Recent content by swayze22

  1. swayze22

    Investing General Discussion

    Strong misread of the room comrade
  2. swayze22

    Investing General Discussion

    I bought in 2019 re-fied in 2021 - my monthly payment would be 90% more if I bought the house I live in today
  3. swayze22

    2024 Official Stonks Contest

  4. swayze22

    World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery

    I am with a few buddies. Seems pretty normal to me but admittedly i'm not 100% in tune these days mostly in disc and ignore global. we hit max level but sort of just messing with different classes now not going too hard. we've had some good fun pvp'ing in small groups bots pay a sub?
  5. swayze22

    Investing General Discussion

    you truly are a perplexing individual yeah like there is no inflation if you take out food energy housing...
  6. swayze22

    Blizzard’s Arclight Rumble

    Just curious what level were you? or whatever the red things signify
  7. swayze22

    Investing General Discussion

    definitely retarded if nothing else
  8. swayze22

    Total War: Warhammer

    I never played this. I loved and played all of the other TW: WH games (1000s hours), my buddy played 50hours~ or so at release of this and didn't like the tower stuff and didn't have any sticking power. Am I understanding correctly that they had a big patch to fix the lameness and it did not...
  9. swayze22

    Investing General Discussion

    They say timing is everything...
  10. swayze22

    Investing General Discussion

    Inflation is a rate. It seems most people's sentiment is simply: I want my wages to catch up with the recent inflation and I've been feeling it most in out of pocket expenses.
  11. swayze22

    RIP Jimmy Buffett

    Jimmy was a legend, embodied our upper middle class drink anytime river and beach lifestyle and upbringing lmao margs and cheesburgers were consumed RIP
  12. swayze22

    Diablo 4 / IV / IIII / Fore / Cope / Seethe

    still plowing through nightmares and t4 for now with a couple RL buds and having fun, not grinding every night (we are 70~80s), trying new builds and what not. I play a necro so the s1 spice has been fun. i'm sure sooner than later it will get old but blowing shit up with friends is a good time...
  13. swayze22

    General Gaming News and Discussion

    Adjusted for inflation... Are e-sports still a thing and will they continue to grow if so?
  14. swayze22

    Diablo 4 / IV / IIII / Fore / Cope / Seethe

    Right? It's weird because as a game - I look at the ones i've played for 50+ or maybe even 100+ hrs as "worth" it. Obviously the MMOs. But I spend $5 on a bottle of water every other day or whatever, get uber eats delivered to my office, and waste money in countless ways. It's only gaming or...
  15. swayze22

    Investing General Discussion

    So another W for boomers and fuck you for everyone younger, typical