Doctor Who


<Silver Donator>
Ugh... It was watchable but that's all. Science fiction, when it is topical and poignant yet still not paper thin (eg., "1984" "Level 7"...) is important and fun. Yet somehow this show is neither. Not for lack of acting talent and budget, that's for sure. This episode looked and sounded great. It was not a particularly highbrow concept. "Damn kids spent too much time on the internet, dang it!").

The Doctor's reason for being there is never explained. In fact, he kinda/could have/should have just spun the Tardis back a little bit and prevented the whole disaster, regardless of the circumstances of Dot. It doesn't matter-- it was not a brilliant or original trope. It was not well fleshed out at all. We are given an anti-hero protagonist that we are supposed to hate from the beginning. No redemption for the character is possible in the episode. No conflict in the story. No resolution to the plot. Just someone pretty for us, as audience to hate. Good thing for that (no spoilers) ending. We needed that to disdain her...

Just bad writing on top of what was likely a "brain-storming" writer's room (where I am sure someone said, in a full British accent, "Brilliant!")

Best part of the damn show is the closing credits theme. They shouldn't even play the preview over it.