SOE Live - Almost Live Thread


2 Minutes Hate
I don't know if you've ever been to one of these events before, but depending on the turnout, usually the Q&A session has time for each person to ask one question. If there isn't a big crowd usually you can jump back into line for a 2nd question.

Unless you can get a dev roped in to an interview. If you think you can do this, bring a voice recorder and tell them you're from JunkiesNation, Rerollz Media LLC.


Trakanon Raider
Will there be the classic training of mobs in the game? I loved seeing wraith's or sand giants being trained to the docks or Ambassador Dvinn owning people at the zone in Crushbone.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
I think he means to look out for answer to these questions coming up in the panels or other dev comments throughout the event, not ask them all personally. If he gets the chance to drill dev for answer to the list, then even better.

Also to critize somewhat, vendor diving? Might as well ask if they can charm KOS mobs to give them your looted gems as deposit and reclaim them later (used to do that sometimes when I didnt want to go vendor in remote areas). Please if you get to ask any questions yourself focus on questions that have a reaonsable chance to get an answer.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I am most curious to hear about itemization. I left EQ2 during Velious because of their terrible itemizations changes that made cookie-cutter copy / paste item slot to specific stats bullshit. Those exact same stats on the item simply scaled in difficulty and had no unique attributes. SoE claimed they would save time itemizing to focus more on content, but it just killed the entire game for many.

I just want to ensure they didnt take this stupid approach again.


Elisha Dushku
Updated list.

@Soygen. No to EQ/EQ2.
@Draegen. We'll see.
@Creed. Also the game will be playable so options to figure some stuff out from playing the game and I'm a fan of vendor diving.


Same trailer, different park
If Brad is on panel - how much blow can you definitively snort out of a stripper's ass? Does it depend on the stripper? Is there a nickname for the brown skid mark bits of coke? What is the 0-60 for a Lamborghini Mercy?


It would be nice to see the odd high level mob that roams lower level areas. Was it a griffon in the east commonlands? Used to poop over players camping orcs. Even the roaming NPC guards weren't safe. Good times


Trakanon Raider
It would be nice to see the odd high level mob that roams lower level areas. Was it a griffon in the east commonlands? Used to poop over players camping orcs. Even the roaming NPC guards weren't safe. Good times
The best were the sand giants in Oasis. Nothing scarier when meditating (when you had to look into your spellbook) and a sand giant would walk up and kill you.


If Brad is on panel - how much blow can you definitively snort out of a stripper's ass? Does it depend on the stripper? Is there a nickname for the brown skid mark bits of coke? What is the 0-60 for a Lamborghini Mercy?
I would also like the know the coke snorting capabilities of brad? I personally think he can't handle his rack but sometimes a strippers ass can really bring out the best in peoples coke snorting abilities.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Damn! people still killing Brad. Lol no wonder he hasn't shown back up here.


Elisha Dushku
I'll ask Draegen or another mod to lock this thread. I've got more than enough questions to ask given the usual constraints and the commentary belongs on the EQN thread.

I'm attending SOE Live. This thread is mostly for SOE Live questions about EQN. I'll be attending most but not all of the panels (probably skipping the early one on Saturday), hopefully there will be others from rerolled also attending. If you're going post here or send me a PM with your badge name and we can all meet-up at the Pool Party for drinks (My Badge: Surface) to either mourn or celebrate.

Please limit questions to those that are unlikely to be answered by the reveal. I'll try to ask as many of the submitted questions as I can during and after the reveal and various sessions I'm planning on attending.

Good example of such a question is Dr. Neir's "Will there be Vendor Diving?" I doubt very much this will come up in the reveal. A bad question would be: "What classes are in EQN?" As this will certainly be covered by the reveal and at the Classes of EQN panel. Grey area questions like "Will the Lake of Ill Omen be in at release" are fine - who knows if it will or won't be covered in some panel (probably in the World of EQN panel - but maybe not).

Given that there will be lots of demand on dev time, and I may only have limited chances to ask, I'm fine with multiple people wanting the same question asked, the more people who want a question asked the higher I'll rank it.

Hopefully, there will be little interest in this thread beyond a few questions as I dislike being helpful - in any event this is not a substitute or replacement for the EQNext thread so as a non-Mod I'll politely ask that you just ask questions here and leave any commentary on any asked questions for the EQNext thread :) If there end up being a 1,000+ questions I'll just arbitrarily cut off the last 975 or so, again depending on how much time I get to ask questions of the dev.

The main issue I will have with EQN beyond the cartoony low poly graphics is the simple fact EQN wont just be for the PC users they will be PS4 version as well for sure at least Xboxone version to unless Sony just stays in house which means the UI and a lot of tweaks they would do for us pc users with much higher systems wont be to happen due to the console versions.



The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Locking this thread until Friday, per tad's request. Continue any discussion in the main EQ Next thread.