The Merchant Princes


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Just read through most of this series as I really love the Laundry Files. Anyway this one differs a lot but is still a sci-fi series and focuses on the exploitation of economies between three alternate earths. So a quick run down.

Minor Spoilers
The main con is that the main character is just fucking awful for at least the first 3-4 books. I can't suspend my disbelief at the capability she had going from essentially a tech blog writer to outsmarting career KGB agents (essentially) with magical powers in a span of less than 30 days.

On the plus side all of the secondary characters are great and the setting/world building is also fantastic.It does delve into the known economic problems of mercantilism as the three earths are like this:
  1. Our Earth.
  2. Other Side- America but with Medieval kingdoms and feudal society. They first discovered the ability to exploit our earth and until recently (past 200 years) their America and ours were very similar. Then we had a super technological boom and they steal stuff here/smuggle drugs where they can never get caught and use these fund acquired as high end luxuries/etc to sell in their world.
  3. Far Side - America but with some Steampunk going on.
The main character seeks to use their ability to shift worlds to bring all three of them closer to technological parity and become ultra-wealthy powerful in the process.
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Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
The series started as a contract dodge. Basically, Stross had an option (I think from Orbit) about his next SF books, and TOR wanted books from him. So his agent suggested making a fantasy book, and he replied "can't do fantasy, what about modern urban fantasy?". So the first 3 or 4 books were published by TOR with "Fantasy" as the category, then he switched back to full fledged SF.

The original series went thru the blender as he had problem making it fit for the US market (US publishers tend to dislike 1400-pages doorstops), and the start suffers a bit. Then it goes full grimdark.

The second series, which has just started, is Merchant Princes - the Next Generation with Myriam's daughter as the main character. 1st book is out, the second comes in January, third might get delayed because Stross had to deal with health issues (his own, and his father, who passed away this year) which will probably delay all his upcoming books by months...