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  1. Bruuce

    EQ TLP 2024 Teek (Random loot) & Tormax (Traditional) #neckbeardnostalgia

    i think mid 40s but the entrance area you can do a little earlier. not a ton there tho
  2. Bruuce

    EQ TLP 2024 Teek (Random loot) & Tormax (Traditional) #neckbeardnostalgia

    Same, couldnt get off work and been kinda busy. Just had a good sesh tho on my clr/rng halfway to 12
  3. Bruuce

    V Rising

    Yeah frostmaw just trucked me and had me thinking I might have to try to go ranged. Do you play with a controller? Prob easier using a keyboard, it didnt really click with me when I first tried it when I unlocked bow/crossbow
  4. Bruuce

    V Rising

    I just got 2 kills from another boss agroing the one Im on. This stupid icy shield guy was giving me a bunch of trouble and they he accidentally hit some dude walking down the road with a robe on and it was a lvl50 boss which merced him. this other b got kriig down to like 20% but he still...
  5. Bruuce

    V Rising

    just got to act 2. a foh server would be cool
  6. Bruuce

    My crazy psychosis involved EQ Woodelves lol

    This guy can just post whatever but sindaael gets banned for sharing his thoughts Oh ok
  7. Bruuce

    Zaara's Tattoo Artist Thread

    I always wanted to be a major league baseball player. My first game I saw the first and second baseman throwing the ball to each other in between innings. I thought if I became good at throwing the ball like that, I could always become a mvp kind of guy.
  8. Bruuce

    VR Gaming - Oculus Rift, Playstation VR, HTC Vive

    I only played it on quest 2 but it is pretty good
  9. Bruuce

    MMA Thread

    Damn this card is fuckin stacked. oh shit we even get some lipski, hell yeah
  10. Bruuce

    Where's the Christmas hats bitches?

    plz and thank you
  11. Bruuce

    Nintendo Switch (previously NX)

    Oh, thats cool about the frog coins too. I sucked at the super jump even back in the day. I think the only thing in the game I didnt/couldnt do was get to 100
  12. Bruuce

    Nintendo Switch (previously NX)

    Didnt know they added that stuff, neat. I couldnt believe they kept in that missable frog coin in the castle of the mushroom kingdom. I feel like I remember theres another missable one but I forget where. The waterfall part maybe?
  13. Bruuce

    Project Quarm - 1 Box Planes of Power

    Who cares about p99 and bugs on live that were eventually fixed? I just find it funny that youre going to change epic spawns so much that rather than seeing 2-3 new enchanter epics(and those like it) a week, like you might see on a true classic server, to being able to pump out 2-3 epics an...
  14. Bruuce

    Project Quarm - 1 Box Planes of Power

    Played from og classic till oow, and followed the "PNP" until lvl 37 when some filthy european KSed my ancient croc with no repercussions. You couldn't be further off the mark here bucko
  15. Bruuce

    Project Quarm - 1 Box Planes of Power

    Because you're watching a blue or red bar slowly regenerate? Have you ever camped an epic spawn like verina tomb or some of those other examples he named? Did you actually sit there for 12 consecutive hours doing nothing? Listing the most ridiculous solution for camping a rare spawn like...
  16. Bruuce

    Project Quarm - 1 Box Planes of Power

    Right, thank you for proving my point. This is everquest. "Waiting" is part of the game
  17. Bruuce

    Project Quarm - 1 Box Planes of Power

    How much interacting are you doing when you're sitting and waiting for a respawn or waiting for your hp or mana to regen? Does this happen more frequently or less frequently when the custom server increases how much exp you need per level?
  18. Bruuce

    Project Quarm - 1 Box Planes of Power

    Quarm has the longest wait to get to max level. Youre forced to wait weeks to be allowed to kill raid targets per the forced rotation. But no wait on epics, free epics for everyone, because waiting is bad. The entire game of everquest is waiting for rare spawns
  19. Bruuce

    Project Quarm - 1 Box Planes of Power

    Waiting on other people? Why would you have to wait for anything besides the mob to spawn? Is this server one of those things where you have to apply in a discord channel to see if you're allowed to kill a mob or not? Because normally you don't have to wait for anyone. The first group to...
  20. Bruuce

    Project Quarm - 1 Box Planes of Power

    why not just have an npc sell epics for like 1000g
  21. Bruuce

    Project Quarm - 1 Box Planes of Power

    Every class has at least 1 button to completely ruin that persons day. Just do that instead of petitioning and/or recording your evidence for some council of people to eventually rule on days or weeks later
  22. Bruuce

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    wow this is really exciting news thank you for the inside scoop
  23. Bruuce

    MMA Thread

  24. Bruuce

    Project Quarm - 1 Box Planes of Power

    Thank you for noticing
  25. Bruuce

    Project Quarm - 1 Box Planes of Power

    hes been an autistic sperg in every disc Ive ever seen him in
  26. Bruuce

    Project Quarm - 1 Box Planes of Power

    You should fit right in on this server
  27. Bruuce

    Project Quarm - 1 Box Planes of Power

    I cant imagine playing a game like this, ran by a tranny, who says he will ban people for "hate speech". Imagine spending hundreds of hours to level and gear your char only to be banned because you used the wrong pronoun lmao
  28. Bruuce

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    emiru is so hot
  29. Bruuce


    Yes lol
  30. Bruuce


    My gf is so upset about this
  31. Bruuce


    Ive been to hundreds of shows. Taylor swift was the best show Ive ever been to ez
  32. Bruuce

    EQ TLP - Oakwynd (Evolving Ruleset Progression Server)

    Conrgats on the feat of waking the sleeper guys
  33. Bruuce

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    Yeah, and I wouldnt hesitate to queue up where youre at gear wise anyways. Ive been in dozens of groups with sub 4k dps, most people dont care anymore
  34. Bruuce

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    groomer faggot
  35. Bruuce

    MMA Thread

    When he first mentioned killing a dog I couldnt stop laughing. Just how he brought it up
  36. Bruuce


    Whats ur guys favorite song off her new album I like vigilante shit but I also really like anti hero
  37. Bruuce

    The Fast Food Thread

    The thai curry wing sauce from bww is really good imo. They do have the worst boneless wings tho