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  1. Void


    This is better than Prey 2 will probably be.
  2. Void

    Marvel Universe stuff

    You mean because he hates white people?
  3. Void


    Frank is back, baby! Audible apparently too. Right in time too, because I started the Rogue Ascension series, the one where he's a Shade Dragon Rogue, and meh. Don't like the main character much at all. I honestly...
  4. Void

    Trigger Warning (2024)

    Nope. If I remember correctly, some gang or drug runners or bad military people (or some combo of those 3) harass her dad, who owns a bar, and end up killing him. Cue revenge story. And from my memory the action was terrible, but honestly I can't say I remember anything specific. And to be...
  5. Void

    Trigger Warning (2024)

    May 2022 I posted this in the Netflix thread: To be fair, Ambiturner shit all over me (somewhat rightfully) because I was a good 10 years too high on her age, but if you can somehow find it in your heart to overlook my faux pas, believe my warning to avoid this movie.
  6. Void

    Whats rustling your jimmies?

    No idea who that was, but it is too bad he didn't get killed. Unless there is some sort of exception to traffic laws there that allows him to just completely ignore all of them during a tornado? Fucker blew through multiple red lights at the very least, aside from all the other reckless driving.
  7. Void


    You can enable the 3 old buttons at the bottom somewhere in settings, because that's the first thing I googled after getting the phone and not having a fucking clue how to go back, minimize, etc. Fuck these kids and their fucking gestures!
  8. Void

    Civil War (2024)

    Thanks for letting us know you are going to watch it, that is so much more helpful than his post. I don't read every thread here so I could be wrong, but I would wager that none of your likely dozens of posts today are considered worth reading by the vast majority of the members here. Probably...
  9. Void

    The Fast Food Thread

    I know I'm giving you the attention you crave, but I just have to ask: you sniff your own farts, don't you?
  10. Void

    Whats rustling your jimmies?

    There isn't actually an item limit, but there is nowhere near enough room for a full cart, and if you want to bag as you go you have to walk down to the end and grab bags, as they aren't conveniently fucking located right at each checkout, because why would they make that easy? It is likely...
  11. Void

    Whats rustling your jimmies?

    Yeah, I used to care, but not anymore. The supermarket I go to most has perhaps the slowest checkers I've ever seen. TWO of them are transgender as well. All fat. The one MTF has these massive fucking fake nails so he can barely grab the items, and all of them grab just one item, swipe it...
  12. Void

    The Paranormal, UFO's, and Mysteries of the Unknown

    Well yeah, we all call it "the algorithm" but it is obviously composed of thousands of data points, heuristic analysis, etc. and not just which video you watched, but that was an easy example. As you said, they likely know what you are going to look for before you do, which is why they can even...
  13. Void

    The Paranormal, UFO's, and Mysteries of the Unknown

    Confirmation bias. You didn't see the ads that were already there until you started thinking about it. You think I'm being dismissive, but I'm really not. I used to work with two women that said the exact same thing. Try thinking about something obscure and see if those ads pop up. They...
  14. Void

    FOH Shower Thoughts

  15. Void

    The Paranormal, UFO's, and Mysteries of the Unknown

    If Owen Benjamin started tweeting that real men should punch themselves in the balls several times a day, would you do it?
  16. Void


    Thanks, at least now I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything. Some of that sounds like it could have been appealing, if it were well written, but I have my doubts. I realize that there HAS to be something there, otherwise he wouldn't have kept writing all of those chapters, so I applaud...
  17. Void


    Finally finished the first book. It was just as horrible all the way through. After your comment and others, I decided to go to Wuxiaworld and read some snippets of later chapters (you can only read a few paragraphs without logging in) to see if things improved. It might have, marginally, but...
  18. Void

    Cord-Cutting, Or How to Stream your Way to Success

    Thanks. The Tailscale thing isn't really going to work for me as I have multiple people outside of my immediate family that use it, and I'm not going to go install it on their computer, or troubleshoot it when shit doesn't work, etc. Plex is easy because they all know how to install apps on...
  19. Void

    Roguelite Enemy Hell/Bullet Heaven/Survivor catch-all

    Picked this one up a week or so ago and finally tried it last night. Not bad. Nothing horribly innovative, but not bad, and the graphics are at least different. No auto-aim that I saw, and also no tutorial or anything, but we all know how to play these by now. Not entirely sure how to tell...
  20. Void

    Who died? (Celebrity Deaths)

    My grandpa was a medic in WW2. That's literally all I know, because like others he never talked about it. I can't imagine that was very much fun. I often wonder if that contributed to him being a raging alcoholic through much of his life, but I suppose plenty of people become alcoholics for...
  21. Void

    What happened to..........(FoH Poster)?

    I could be spelling his name wrong, but wasn't there someone that was fairly universally despised for his opinions by the name of Xequecal or similar? Doesn't seem to exist anymore, or I'm way fucking off on the name.
  22. Void

    What are you playing?

    I literally just came here to mention that. I played the demo months ago and really liked it. Bought it when it went to EA a week or two ago. Great fucking game. My only problem is that they are actively patching and improving, which is awesome, but I don't know if I should just wait for 1.0...
  23. Void


    So, 70% of the way through the first Overgeared book. Really struggling to even want to read it, unlike most litrpgs where it is at least somewhat interesting. Are all Asians like in this book? I get that there are cultural differences that make things seem different to us, but holy fuck, how...
  24. Void

    Furiosa (2024)

    I've soured on The Rock a lot lately as well, but Faster is a great fucking movie. I've said it countless times, it is perfect because his range of emotions is Pissed Off <---> Super Pissed Off. He only fluctuates between those two points, and it is glorious. No jokes, no deep thoughts, just...
  25. Void

    Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire (2024)

    It was bad, and the only good parts were Goddamnzilla stomping other monsters, but they were over too quick. People were bad (surprisingly the only one I didn't totally hate was the mute girl, likely because she never spoke), story was bad, ending was bad. Like, why does that doodad control...
  26. Void

    The Fast Food Thread

    Denison's Hot is my favorite. Everything else just tastes kinda weird. Edible, but weird. All Denison's chili was missing from the stores around here for about a year, a year or two ago, and it sucked having to try other brands. I even had the Raley's generic store brand. Nowhere close...
  27. Void

    Nightbitch (2024)

    Since I can't give the proper reaction to this post, you get a gif instead.
  28. Void

    The Paranormal, UFO's, and Mysteries of the Unknown

    FYI, I've been read in on everything.
  29. Void

    The Astronomy Thread

    There's a mini-MFF???
  30. Void


    Xarpolis prepared me, so I'll definitely keep going through a second book, but the first few chapters of Overgeared are godawful. I know it is translated, and it suffers from stuff not sounding the same in English compared to its native language, but I've read others like that, Reality Benders...
  31. Void


    Don't worry, I'll give it a chance. It is highly recommended, not just here. Although I guess that doesn't mean as much as it used to, since literally every fucking one of these shitty ones I've hated on is like a 4.something rating on Goodreads. But still, I will at least finish 2 or 3...
  32. Void


    Unfortunately I had already started another series before I saw the news about Overgeared. Completely meh. Not bad at all, but nothing new or exciting either. It is like Defiance of the Fall-lite and Primal Hunter-lite with...
  33. Void

    Furiosa (2024)

    You guys are missing a great one. Mary Death is about as hot as it gets too.
  34. Void

    Comic Books

    I feel like if this happened you'd just get more characters that were reskinned versions of the old ones. And even if they weren't, people would still compare them to the originals, likely in a negative light. For example, how do you make a team of young adults that aren't at least somewhat...
  35. Void

    Comic Books

    Batman should sit on their satellite thingy and coordinate the team, deploying his satellites and drones and shit because he's smart and rich. And Oliver Queen should sit there with him while the real superheroes handle shit. For big bad guys anyway. And hell, Gotham would be cleaned up...
  36. Void

    The Paranormal, UFO's, and Mysteries of the Unknown

    Oh, is that what it was about? I just assumed it was more of your typical UFO stuff and didn't even read it. Post it in the science thread next time and I might pay attention!
  37. Void

    Comic Books

    Man, if only Lyrical/Shonuff were still here. He was the ultimate "if Batman has time to prepare" simp. I fought with him so many times over that bullshit. The crazy thing is, I liked Batman before that bullshit! I still like him in general, it's just whenever they pull that prep bullshit...
  38. Void

    RL Picture Thread

    Does your wife realize how lucky she got? I'm not even gay and I can recognize that fact.
  39. Void

    Cloning Problem

    Best cloning movie ever.