Exotic Bird Peeps


Buzzfeed Editor
For some reason my search for the "Show us your pets" thread doesn't seem to want to bring it up. In another thread I found some of my fellow reefers, but now I'm looking for exotic bird folk.

I've always kept exotic pets or cared for others at various times. One area I never got into so much was birds outside a stint with chicken/quail. I loved the idea of a hawk but crazy expensive almost full time job category. I also liked crows, but again like 3k for one. Granted I'm in for like 8k on my reef tank but it is a good trade off to me.

Wife started out hating most animals, especially reptiles. Now she thought a show with a nile croc was cute and liked my tegu/crested gecko's. Has learned to do dog training and other critter care. Still hates birds. Looking to change that after she took interest in some of the smaller parrots from FB video's. Was particularly enamored with a rainbow Lorikeet but I veto'd those with the more specialized diet, a good screamer, and big wet splattery shits.

Might be coming home with a 7 month old black capped Caique. Happened to be one local after my own research into pet breeds kinda lit on them as maybe being more ideal for us. (I'd love say a Cockatoo but still mildly afraid of bigger bird bites even though I loved my friends parents one a decade ago, and she doesn't like them for some reason.)

Big undertaking any kind of parrot/exotic bird. Know that already just from other exotics and I always spend a lot of time researching ahead of time. (Before my first reef tank I spent probably 6 months reading lol.)

So anyone else with pics/experiences of their exotic birds? Be it raptors, parrots, or anything else fairly unusual outside of normal petco fair. I'd love to hear more from Caique owners even if I've already read a lot.


Buzzfeed Editor
Crappy first pic, trying to let her settle in.

Pickles the Parrot (Caique)



FoH nuclear response team
Crappy first pic, trying to let her settle in.

Pickles the Parrot (Caique)

Wait, wtf. Is that Pickles from the Birdiac bird shop?

I have a Green Cheek Conure, I was never really a bird person before but I kept playing with her at the bird shop and decided to buy her. We had a scare a few months back when my cousin's roommates dog attacked her when she jumped off my shoulder. We got lucky the dog only yanked some of her feathers out and I cried like a bitch because I thought she was gonna die. She had to wear this neck brace for a week, she hated it. Her name is Korah.



Buzzfeed Editor
Nope I'm in colorado. I'm sure pickles isnt that much of a unique name for a green bird.

Loving the shit out of this bird. Never realized of all my exotic pets that I never knew I needed this one in my life lol. Spend evenings on the computer afterwork with it playing on my chest or back of office chair. I love that even when it's calling it isn't as loud, and my wife and it already have back and forths. Every day I hear a new chirp or call. I'm surprised it likes being rubbed so deep in it's feathers so I can feel how scrawny it's neck is.

I'm working on getting her to play on her back, but she already barbers the back of my neck and otherwise is attached and doesn't like being left alone.

Not sure if she left video public, but my wife had this video. She loves her shirts for some reason so instant she's on my wife starts going nuts. She doesn't like being disturbed when so involved in her shirt chewing lol... (last half of video)

Mod edit: Perhaps don't include links with your wife's name in them.


Molten Core Raider
Cockatoos are far and away the best as far as personality but they're a bit like dogs in that they don't like to be left alone. My parents bred African Greys, blue front amazons, cockatoos, conures and macaws. Parrot types and macaws are hit and miss, some are assholes and some are very mild mannered. Greys are fun to have around just because of how amazing they are at reproducing speech and random sounds. All larger bird types make a fucking mess, it's a particular type of lifestyle decision to own one.


Shit Lord Supreme
My girl friend's parrot shits everywhere, throws her food around like a retarded three year old, flies into walls, and makes high pitched sounds and sometimes just makes loud noises constantly for an hour or two. It doesn't like being alone, and doesn't like anyone but the person its bonded to. Often days I dream of opening the window and letting it fly off, if only the anxious retarded shit beast didn't self mutilate and pluck it's flight feathers out by its own accord. If the novelty of an animal that will occasionally learn and mimic a few words (of which you have no control), like your cat meowing, the water in a humidifier steaming, and your girl friend laughing, is so great that you will put up with all the other shit...then your a fucking idiot to be honest. I fucking hate this thing.




Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
My girl friend's parrot shits everywhere, throws her food around like a retarded three year old, flies into walls, and makes high pitched sounds and sometimes just makes loud noises constantly for an hour or two. It doesn't like being alone, and doesn't like anyone but the person its bonded to. Often days I dream of opening the window and letting it fly off, if only the anxious retarded shit beast didn't self mutilate and pluck it's flight feathers out by its own accord. If the novelty of an animal that will occasionally learn and mimic a few words (of which you have no control), like your cat meowing, the water in a humidifier steaming, and your girl friend laughing, is so great that you will put up with all the other shit...then your a fucking idiot to be honest. I fucking hate this thing.
Hah. That is about my feeling with birds too. I used to have a friend that had a cockatoo and that fucking thing destroyed half of their living room, made the whole house smell like a chicken coop and shrieked constantly in a way that would make you want to kill yourself. Also half the time it pulled out half of its own feathers and looked like some kind of monster. Add in the fact that they can live for 50+ years and the correct response is fuuuuuuuuck that. The only kind of birds I've ever been interested in is the aviary full of small birds behind a big window sort of like a bird aquarium. Something like a parakeet isn't too bad but the big talking birds can go fuck themselves.


Buzzfeed Editor
That grey I imagine has some environmental/socializing factors that is causing some of the self mutilation etc.

But to the rest, it's exactly why I stayed away from the big ones. So far the Caique is amazing. After the first couple days she hasn't shit on me, or outside of the cage once unless I leave her standing on the door, but wood floor = easy clean.

Wife is insane and thought this was cute when I said oh fuck no, bunch of turkey shot for that mofo.https://www.facebook.com/theBERRY/vi...6/?pnref=story

Medium sized room, so far no stank, but I also keep up with swapping the pan paper. Not looking forward to cleaning the bars but it's really not too bad as most makes it to the pan.


FoH nuclear response team
Nope I'm in colorado. I'm sure pickles isnt that much of a unique name for a green bird.

Loving the shit out of this bird. Never realized of all my exotic pets that I never knew I needed this one in my life lol. Spend evenings on the computer afterwork with it playing on my chest or back of office chair. I love that even when it's calling it isn't as loud, and my wife and it already have back and forths. Every day I hear a new chirp or call. I'm surprised it likes being rubbed so deep in it's feathers so I can feel how scrawny it's neck is.

I'm working on getting her to play on her back, but she already barbers the back of my neck and otherwise is attached and doesn't like being left alone.

Not sure if she left video public, but my wife had this video. She loves her shirts for some reason so instant she's on my wife starts going nuts. She doesn't like being disturbed when so involved in her shirt chewing lol... (last half of video)

Mod edit: Perhaps don't include links with your wife's name in them.
I didn't think that would be too common of a name, lol.

It took my Conure almost a full year before she would let me hold her on her back without hanging on for dear life. She's also the same with how quiet and silly she is, she normally just hangs out on my shoulder and follows me around like a puppy. She has chewed up a G600 mouse and an Astro Gaming headset (Both my fault) but other than that it's the best pet I've ever owned.

Only thing that pisses me off about her is she is terrified of everything. I've bought her so many toys and she won't even go near them and runs off and hides if I get them out, for example I bought her a perch that suction cups to the window (She likes looking outside), she's so fucking terrified of it she won't go near it EVEN THOUGH SHE HAS THE EXACT SAME THING IN HER FUCKING CAGE!


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
My parents had a cockatiel that they stuffed into my room as a teenager. I didn't know shit except the asshole squawked every morning while I was trying to sleep. Being a teenager trying to sleep i would toss things at the cage . My parents more or less got tired of the bird and ignored it. Looking back I wish I would have known to try and handle the bird as I bet it would have made a cool companion and pet. But the screaming in the morning pretty much ruined birds for me.


Avatar of War Slayer

any bird people out there?

walking around the side of my house, noticed first an egg, near the front corner of my house. then, 20ft away, next to the foundation by the back of the house, a de-feathered bird.

noticeably hooked beak. pretty sure bird of prey.
I think a female Merlin. notable white tuff above the eye.

Merlin eggs are brown. but they also steal other birds nests. I could find no nest. this is pretty far from trees. could be under the deck, or in the gutter?

my cats were no wear in sight either.


<Bronze Donator>
I have a african grey and a eclectus. I keep them on my back porch which I have converted into one giant free flight aviary. I also have BIG birds (ratites). The saddest thing for me is to see a parrot in a small cage. If someone is going to keep these very intelligent birds, make sure you keep them well. If you don't have the time to spend with them daily, make sure you have a companion for your companion (a second bird buddy).
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Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
This is not a thread I expected from the title. This is:


FoH nuclear response team
I let mine free range in the house when I'm at home for that very same reason. I'd hate to be caged up all day so I let them out as much as possible.

I got really bent out of shape when I saw how they are smuggled (shoved into bottles and packed up). They are such loveable intelligent creates I'd probably beat someone to death if I caught them mistreating birds or animals in general.