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  1. Xerge

    Marvel Universe stuff

    What kind of time line do we live in where we get a venom trilogy without spiderman.
  2. Xerge

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

  3. Xerge

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    I have the OG Mighty vape and this thing fucking destroys. I had to put it away and go back to burning flower
  4. Xerge


    Event started at 12pm today, main card is at 6pm roughly
  5. Xerge


    Big boxing day today. Tyson Fury vs Oleksandr Usyk heavyweights
  6. Xerge

    Ashes of Creation

    Usually something playable is not vaporware.
  7. Xerge

    Desktop Computers

    Quite a few games are waiting on the 5x series if that sways you any
  8. Xerge

    Where are all the MMORPG games? lol

    AoC and New World are the only contenders for the usual MMOs currently, then you have niche markets like the recent Pax Dei. 2025/26 years will be interesting for the MMO market. Also i'd like to point out some current MMOs and games in development are waiting on 5x/6x release cards to work...
  9. Xerge

    Where are all the MMORPG games? lol

    If wild star released today under amazon games we'd be living the dream
  10. Xerge

    Ashes of Creation

    yea weapons and armor are not restricted to class, however certain classes will be more proficient, but this part could change or vary. I am very excited to try A2 combat bc that was my biggest worry playing A1
  11. Xerge

    Pax Dei

    Played through the alpha for a bit and its pretty much what others have said and this here is why I wouldn't be touching the game on release. I do hope the game cooks long enough to do well and carves out a niche though.
  12. Xerge

    Escape from Tarkov

    Not going to end well
  13. Xerge

    The Elder Scrolls Online

    Despite it being "spammy" and floaty the game technically has combat depth. Anyone is able to browse ESO Logs - Combat Analysis for ESO and see this. In order to top parse you need to manage your rotation abilities 1-5, 1 second mouse clicks, your ultimate, and your group synergies, hence the...
  14. Xerge

    Ashes of Creation

    Looks a lot better than when I last played
  15. Xerge


    Great game, buy it now before it leaves EA. I wouldn't do a play through now though, sit on it and wait for a complete experience. This is not to say the current content is a bad experience however waiting until the map/level cap is raised would be largely beneficial.
  16. Xerge

    Dragon's Dogma 2

    stream is up for a bit
  17. Xerge

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    didnt age well
  18. Xerge

    Madame Web (2024)

    homie on the Oscars just tossed this movie under the bus real funny
  19. Xerge

    Ashes of Creation

    Fuck thats an easy bet on AoC. You taking offers or nah
  20. Xerge


    refunded after 30 mins.
  21. Xerge

    Infinite Craft

  22. Xerge

    The Quinfall

    Hey after the Palworld experience i'm confident someone will shit out a successful MMO sooner than later. Eventually all of these assets will be cobbled together and it'll be better than the hand crafted piece of work Ashes of Creations is. Just maybe Quinfall is it
  23. Xerge

    Ashes of Creation

    Thats a big no. Could see it sooner than later
  24. Xerge

    The Quinfall

    Interestingly, they delivered. I say this because if this video is fake then this is some of the finest BS I ever did see. Video starts around 22m mark with action as previous 20min was systems and mechanics overview. This combat is more engaging looking than what I saw of another product over...
  25. Xerge

    Suicide Squad... the next "Arkham" game

    This wasn't fun when I tested it
  26. Xerge


    enjoying this a lot
  27. Xerge

    The Quinfall

    I mean if Palworld can do it so can these fellas
  28. Xerge

    Palworld (Pokemon with Guns and Bukkake, minus the Bukkake)

    Not much to stand on. If Temtem can exist so can this.
  29. Xerge

    Desktop Computers

  30. Xerge

    Ashes of Creation

    @Daidraco if you're invested into genre i think its worth buying into, but thats me. If it weren't for the FNF connection I would have still paid for it, honestly.
  31. Xerge

    Ashes of Creation

    Biggest hurdle I see for AoC is finding their own fun factor. They have some rock solid engineers and wild artists who I have no doubt about, however finding that fun loop and combat under layers of systems and mechanics isn't going to be easy.
  32. Xerge

    Ashes of Creation

    @Daidraco well im pretty hyped for release. Always love a good time no matter the game
  33. Xerge

    Escape from Tarkov

    This whole vacuum cheating thing is pretty wild. This mf got his safe looted while he was looting it
  34. Xerge

    City of Heroes has actually been online for years....

    its a genre first as far as i'm aware. Pretty wild.
  35. Xerge

    The Quinfall

    At least they admit it. Decided to join the Discord and there was a faqs channel.
  36. Xerge

    DC Universe (Batman vs Superman thread).

    Yeah Flash was bad but god damn did Marvel shit the bed recently, like so bad I didnt even finish the movies kinda level. Flash at least had some good justice league and superhero scenes. Still should have been Grant's movie with a stephen amell cameo :rolleyes:
  37. Xerge

    Escape from Tarkov

    Being the only one in my circle without arena has been a time
  38. Xerge

    Suicide Squad... the next "Arkham" game

    test sign up link