Recent content by Hoss

  1. Hoss

    The Acolyte

    Not gonna argue that because I don't know for sure. What I do know is that you need oxygen for fire.
  2. Hoss

    The Boys

    Nah son, either the image is reversed or she's a lefty. If she shoulders her rifle right above the bando, the bullets are facing correctly for easy 1 handed reloads. Since the bando doesn't actually go over her shoulder, there's no reason not to do it that way and have the bullets closer...
  3. Hoss

    The Acolyte

    Who is the padawan? The girl doing the killing was left for dead by the jedi. First episode was some fucking hack writing. I especially enjoyed the space fire, which was obviously liquid oxygen burning off that happens to be stored just below the fuselage. Right? Good thing the space fire...
  4. Hoss

    You know you're getting old when.....

    I just saw one this week. I forgot to ask about this. She was kinda cute.
  5. Hoss

    You know you're getting old when.....

    Got a question for you old farts. I've had bifocals for a few years but I never used them much. If you go back to my post from a week ago, you'll see that I suddenly started needing readers, so I've been using those bifocals a lot. Now, when I have no glasses I often see a line in my...
  6. Hoss

    The D&D thread

    In DC20 I keep seeing things like, as a fighter you regain stamina by performing maneuvers. But maneuvers cost stamina, right? So you regain it by spending it? At what rate? If it's more than you spend that just means stamina is a non factor. If it's less, why not just make the maneuver...
  7. Hoss

    The Fishing Thread

    I've never heard of anyone who would not eat river fish. I've only heard from people who would not eat fish from specific lakes because the lake was known to be heavily polluted. Now that I think about it, I would not eat anything from the rio grande. So there's one river.
  8. Hoss

    The D&D thread

    As far as I know, yes. But they're from 1994 so maybe the copyrights have expired. Also, doesn't D&D have a really relaxed copyright where they specifically allow people like this? So when you're playing you would have the 5e books available too? Including tashas and xanathars and fizbans...
  9. Hoss

    The D&D thread

    I was 0 for 4 lifetime on buying stocks. All 4 that I directly bought eventually failed and got de-listed. So I bought apple stock like 5-10 years ago. As you can guess, it didn't work.
  10. Hoss

    The D&D thread

    I'mma stop you right there. That doesn't exist. All 'content creators' everywhere are insufferable cunts. But thanks for the answer. Post a link to one you like and I'll watch it. So is it basically "Start wth 5E but with these exceptions"? Or do you just not have as many items and lore...
  11. Hoss

    The Acolyte

    The gotcha moment is when you finish the season finale and they send a fat dude to your house and have him shit on your chest. Source: who do you think they hired for the chest shitting? I'm on a strict diet of nothing but chili for the foreseeable future.
  12. Hoss

    The D&D thread

    maybe I'm too much of a min maxxer, but even an attack at disadvantage is better than wasting the action point.
  13. Hoss

    The D&D thread

    How do reactions work? Lets say you roll a nat 20 on initiative and you're going first. Your choices are: 1. Use all 4 of your action points, in which case you cannot make a reaction. 2. Save some action points just in case and you potentially don't get to use them at all that round...
  14. Hoss

    Whats rustling your jimmies?

    I like to tell them all I was born Feb 29 and then go ballistic when they wish me happy birthday on Feb 28 or March 1. Of course, that didn't work this year, but it tends to stop the automated bullshit.
  15. Hoss

    The Teachers' Lounge (2023)

    I'll wait for the porn version