Recent content by Rhanyn

  1. Rhanyn

    General Gaming News and Discussion

    When I worked at Geek Squad there were three of us that tried pawning off all our unredeemed and duplicate keys every time some one new got hired. I wasn’t too bad, but one guy had quadruple the number unused keys as I had games in my library.
  2. Rhanyn

    Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)

    Tell me that box with all the job gems is something I can actually buy.
  3. Rhanyn

    Star Wars: Outlaws

    Yeah I thought I might pick this up for my wife, but no way I'm paying for this crap.
  4. Rhanyn

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    The very first bike my older brother and I ever got, my Uncle bought the off brand Walmart BMX bikes for us... but he bought the girl one's because they were on clearance because no one would buy them. He then spray painted the bikes black and red, because good ole boys. Eventually, after...
  5. Rhanyn

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    I was a "husky" boy, my cinder block broke...
  6. Rhanyn

    Dragon's Dogma 2

    That quest the guy wound up derping into the water and dying, so barging in was my only option and super glad they have that built in.
  7. Rhanyn

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

  8. Rhanyn

    Cyberpunk 2077

  9. Rhanyn

    Baldur's Gate 3 by Larian Games

    Oh god damn that would be amazing. The Icewind Dale games were the big ones that originally got me into the genre, I didn’t play the Baldurs Gate series until later.
  10. Rhanyn

    Helldivers II

    We fuckin lost Space Vietnam guys!
  11. Rhanyn

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

  12. Rhanyn

    Helldivers II

    Can't find it, it may have been posted here already, but the devs confirmed in an interview somewhere that they can watch and impact missions live while you are actively playing in them (not that I see this happening often given the number of players now). They also stated they are running the...
  13. Rhanyn

    Helldivers II

    We were trying to get a friend caught up with us. He hasn't had as much time to play due to real life stuff and was still only level 8.