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  1. ronne

    EQ TLP 2024 Teek (Random loot) & Tormax (Traditional) #neckbeardnostalgia

    Wait until this guy finds out there are level 65 version of the tower gear as well that will become available alongside the PoP launch.
  2. ronne

    EQ TLP 2024 Teek (Random loot) & Tormax (Traditional) #neckbeardnostalgia

    There's a fairly significant chunk of people on level 1 trade alts in commons buying items with krono that is somehow illegitimate. No one really knows how they are doing it or where they are sourcing fake krono from, but the end result is you as a regular boomer EQ gamer go to sell your fungi...
  3. ronne

    EQ TLP 2024 Teek (Random loot) & Tormax (Traditional) #neckbeardnostalgia

    The fact that a random individual can receive krono via the trade window and just have it fucking vanish from their inventory a day later, because what, it originated from a stoel credit card? It's so insane to me that I seriously cannot believe anyone even partakes in public trade at this point.
  4. ronne

    EQ TLP 2024 Teek (Random loot) & Tormax (Traditional) #neckbeardnostalgia

    They are worthless on a free trade server like this On normal servers being able to bag no trade loot to use on personas is the main appeal
  5. ronne

    EQ TLP 2024 Teek (Random loot) & Tormax (Traditional) #neckbeardnostalgia

    People sleeping big time on rogues for this server. When contested mobs are dying in ~10-20 seconds that means a rogue gets to just highroll their duelist disc for the entire fight. Once they have an epic they should be parsing in top 10s pretty easily if they are at all competent and can...
  6. ronne

    EQ TLP 2024 Teek (Random loot) & Tormax (Traditional) #neckbeardnostalgia

    It's 435p per person in a level 60 group. The reward scales down to ~300 per person if you use level 2 mage groups. With the amount of porting around/running/killing that needs to happen per quest there's no chance anyone was doing 10k/hr even with a full team of 6.
  7. ronne

    EVE Online

    Go fly with FRT or any of the Chinese corps and bask the glorious racism of Eve
  8. ronne

    EQ TLP 2024 Teek (Random loot) & Tormax (Traditional) #neckbeardnostalgia

    The tower plat is a drop in the bucket compared to the amount of cash Kunark shits out. Mobs in Chardok drop 5-10 raw plat per kill in addition to gems, herbs, etc, and there's box crews in there grinding 24/7 every day. Mobs in Seb all drop piles of gems and spells along with raw plat are the...
  9. ronne

    EVE Online

    DM what assets you have to unload, characters or just ships/isk?
  10. ronne

    EQ TLP 2024 Teek (Random loot) & Tormax (Traditional) #neckbeardnostalgia

    So like, what the fuck are we really doing here? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills here that this shit exists These items are beyond free, and the sum total of stats on them are what, better than all the rest of your Kunark gear combined? And there's more of them coming every month? Are we...
  11. ronne

    EQ TLP 2024 Teek (Random loot) & Tormax (Traditional) #neckbeardnostalgia

    I mean the way the loot works on this server I wouldn't bother trying to sell anything that isn't a unique clicky effect or some kind actual best in slot item. Everything else is literally worthless and not worth your time trying to sell for 100 plat.
  12. ronne

    EQ TLP 2024 Teek (Random loot) & Tormax (Traditional) #neckbeardnostalgia

    Have you chodes never played a TLP before? Every single one of them is like this. Your average TLP player outside the 1-2 sweaty guilds has an IQ of 75 at best.
  13. ronne

    Monkey Man (2024)

    First third was pretty okay Then he gets fished out of a poop river by a commune of trannies and presumably lives with them for the rest of his life? Idk I had to stop watching when the huge ogre sized one starting hitting the heavy bag
  14. ronne

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

  15. ronne

    Assassin's Creed Shadows

    Their PHD 'consultant' for Japanese history lmao
  16. ronne

    EQ TLP 2024 Teek (Random loot) & Tormax (Traditional) #neckbeardnostalgia

    Yea I had to wait ~2hours, but that's fine I'm just being a mega casual. I probably won't even be 60 by the weekend. Logged off at level 10 cause I got bored - not actually sure I have it left in me to mega sock this shit anymore.
  17. ronne

    MTG thread

    Tarmogoyf being relegated to a token is a pretty apt metaphor for what has happened to Magic in general over the last ~10 years. The enfranchised long-term player is little more than a meme at this point. If you aren't a commander player you legitimately do not matter and are not part of their...
  18. ronne

    Path of Exile

    You need both the bottom left and top left alflame wheels for it not to be complete aids. The top left is probably even more important than just the generic higher tier modifiers - actually making sure your magistrate packs have rares in them is the hard part and the top left wheel fixes that...
  19. ronne

    EVE Online

    With a nice isthar fit you can get like 70-80m isk/hr just spinning in belts in a decent null system. It's kind of the baseline for all economic activity these days - does what you're doing out earn an isthar AFK ratting in a belt someplace? If not, why are you doing it etc.
  20. ronne

    EVE Online

    It's sort of inflation? But very specifically targeted inflation at pirate/navy ship hulls. Their 'scarcity' project basically saw the price of most non-standard hulls go up what, 300%? 500%? And they've basically remained there ever since. You can buy marauders for the price of some of the...
  21. ronne

    V Rising

    Which is doubly hilarious given how trash attack/melee setups are for the first ~55 levels of the game or so. Trying to hit anything with a sword is just a recipe for frustration until you have access to the right spells/jewels/gear to get enough leech to just not always be dying to random...
  22. ronne

    Investing General Discussion

    Watching the same group of cultists get absolutely washed again is some 10/10 entertainment
  23. ronne

    EVE Online

    If you go to Amarr/far Minmar space you can find plenty of anoms yea, but even still it's only 10% to get an escalation, and of the available escalations only a handful have actual good odds of dropping deadspace mods. Most of them are shitty 1/10 and 3/10s that 'might' spawn an officer ship...
  24. ronne

    EVE Online

    Yea any kind of deadspace modules like that are pretty insanely pricey. The issue is though is that farming them is a fucking nightmare unless you have unfettered/safe access to a bunch of sovnull space to grind it. Trying to chase escalations in highsec is a suckers game
  25. ronne

    Path of Exile

    you have two curse gems in there - warlords mark and assmark, but can only apply 1 curse it's applying warlords mark cause its just higher up in your skill list, but i assume you're not using that crap curse and actually are using assmark which puts you to like 90+% crit
  26. ronne

    Path of Exile

    You can buy ~35 essences per divine that will T1 int: If you buy a fractured crit multi amulet you can just spam essence roll it until you hit a few other good affixes. You actually probably don't want crit, your crit chance is like 95%...
  27. ronne

    Path of Exile

    Dont pay 65 divine for that holy shit lol. You can buy a fractured crit multi amulet for 10 chaos and spam it with int essences until it hits big life and make basically that amulet for less than a divine.
  28. ronne

    EVE Online

    What the fuck lmao, 20bn is more than my entire net worth. How fuckin rich are thees space methuselah that have been playing for 30 years
  29. ronne


    Lets just pretend Samurai Champloo is season 2
  30. ronne

    MTG thread

    I think I just give up The gays and their overlords have won
  31. ronne

    Path of Exile

    The graveyard is a pretty big miss. Remember, the state its in now is only after they giga juiced the whole thing to be like 10x more accessible than it was at launch, and even after that managing is still a fucking trainwreck. I've got more quad tabs than any sane person should full of corpses...
  32. ronne

    Path of Exile

    Finished up the T17 challenge today and I think I can pretty well pinpoint the biggest issue I have with those maps. There's fucking DD goddamn everywhere in them. I tried replacing the entire contents of the map with frogs/rats and it STILL spawns the black 4-legged abyssal skeleton brute guys...
  33. ronne

    Path of Exile

    I don't think it's favoritism but rather the opposite - legit I don't think anyone at GGG plays 'melee' setups like that at all seriously. Certainly Mark and Johnathan don't, to the point where they have outright derision for it in interviews and lament how old/bad the PoE1 engine is and how no...
  34. ronne

    Path of Exile

    Yea I think when they did the initial melee rework the idea was to give melee 'better' leech wheels, which was actually true at the time. The real issue in todays PoE is that phys-specific leech is useless, because there's so few builds that actually deal phys damage. Like there legitimately...
  35. ronne

    Path of Exile

    Yea not having access to an instant leech mastery is really a problem. I'm pretty close to the dual leech wheel near point blank, but I'm so starved for points that finding another ~5 to get in there just for that isn't worth it. Phys overwhelm can definitely eat a dick though. Imagine the...
  36. ronne

    Path of Exile

    Yea I just bought one as well. Just debating what to do with it at this point. Maybe the alt holy relic stuff? For as beefy are strength stacking is it just sucks for trying to clear T17s. You have no instant recovery so less recovery is a brick, enemies block is a brick, max res is a brick...
  37. ronne

    Path of Exile

    The entire league surely, it didn't just happen randomly during an unrelated hotfix. Ultimately doesn't matter outside like 5 giga delvers that probably have been using it since week 1 on private profiles. They'll just delete or revert all the items once they figure out how to fix it.
  38. ronne

    Path of Exile

    Yea if your build is beefy enough abyss is also a great option, but you'll hit soul eaters sometimes that will shitstomp anyone that doesn't have north of 10m DPS.
  39. ronne

    Path of Exile

    Magebloods +10 divines already this morning, but I'm dubious how far prices could really rebound. We're an entire month in to the big t17 strats printing multiple t0 drops per map - the stock of that shit that exists is just so fucking large that a dwindling league player base is never gonna be...
  40. ronne

    Path of Exile

    The super short version is you full spec shrines + beyond and spend the leftover points on whatever, stongboxes are fine, or green eldritch for more packs/mobs, etc. You use two breach scarabs to add breaches, the shrine scarab that is 30% more XP per shrine buff, and then either a +2 shrine or...