Auto Chess


<Bronze Donator>
Common pool

1 cost has 45 units, 2 cost is 30, 3 cost 25, 4 cost 15, 5 cost 10? something like that. 1 cost and 2 cost numbers are accurate, less sure after that.

Selling puts them back in the pool.


Potato del Grande
Seems like stacking goblins at the start is a winning strategy since you get the mech AND goblin bonuses. Then I pick up two more assassins for that bonus, usually the demon one and a random other.

I feel like late game you need to transition away from your 2* goblins into higher rarity units but I don't know what into. I tried warlocks but the lifesteal didn't seem as good as I'd hoped. Maybe Glacier?

If I get 3* goblins I tend to win though.


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
I figured out just last night I could click people’s names and watch their battles lol. I like using that at the beginning to know which units to avoid or try stealing based on what people are buying. Seems to be helpful. I usually get too 3. There’s still a big bit of luck involved so I fail pretty hard some games.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Common pool

1 cost has 45 units, 2 cost is 30, 3 cost 25, 4 cost 15, 5 cost 10? something like that. 1 cost and 2 cost numbers are accurate, less sure after that.

Selling puts them back in the pool.

This is good info. That's crazy if there's only 10 copies of Legendary, so you'd need to get really lucky to have a 3-star lego.
I once had a game with 3 legendaries at 2-star each and lost to a dude who stabilized at 5 health, we were on round like 41 or something.

Any idea if units go back into the pool from defeated players?

Also fyi: there's a 100 gold cap. I learned the hard way by sitting on 100g then next income it never went higher. Wasted 15 gold right there that I could put toward a level or something.

I'm currently sitting at Bishop 2 on the mobile version. Games have gotten a lot tougher now. You really need a perfect start.

I tend to avoid Mech and Tier 1 tank units. I start aggressive units first and try to build around them. Mech is still good but you need a fast start or else it's worthless. They are very squishy to other comps. If I can get an immediate 2-star mech then I'll go mech


<Bronze Donator>
This is good info. That's crazy if there's only 10 copies of Legendary, so you'd need to get really lucky to have a 3-star lego.
I once had a game with 3 legendaries at 2-star each and lost to a dude who stabilized at 5 health, we were on round like 41 or something.

Any idea if units go back into the pool from defeated players?

Also fyi: there's a 100 gold cap. I learned the hard way by sitting on 100g then next income it never went higher. Wasted 15 gold right there that I could put toward a level or something.

I'm currently sitting at Bishop 2 on the mobile version. Games have gotten a lot tougher now. You really need a perfect start.

I tend to avoid Mech and Tier 1 tank units. I start aggressive units first and try to build around them. Mech is still good but you need a fast start or else it's worthless. They are very squishy to other comps. If I can get an immediate 2-star mech then I'll go mech
Yes they go back in the pool when a player gets defeated.

You stop getting interest after 50g, so it's not worth saving more than that. For those who don't know, for every multiple of 10g you have you get 1g income in the next income phase. So 10g = 1 interest, 20g = 2, up to 50g = 5. So it's important to hit those 10g marks. It doesn't round at all, so 10 and 19 are effectively the same.

Uber Uberest

<Bronze Donator>
Played this last night, first time playing anything like this. How do I know what the stats mean on each fighter, and how do I get past 2 stars?


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
unless druid, everything else is:
3 units = combine to make 2 star
3 2-star units = combine to make 3 star

so in total 9 units for a 3 star. You need to figure out shelf space going for 3 star, since you'll have some 2-stars clogging it up.

Druid ability requires 2 units instead of 3, but you need 4 druid for 2X 2star to make a 3star.
Also druids fall off late game since their ability adds nothing else, but having early 3-stars can be enough, and you can always sell off some druids later to add stronger late game units.

I just hit a rut and have had the worst streak of games falling from bishop 2 to bishop 1. I can't even fathom what I'm doing different right now. It just seems like my units always lose lol.


Potato del Grande
I managed to get full goblin and mech in a game where nobody else chose them. The regeneration is crazy, I got the lifesteal from warlocks too.

It just dominated!

OU Ariakas

Diet Dr. Pepper Enjoyer
<Silver Donator>
How hard is this to learn if I've been watching Auto Chess streams for like 6 months?


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
How hard is this to learn if I've been watching Auto Chess streams for like 6 months?

It’s pretty simple. I won my third game without ever reading anything about it, figuring out the mechanics myself. I’ve since learned about character pools and synergies, etc. so do better overall now. There’s still an element of luck that bothers me a bit cause you can get fucked and get no items or bad class rolls. However my last game I barely got any items and thought I was fucked from the get go, ended up placing first with a team of all six knights, and I’d never even really tried a knight group before, so that was fun. Definitely addicting the first few days I played it.
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Rook 3 now, ranked 2767 my ID is mj166 if ya wanna add.

Nice, I'm halfway through Rook 1.
IGN: Ravish
I find the game fun but lacking in ways. Would much prefer TFT but since it's not on mobile I play this when I only have mobile access.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Rank reset basically killed my desire to play this anymore. Was rook 3, starting new season at bishop 4. Now I just do a couple TFT matches at night. The meta is too easily figured out in this. TFT has a meta but imo it's still more diverse due to carousel and items.


Log Wizard
TFT meta changes pretty fast. They said they are doing 2 week patches I think, plus new characters etc.
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