The Superpower Thread


Silver Squire
The Jimmy Rustler: Caught in a neutron explosion through the internet, whenever my jimmies are rustled I turn into a gorilla who can only speak Klingon.

Perfect Pitch: Using the Necromanica, Olive Garden bread sticks, and Ted Williams' severed frozen head, I infuse my body with Williams' baseball prowess. Something goes awry, I'm not a great hitter, but I can throw 110MPH fastball with better control than Maddox... as long as I maintain a rock hard erection.


<Gold Donor>
Ok, you got me there, but I was talking about a suite of powers like "Superman's powers" where you get invulnerability, flight, super-speed, heat-vision, super-breath, etc. which are all pretty much unrelated. But I guess you could argue Molecule Man is similar, so I'll just say I would take Molecule Man's powers, which are essentially Superman's powers plus a billion.

The Ancient_sl



Mr. Poopybutthole
I'd want the power to give people orgasms of varying degrees with my mind! Anything from a slight flush to a crumpled mass of flesh on the floor pleasure overload. I'd use my powers to troll people mostly, maybe rob a few people while they writhed on the ground or something. I'm a simple man with simple needs and desires.
The fact that you said "people" and not "women" makes you a gay. Also, who cares about giving a woman an orgasm, as long as you can dump your load?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
7 and 10

put everything into Stamina, Dex, Strength and agility. Become world's best athlete by being able to reload on a mistake. This will automatically result in shitloads of cash.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Hmmm. One power, nothing Superman caliber, that about right? I like mind control, you could do a lot with that. Teleportation too. Neat stuff with invisibility. Super Strength (Which WOULD make you super fast a la Hulk) and somewhat invulnerable has lots of potential, but I'd have to say.....

The ability to instantly kill anyone with a thought. Think about it like this: Everyone who was ever in your way, or ruining your plans, or hosing up what you just 'eliminate' them.

Plus, you could hire yourself out discreetly with a couple of flunkies acting as middlemen. Greatest hitman EVER. Oh, and think about the blackmail potential. How much would someone fear you and pay if you could kill on a whim with a thought.

Pretty sure holding the scales to life/death would be my choice of superpower.

Man, now I feel like a dick.



Trakanon Raider
I am pretty sure this may reflect bad on me but I should choose the power of causing infertility with a focused gesture, much like a Jedi power action. I could then expose myself to the CIA and receive a free world tour.

My code name would be Life-Guard.


You! Out of the pool. And with a focused gesture the crowd goes ... not so wild.

I'm sure my government would ensure I got to see every major crowd gathering event in the world until my sad passing.


Of course I would have to be really careful with the focus of my powers as well.



Blackwing Lair Raider
The combination of number 9 and 10 would be pretty beneficial in so many ways. Could be extremely well prepared for everything since you would never have to waste real time sleeping, and you could always see what if by saving before making a decision. Want to know if you had done something different with that girl that got away? Save, smack a ho in the face with your dick, find out that was the right answer all along to get her to like you, thus discovering she's a crazy bitch, fuck her brains out, revert save, go on with your life without wandering forever wtf. Obviously there are limits to the save since you have to get back to your room to revert save, so no jumping off a bridge for shits and giggles, or going GTA for a day unless you are sure you can get back to the save point before someone puts a bullet through your cranium. I would second number 7, reroll as an immortal elf, and then combine it with something else fun like number 6 or something. I'd go with number 9 and 10 because you could always just revert save and do it all different if you wanted and you could just opt to not revert once you were done messing around and so sick of the Time loop, you didn't want to do it anymore.

As for picking a super power... I'd go with some kind of regeneration, ala Wolverine. Extended life, don't have to worry about getting sick, do all the crazy dangerous shit I'd never do just because, fuck I'll heal. Get some good times out that. Especially if you went with the on crack regeneration from the movies, where you can literally have your body being torn to shreds and just *bloop* you're good again, no worries. Could put that to a lot of use, good or bad. Or take it to Claire Bennett level even.


Trakanon Raider
I've had this kind of nerdy discussion with friends before, but it was more of a 'three wishes' for powers, picking three people from the same universe (DC/Marvel/etc..).. no cosmic level bullshit, you are the only mutant/superhuman (so you won't be fighting other super powered people) and real world application. One of the best combos I ever heard was mystique, multiple man and professor x. Closest you can get to ominicient and omnipresent in the real world. Be anyone/everyone and know anything anyone else knows by reading their mind. After some time to set yourself up, you could literally control the whole world by taking over the life of every world leader/billionaire CEO/whatever.

Depending on the writer or story arc, mystique and multiple man have innate healing abilities due to control over the molecules in their body, blah blah... so that's why wolverine is left out, otherwise he gets thrown in somewhere.

If we can only have one and it's in the real world? Teleportation such as in Jumper seemed pretty badass until the Paladins started hunting him down. Go anywhere, take anything.. fun times. The Scottish (or was he Irish?) dude had the right ideas.


Trakanon Raider
I'd like to make up my own power here... Simply put, the ability to reach into any television show and pull out any object which will then work in our reality... Cartoon shows not applicable.

On a side note, stopping time while awesome has a slight side affect, you can't see! light would stop too, so hence you are plunged into a world of darkness.

I'd stick with my TV Object Pulling Powers.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Immortality - as long as it had an off switch.
I find the notion of people getting bored of immortality to be rather dumb.

I'd like to make up my own power here... Simply put, the ability to reach into any television show and pull out any object which will then work in our reality... Cartoon shows not applicable.

On a side note, stopping time while awesome has a slight side affect, you can't see! light would stop too, so hence you are plunged into a world of darkness.

I'd stick with my TV Object Pulling Powers.
So what would you pull out after the Star Trek replicator which just lets you create anything you need?


Trakanon Raider
I find the notion of people getting bored of immortality to be rather dumb.

So what would you pull out after the Star Trek replicator which just lets you create anything you need?
the replicator will not give me a hoverboard or a time traveling Delorian, or silver surfers board... Etc


Avatar of War Slayer
I find the notion of people getting bored of immortality to be rather dumb.

So what would you pull out after the Star Trek replicator which just lets you create anything you need?
Really? You haven't considered the hell of universal entropy?
What if humanity never figures out how to leave Earth? Civilization collapses, and you are stuck on Earth forever. or more specifically for that 4 billion years until the Sun expands and engulfs the Earth.
However, for 2 billion years before that happens its 1-3000 degrees F on the Earths surface and being bombarded by solar radiation. So, for 2 billion years you are in unending agony from this, and then you are in the Sun itself in unending agony as you are incinerated unable to die, until the Sun itself dies. Then as the molecules of the universe spread out so much, there is nothing at all. Forever.

Yeah, sounds fun.

Immortality also is one of those powers with required secondary powers really.
Immortality without agelessness. Bad news. immortality without firm body. Bad news. Get a disease, injury or whatever, and not dieing, but not healing either? Bleeding forever? That is what zombies have.
Immortality without firm mind. Bad news. Less thought about, but the mind simply can NOT hold information forever. Even 200-300 years old, you would start forgetting things. You'd only have bits and pieces of your life over 75 years prior. Your sanity in general would probably crumble. You would start forgetting things like when and where you were from. who your parents were, etc.