Recent content by Heriotze

  1. Heriotze

    The Acolyte

    They should release new episodes on the 20th of every month and call it "That time of the month" and then have a promotional tie-in with Tampax with: the force is weak, the force is strong and the force is heavy limited edition box sets
  2. Heriotze

    What are you listening to at the moment?

    Weird, just watched a movie and this was the closing song heading into credits. The Last Stop in Yuma County A really good film, 70s-80s throwback
  3. Heriotze

    The Red Letter Media Appreciation Thread

    We used to always drive past the convenience store that he robs on the way to my grandmother's house and once a year I drive around to the different, remaining, locations. One of my favorite movies of all time
  4. Heriotze

    Rate Movies You've Recently Watched.

    That list is legit, everything he directly recommends, and about half of his Meh movies are worth watching. Here Comes the Devil - same vein as Three's Something Wrong With the Children but a slower burn - 8/10 Ravenous - Just watched a short bio about the director and remembered how good this...
  5. Heriotze

    30 Coins

    Si, Spain Spanish
  6. Heriotze

    The Last Voyage of the Demeter (2023)

    This was a turd. It had potential to be a tense and claustrophobic 19th century Alien, which seems to be what they were setting out to do, but squandered it just being lazy. The best parts of what made Alien weren't even attempted to be parroted or adapted over and it completely lacked any real...
  7. Heriotze

    Jagged Alliance 3

    Football helmet guy ends up being a really good utility merc, can shoot, heal and is great at explosives. He does take some work to un-crazy
  8. Heriotze


    Well, this shit sandwich is renewed for a Season 3 so maybe they will be forced to actually wrap some of this mystery box up now
  9. Heriotze


    This could have taken a few different routes to wrap up this season that would have been a lot better but they are at least resolving things that they started, albeit a thing that they started last episode so can't give them too much credit for a two episode arc resolution even though it did...
  10. Heriotze

    It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

    The fact that Charlie's apartment is actually functional was a funny reveal
  11. Heriotze


    The shootout was a good way to wrap up Fuches' story but too convoluted to adequately wrap up all three of the auxiliary characters at once. Fuches diving on top of Barry's son once the meetup turned into a full on shootout and protecting him from whatever stray shots or hand grenades got tossed...
  12. Heriotze


    He sacrificed his own family to save Barry's, it was alluded to but ended up being solidified as an 11th hour reveal that Fuches just wanted a family to replace his relationship with Barry the entire time. He'd given up on it a few times before to go after Barry but he let it all go in the end...
  13. Heriotze


    I think that they were definitely out of idea for Sally and Hank but Fuches' story wrapped up just like it should, he saved someone instead of corrupting them and redeemed himself. Sally was just a weird character to write for after they had her kill the motorcycle guy but they really messed up...
  14. Heriotze


    This was a pretty incredible series, had some dips but it was always progressing something. Got wrapped up really well
  15. Heriotze


    I might be buying into the town and the show being self-aware mystery boxes right now. The only people who seem to remotely know what is going on are the little kid and Victor and the adults just keep overcomplicating things. It keeps feeling more and more like the Twilight Zone episode where...