Recent content by RobXIII

  1. RobXIII

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    True, and most of them make that stupid submissive painful noise, like the dudes can only get off if the women are in pain. Also LOL at censoring the vag but not the brown star. That said, porn is stupid these days. But the best clip of all time was Hitomi Tanaka just having a ball (lol)...
  2. RobXIII

    You know you're getting old when.....

    If I was flying solo I could've retired 5 years ago. This is not what I meant when I said having kids keeps you younger dammit QQ
  3. RobXIII

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    So for 5) Someone did some testing, and if you delete your accessories it affects the broken scaling somehow, and your dps goes up at least 25%. Not that it matters once your gear gets into ludicrous levels. I'm a week behind the curve due to being out of town and creating my monk after...
  4. RobXIII

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    I have no idea what that icon means, but this comic reminded me I had that 'one co-worker' who would say out loud when one walked by 'Look at the shitter on that critter!' usually loud enough for her to hear. /boggle
  5. RobXIII

    Whats rustling your jimmies?

    HOW is a fuel pump 1200? Is it one of those 'inside the fuel tank' vehicles? I remember that being something you can replace yourself. I had a car in storage for 3 years, and stuff rots, I had to replace my fuel lines / pump.
  6. RobXIII

    Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

    Goddamn I would pay extra taxes just to be able to opt out of having my hard earned $$$ going towards moochers / disability scammers / welfare kangs.
  7. RobXIII

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    They can't do it right in MoP Remix, but either way it's overcome by the fast power creep gear and cloak upgrades get you. I still think it's pants on head retarded they used the same currency you need to unlock collectables with for mandatory gear upgrades, then made it 5-10x more expensive...
  8. RobXIII

    The Video Thread

  9. RobXIII

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    I made a monk yesterday and hit level cap same day. They added a few things during the leveling process to help you not feel too weak as a fresh 70. Don't be afraid to LFR / LFG while you level, 100% of the time I was in one, there was some level 10 in there doing 80% of the work because...
  10. RobXIII

    Whats rustling your jimmies?

    Judging by the sound of that area you live in, if you drive around there at 4-5 am, you'll probably see a ton of 'teens' that have been up all night with no responsibilities. So don't be too surprised when the useless people are around at 7am with no job to go to lol
  11. RobXIII

    General Gaming News and Discussion

    I know it's not the same game, but the Atari Jaguar AVP game single handedly made it worth owning a Jaguar. You could play as a marine, the Predator or the Alien, and each was a fully fleshed out game. I'll have to find it on an emulator somewhere...
  12. RobXIII

    EQ TLP 2024 Teek (Random loot) & Tormax (Traditional) #neckbeardnostalgia

    Ok who has the guild going for this? I'm somewhere between filthy casual and awful autist; Rolled an evil gnome cleric lol
  13. RobXIII

    Stellar Blade (April 26th, PS5)

    I may have cancelled the rope climbing animation a few times in a row to, uh, test the quality of the model ;)
  14. RobXIII

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    I know it was broken from the frogs, but I actually like MoP Remix as a sort of end game. You can chill, do quests/dungeons/raids and get small yet permanent stat bonuses. Though the cloak stats are almost meaningless when you see how much the stats go up on fully upgraded items :P
  15. RobXIII

    Everquest II

    This and itemization have been a problem with every single TLE. I had fun doing some of the mystery / crime solving quests in Nektulos, but after traveling back and forth for like 20 minutes and finish the quest, you would get LESS exp than killing 2 dungeon mobs in a group. It was pointless...