!