PC part people, help a tech idiot. (String fans for aquarium hood venting)


Buzzfeed Editor
I have a big 300gallon salt tank up and running. Ended up with a hood when I wasn't going to. Basically enclosed except for a 8 inch strip along the back wall of it. (Thing is 6x3x1 roughly) Then theres 2 strips of open air along the top but are only 2 or 2.5 inches wide roughly.

I dont really have heat issues with the water, it's more for keeping the 8bulb T5 and ballasts cooler. Cutting big squares in the side and mounting big fans there is not a possibility. (That and some reefers seem to have found the cooling peters out by the middle of the bulb creating uneven aging of the specialty reef bulbs phosphor coating) Currently I just have a big tall/narrow floor fan on top blowing and it's really loud, jiggles the aluminum reflectors etc, and more importantly I have to manually turn on since on a timer, it needs a button press to turn on, no rocker switch)

Electricity is devil voodoo to me. Without having to twist a bunch of wiring together with a million wire nuts. would it be easy to make a long row of PC fans that runs on preferably one power supply and possibly on a potentiometer? Since gap so small though I assume a 120mm fan would be too big right? be blowing against the hood it's sitting on basically? Also, I'm trying to maintain the fans as quiet as possible, so I was looking at Noctua's, but at $20/per 120mm fan and trying to span 6 feet......

Know any quiet but still more than a mouse fart output fans that are daisy chainable easily ideally with basically plug and play going to a power source and dimmer for speed? I figured just the center strip to run them across. Not sure if I'll need them edge to edge, or really if say like 6-8 spaced out would be plenty.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
I know a guy who built a crazy bong with stolen chemistry equipment and a bunch of PC fans.

You are not that guy, but you definitely have been hitting the bong hard.


Buzzfeed Editor
A simplified version would be, if taking out all the extra info. Are there electronics dummy friendly PC fans or similiar appropriate for a 2 inch sized opening that can be daisy chained in a row plug and play to each other ending in a single power supply and dimmer for fan speed off the shelf.


<Bronze Donator>
The question is why you chose to use T5 bulbs vs metal halide pendants :) The MH's would give ya amazing light shimmer and coral growth.

I think the largest issue you will have is that those fans are not going to last with salt water corrosion. I swear I had my hood planned out like you and ended up with a light occasional spray that ate everything in the hood. Had to start over went with MH pendants and was much happier.


<Silver Donator>
Plug an electronic timer into the wall, and plug a power inverter into that. Get a bunch of case fans and tie them together, and power off the inverter. Easiest way to do it.

It's a little more complicated if you want it to be temperature controlled, but not too bad. All you need is something where you can set the temp and it either provides power or does not.

You'll be running off DC, which means you just have two wires - common and line/power/whatever you want to call it. Blacks to blacks, Reds to Reds.

I have an amazing habit of getting shitfaced on my first day off-shift and I'm about balls deep in it right now, so I feel like I'm doing a really bad job of explaining how I would set it up.