Recent content by Phazael

  1. Phazael

    Elden Ring - From Software + George RR Martin

    Most one trick builds (read PVE) can beat the game fairly easily at around 120-130. Its mainly double dip builds that need a little more if you are just casually beating the game, mostly combo casters that want two really high stats. There are a fair number of weapon centric builds where just...
  2. Phazael

    Elden Ring - From Software + George RR Martin

    Once you have beaten the game a couple times, don't bother with "conventional means". Its just grinding time. And if you sploit the Caelid dragon early on, thats enough of an initial buff to make you not even desire hitting the Birdfarm for a long ass time. But if you are like me and on your...
  3. Phazael

    Favorite albums of all time?

    As an old fart, most of my top ten list is going to be dominated by classic rock (I will leave classical out of this since the thread is about albums) but I do have something from most decades in here and a lot of styles. For something to be a top ten for me, it has to be something I will play...
  4. Phazael

    Elden Ring - From Software + George RR Martin

    I am a console peasant, but the Demons Souls remaster for PS5 was amazing. I would love to see the other three games done to that standard.
  5. Phazael

    Elden Ring - From Software + George RR Martin

    The Nameless King fight is the pinnacle of Souls games, in terms of the music, boss design, and look. The actual fight mechanics are pretty difficult too, but not in a frustrating way. The DLC fight with the scythe swinging wench and grandpa with his big flaming pot might be the only better...
  6. Phazael

    Elden Ring - From Software + George RR Martin

    Edge lords say shit like that mostly, but there is a subset of masochists who hate the QoL and open world of ER for whatever reason. I personally found the level design the worst of the games, except the DLC. It also had a lot of balance issues between builds and weapons (at least in PvE...
  7. Phazael


    If there is one person who can offer an expert opinion on if a woman actually wants to fuck a real dog, its gonna be Ossoi on this board. He has done the research. Also, women idolizing fictional characters in place or real relationships probably should be in the Incel thread.
  8. Phazael

    Elden Ring - From Software + George RR Martin

    That fight is actually really easy if you learn the reads on it. The AOE has a big obvious wind up and you can just run away from it. Its a fun fight once you understand it and bring the unga bunga to quickly crush the bracelets. If I remember right, the two hander you get from that fight is...
  9. Phazael

    Elden Ring - From Software + George RR Martin

    Its really down to personal preference for everyone. DS2 gets dunked on because the B Team did it and it had a wonkier world layout than DS1, but I personally like it second best behind ER (caveat is that this is with the DLCs in all games). The ones I like the least are Siekaro and BB, but...
  10. Phazael

    Elden Ring - From Software + George RR Martin

    DS1 had two main issues that persist (well, also Bed of Chaos boss fight was the stupidest encounter in souls history) to the present. First, once you have bonfire travelled in the other games, the long as fuck walkbacks before you get the Lord Vessel are fucking cancerous. The descent down...
  11. Phazael

    So My Wife Died...

    Jesus has it really been nine years? We are all getting old around here....
  12. Phazael

    Star Wars general purpose movie stuff

    Prequels are good only if you see them as a forward thinking Palpatine wanting to purge a bunch of religious kooks out of control of the galaxy and establish actual law and order. He is the hero and finally manages to break the hold of the child kidnapping religious secret society that were...
  13. Phazael

    What happened to..........(FoH Poster)?

    Mainly Lithose, but I actually found Hodge entertaining even though he went full lefty batshit near the end. Shout out also to the late great Gravy.
  14. Phazael

    The Fall Guy (2024)

    Derp you are correct. Well now we are down to one financially successful hit. Point, Majors. Minus DKP for me.
  15. Phazael

    The Fall Guy (2024)

    The Last Race is probably Lee Major's best film, but it was not his biggest commercial success. Similarly, Gossling's best films are The Nice Guys and probably BR2049. Both were not financially successful, but I bet more people will be watching those movies again down the road than shit like...