Have any of you tried Call of Duty: Heroes? (Android... might be iOS too)


Life's a Dream
I hid information about a different game behind a spoiler wall. It's the other game that I play that told me about this game to begin with.
I've been playing this free to play game, Shadow Kings, for a while. It's a base building/defending type of game, and I enjoy it. The only problem is it takes a LONG time to build things. The reason it takes so long is there's a method to make construction instantaneous, but it costs. There are also structures you can only purchase with RL currency (diamonds). Diamonds can be purchased for $1 all the way up to $55. However, they routeinely offer 50%, 75% or 100% bonuses for purchasing diamonds. As it stands, if you don't get 100% extra diamonds if you buy them, you're getting ripped off. Anyway, some of the people in my guild on this game have suggested Call of Duty: Heroes. It's another free to play game, and I really enjoy it. Much more fast paced than Shadow Kings. It makes sense to play both games while waiting for constructions to complete.
Call of Duty: Heroes is a slight base building game, but it focuses more on attacking other peoples bases. There's also a single player campaign, if you're interested in doing that. When you start the game, you're given a plot of land that is your base. As of this point in the game, I'm unaware if you're able to expand your base, but as of right now (I'm level 14), you don't really need to. There's a lot more room to build upon, and I'm barely taking any space right now.

This game is fun, but it's more like Warcraft 3 than it is Call of Duty. As you level up the buildings in your base, you're able to improve the quality of your soldiers, in addition to building new types of soldiers. I read an item tool that lead me to believe you could buy vehicles, but I'm not that high yet. Anyway, combat is as follows:

You have a collection of attacking troops:
Assault - These are your generic infantry men. They attack whatever they're close to. Unfortunately, they're dumb, and will continue to attack a close building, even if they are getting killed by turret fire.
Juggernaut - These are your armored soldiers. They specialize in taking out enemy weapons. However, if there aren't any weapons around, they'll focus on any other type of building.
Sniper - These focus on resources. IE - In game currency You have 3 different resource types. Gold, Oil and Diamonds. I'm not high enough to mine for diamonds, but I use gold and oil all the time. Different buildings require different resource types. If there are no resources to attack, they'll go after everything else.
Special Ops - These focus on walls. A base that's constructed well has a lot of walls that block you from attacking the turrets. Kill the walls and then you can kill the turret. They also block you from buildings.
RPG Trooper - These guys attack whatever they want to attack. They're like the big brother's of Assault troops. They carry a rocket launcher to attack with. I don't know how good they are, because I'm unable to train them until I level up a little more.
Heroes - Heroes have special abilities in addition to their base weapon. Heroes are only obtainable by completing PVE countries, but are only able to level up with PVP. There are quite a few heroes, so be sure to complete the single player campaign to access them all.

Anyway, this game is a mixture of PVP (against other players bases) or PVE (against computer bases). It's a lot of fun. I strongly suggest giving it a try. I'm naturally a base builder, so I'm thinking up clever ways to make my base less susceptible to other players attacks. I haven't been attacked yet, but it's completely random. I'll let you know how I make out once someone actually goes after me.

EDIT: Oh, I found a trailer online. Looks like this game was made by Activision, and it shows. Probably the best looking game I've come across for my phone, and despite looking beautiful, it's very well optimized.
Call of Duty Heroes

Looks like there's also a Wiki page set up for this game.
Call of Duty: Heroes - The Call of Duty Wiki - Black Ops II, Ghosts, and more!


Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
Are...are they serious with this game? It's pretty much 100% of a reskin of Clash of Clans, which I'm sure rips off another game. I don't pay attention to mobile games much these days, so I'm probably wrong. But to me it just looks like a complete re-skin of any other base building game. They even have the 3 star system lol...


Life's a Dream
I've heard that it pretty much is the same. I never played Clash of Clans, so can't comment on that, but at least I'm enjoying it.


Only real difference between Heroes and Clash of Clans is the "Hero Units" which are main storyline NPCs in the Call of Duty franchise have specialized "kill streaks" you can activate upon destroying enough buildings in PVP. Each hero has their own set of kill streaks. For example, Soap as a care package and Captain Price has a chopper gunner. There's also no medic units at all except for Soap's care package kill streak which heals in an AoE radius depending on where it's dropped. This alone makes him one of the best Heroes in the game.

When you first try this game and get to do some of the first person kill streaks like chopper gunner, it feels really cool at the start because there's nothing like it in the other base building PVP phone games. Then it gets stale pretty quick when you have to grind all your Heroes out in PVP getting 9xp out of the hundreds needed to level them so your kill streaks will actually do some kind of damage to be worth using. The kill streaks can be very useful on the later PVE maps that throw all kinds of high-level defenses in your way since you can activate a chopper gunner or guided missile on the HQ/Resource holders for easy stars and resources.

It's fun for at least a few weeks and no money is required if you play smart.