The 9-5 Thread


Trakanon Raider
I've probably missed a thread for people that just work a regular job as it is titled something I wouldn't think it would be and placed somewhere I didn't think to look.

I actually work 8-4:15 pm though and it's pretty sweet unless we are busy and are asked to work additional hours.

Anyways, I got great news today. I got a promotion bumping my pay 17.5%. This is the first time I've ever got a promotion in my 37 years. When I was in the Army I was the same rank for all four years because of my MOS and unwillingness to reclass and stay in longer than I signed up for.

With that, I will note that two of my co-workers started as indy contractors like I did over 3 years ago and we accepted salary positions back in January of this year. I am pretty close with one of my co-workers as we share the same tasks/duties for the most part. My work does not tell me if anyone else got promoted though and I kind of feel shitty about that even though I've worked really hard this year. I just know that we all have worked really hard since we rolled over to salary. I just wasn't expecting my managers to call me a few mins after my shift ended and me still being logged into the computer to accept the Teams call today informing me that I got promoted.

I'm in a position where not much changes, I don't become the boss of anyone, I just have more responsibilities where I may train new people or answer questions that are work related and I help train new people. I told both of my coworkers that I was going salary before they made the decision and let them in on what to expect as far as pay and benefits and I kind of feel bad not letting them know about being promoted. They may have gotten promoted to for all I know. In the Army they put that shit for everyone to see that cares. I'm just trying to determine what is the best way to let them know from other peoples experiences hopefully without lowering morale if they didn't get promoted too. I also don't want to be in a situation where they are like, "why didn't you tell me you got promoted" is this. Any advice on the subject would be much appreciated.
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Vyemm Raider
First congrats!

Second, everyone's career is their own responsibility. They had the same opportunity as you did, so it is on them if they weren't moved up like you. IMO keep your head down, don't worry about what happened with others in terms on promotions, and just keep working hard. Treat people the same, and it will just let you in on bad personalities of those that have contempt for your success. If anybody approaches and asks about your promotion, humbly own it, they gave it to you for a reason.


Trakanon Raider
Just be humble, work hard, and keep work and personal interactions separate. When I promote someone I usually announce it to my team. It's better coming from the manager than the person who got promoted. I was in a position where I got promoted ahead of my peers and even though there was a bit of awkwardness (everyone wants the job but only 1 person can get it...) as long as you keep it professional then people will just move on and get over it. If the resentment is enough for someone to want to sour a relationship then that's the sort of person you probably want to cut loose anyways.